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“Talent deserves a chance” is what I was taught in my High School and still echoes around my ears

several times a day. I opened my eyes in the darkest Scenario one can imagine. Since my childhood, I
had the quest for knowledge but low financial status tried its best be a Hurdle. It was not far when I was
one of the selected 04 candidates from Baluchistan for five years 100% Scholarship Program of O and A
levels. I am a fast learner, highly motivated and open to experience new cultures and traditions.

Since my early days, I wished to be a Good human Doctor. At our college I am a part of a local Student
organization, raise funds for patients with cancer or with any other chronic disease, donate blood
frequently and try to heal and cure the society’s pain and sufferings. Once my anatomy teacher said,
“Anyone can be a good Doctor but it is Difficult to be a good human doctor” that is what I am trying to
be from the first day I stepped in the premises of Bolan Medical College.

I want to pursue in the field of Internal Medicine from a highly recognized Universities in US. That will
help me in treating the patients with the new effective means not yet Introduced in my country.
There are a number of reasons I want to study in US the most favorite one is that every aspect of
medicine (course, equipment, practice ) is up to date which is in contrast with my country especially
Baluchistan. US homes many cultures and traditions, interacting with them will help me in presenting a
positive outlook of my culture and in the same manner, I will clench the positive aspects of their culture.
This opportunity will help me in the field of medicine, academically and socially.

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