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1. Put down three blocks facing down
• Make sure those blocks have 3 of
the colors. (For example: red,
blue, yellow for the base)
2. Put down three more blocks facing
3. Keep doing this for all the blocks.


Once the tower built:

1. Players may use the dice/die to choose
a block to take out OR to randomly
take a block out by tapping by pulling
the block out.
2. Player 1 will pull out a block and
answer the question.
• Player 2 must remember the answer
because he/she will have to retell
the important details about in his/
her turn.
3. Player 2 will now pull out a block and
tell Player 1 the important details of
her answer AND THEN answer the
question on her own block. Place the
block on the top of the tower, either
facing left or facing down.
• Their playmate will confirm if their
answers are correct.
• If any player cannot remember or
did not retell the important details
of the answers correctly, they will
lose a turn.
4. Repeat the steps until someone makes
the Conversation Blocks tower fall.

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