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Ю-1-18 KorobovaT

Criminal Code
Modern society is impossible without the existence of laws. Laws restrict a
person's criminality and put him in a certain moral and value framework. One of
these laws is the criminal code. The criminal code is developed to protect citizens
from attacks against their life, health, property, and so on, and also provides for
punishment for its violation.
The norms of the criminal code match meet the criteria of morality. Therefore,
the state, when developing legal norms, takes into account the opinion of
morality and society. With the help of law, the norms of morality are also
protected (so the law enshrines the features of humanism, the principle of
equality of people, good treatment of animals and the environment). One of the
main duties of every person and society as a whole is to comply with the law.
Violations of the criminal code are punishable. But even in punishment, humanity
must be shown. For example, a couple of centuries ago, for a small theft, a person
could be executed or cut off part of the body. Now, many countries have
abolished the death penalty. Criminal law provides for fair punishment equal to
the crime. At the beginning of last year, a new criminal code began to operate in
the Kyrgyz Republic, its essence is aimed at easing punishment, many crimes were
reclassified as violations or misdemeanors. There are different life situations in
which one or another person can commit a crime, we are all human beings, we all
make mistakes, and we all have the right to a second chance and correct our
mistakes. Criminal law is a very strong "weapon" in the hands of justice, because
if you do not correctly qualify a crime, or convict an innocent person, you can
break his entire life.

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