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Literay Homework-Myths and Legends 1st February 2007

Theseus and the Minotaur.

Your homework this week is to story of

Theseus and the Minotaur in your own words.
These are the most important parts of the
story to help you with your writing.

o King Minos had a Labyrinth ( a lot of tunnels so

complicated that nobody could find their way out)
o The Minotaur was the son of the King and Queen,
the Minotaur lived within the labyrinth.
o Every year seven men and women were sent from
Athens and fed to the Minotaur.
o The King of Athens had a son, Theseus. He was
brave and wanted to kill the Minotaur once and for
o Ariadne was the daughter of Minos and she
wanted to help Theseus escape from the
labyrinth. She gave him a ball of silken thread.
(HINT: Why did she give him thread?)
o Theseus killed the Minotaur and helped the
Athenians escape from the labyrinth.

Remember these are only the important parts of the

story; your task is to retell it by making it interesting
to read. Think about using powerful adjectives and
sentences to bring it alive and make it a really good
tale. You may draw a picture of the Minotaur if you
wish. Good Luck!

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