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Уроки из камеры смертников

David Dow is a lawyer for convicted felons. He, in the proposed video, reflects on the death
penalty as a problem that can be solved at the initial stage. David Dow said that to solve the
problem, you need to look deeper. The lawyer cites statistics that 80 percent of criminals grew
up in dysfunctional families. Children who have watched violence, drunken adults, and perhaps
even murder since childhood grow up to become criminals themselves. Every suicide bomber
has several stages in life that lead to inevitable consequences. And if you intervene in this at an
early stage, you can avoid it. The state should take care of children from disadvantaged families
and monitor their education. To do this, it is necessary to develop a system of birth control in
such families. It is also important to introduce an education system for people in prison. If a
person is surrounded by the right society, which will guide him on the right path, he will not
commit a crime again.
2. Миф о насилии
Steven Pinker raises the issue of violence and exposes the myths associated with it. The modern
world has brought us a lot of violence, wars and murders. In primitive times, all people lived in
peace and harmony, they had no unemployment, they were not familiar with drugs, there was no
crime, and wars were ritual. These stories are often told to children, shown on TV, or written in
books. Steven Pinker gives statistics and proof that this is all fiction. In reality, our ancestors
were much more inclined to violence. There were many more murders and they were committed
with special cruelty. And violence and torture were the usual form of punishment, for those
crimes for which today will issue a fine. The methods of punishment that were used in ancient
times were very cruel. The punishment was disproportionate to the crime. The number of deaths
during the wars of the last century, thousands of times less than the losses that were during the
wars in ancient times. Many historical scholars are trying to understand why violence has
decreased. In his story, Steven picker gives 4 explanations that may correspond to the truth in
one way or another. He also asks questions : "why does the war start? Why is peace coming?
What did we do wrong? And what's the right thing to do?» Perhaps by answering these
questions, humanity can achieve an even greater reduction in violence
The title of the presentation by Brian Stevenson begins with the big words "we need to talk and
injustice." The lawyer touched upon the issues of individuality, justice and justice.
Is the justice system really fair? After all, the question is not whether a person deserves the death
penalty, but whether we deserve the right to kill them. Such a punishment as the death penalty is
endowed with a large number of errors and errors. Every ninth criminal sentenced to death turns
out to be innocent. But we don't consider it our concern, because it doesn't concern us, so it's not
our problem. People don't talk about issues related to inequality, poverty, or violence. Most
people in society are indifferent to each other. Our identity is threatened when we don't care
about other people's problems. People need to be more enlightened about the complexities of life
in this world. Humanity depends on the humanness of everyone. You can not stay on the
sidelines, today you think that you will never touch the problem of strangers, and tomorrow this
problem appeared to you. As a result, we will not be judged on our achievements, intelligence,
taste and skills. The nature of society is determined by the way a person treats the poor, convicts,
and prisoners. It is only through togetherness that we begin to understand the deepest things
about ourselves. Brian Stevenson in his monologue calls on everyone to contribute to society and
not remain indifferent to their problems.

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