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Ethicpreneurship as Happiness

(Talk by Dasho Jigme Yoser Thinley)

The talk mainly highlights on the relationship between ethicpreneurship and happiness.
Ethicpreneurship basically is entrepreneurship combined with ethical values. These values are
not taken into account in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) which considers accumulating profit as
a primary goal. Therefore, a new ethical vision which incorporated sustainable goals for guiding
human society was necessary. This came in the form of Gross National Happiness (GNH), which
placed the wellbeing and happiness as a primary goal.

As ethicpreneurs, one must not be opportunistic in terms of profit but also lend a helping hand
for the betterment of the world, including self and others. Their primary objective must be
prosperity of the community. For the globalized community to prosper, one needs an ethical
vision to guide and evaluate the correct values and ways in which it can be achieved. However,
in the pursuance of limitless wealth, one has actually forgotten to pursue the most important
thing in one’s life, which is happiness. Financial crises in history have made the people realize
the fundamental shortcomings of GDP. Due to its illusionary nature, a need to pursue a different
goal has arised, in the form of GNH. Another interesting fact is that GNH and GDP are not
separate. Although pursuit of GNH does not require the abandonment of GDP, it is simply one of
its nine multidimensional indicators.

The talk is important because as 21st century adults, one must be completely aware of the
importance of GNH over GDP. As future entrepreneurs, it is their responsibility to be
ethicpreneurs who place wellbeing and happiness first and then place profit as a secondary goal,
although essential. One must understand that GDP is one of the domains of GNH and not
foolishly waste much of science and technology to fling itself towards self destruction.

Group III members:
1. Prabin Ghalley
2. Rinchen Zangmo
3. Sonam Lhendup Dorji
4. Tashi Gyeltshen
5. Till Bahdur Ghalley

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