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A. Do you think systematic software development using the
software engineering principle is any different than art or
Ans. Yes, software development is very different from art or
craft because software development is the process of designing,
planning and creating a software program using highly technical
language you have to follow each step to develop a software.

B. Explain why the effort, time, and cost required to develop a

program using the build and fix style increase exponentially
with the size of the program? How do software engineering
principles help tackle this rapid rise in development time and
Ans. In build and fix style first you have to build a software
according with the given code and in fix phase you have to
make code error free. It didn’t required much effort and time to
develop this software but this style of making software is costly
because it require rework until user requirement is fulfill.

C. What do you understand by the principles of abstract on and

decomposition? Why are these two principles considered
important in software engineering? Explain the problems that
these two principles target to solve? Support your answer
using suitable examples.
Ans. Abstraction is one of the main principle in object oriented
programming. In software analysis and design is all about
abstraction for example in UML diagram you have to analysis
each aspect and requirement of customer using cases abstract

In decomposition you have to decompose complex application

into small steps
And use different functionality to make the software for
example high level structure of project convert into 3 steps UI,
Logic and design

Q3, Read the following two discussions and compile a

reasonable list of things that you should learn along with
programming to be ready for industrial needs

Ans, Discussion

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