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Evidencia 1 Deadline: January 24th, 10:00 h.

Activity 1.1 Upload a picture of an official identification in which your face is

completely shown (it can be the UANL identification).

Activity 1.2 Write in one page a summary of your professional and academic
experience related to Material Engineering. Upload the Word file to your personal
dropbox folder.

Activity 1.3 From the following skills*, identify those you already have developed
until now; and describe possible strategies to develop the rest:

a) Ability to apply your knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering.

b) Ability to design and perform experiments, as well as interpreting data.
c) Ability to design a system, component or process to satisfy needs within
realistic limitations, such as economic, environmental, social, political,
ethics, health and security, manufactory and sustainability.
d) Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
e) Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.
g) Ability of effective communication.
h) Understanding the impact of the engineering solutions in a global,
economical, environmental and social context.
i) Recognizing a need and a possibility of learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) Ability to use techniques, skills and modern tools of engineering, needed
for engineering practices.
l) Ability to use in a appropriate way the synthesis, characterization and
processing techniques of materials.
m) Ability to diagnose the potential of the materials applications.
n) Ability to develop and innovation of technologies for their adaptation to
new materials development.

* These skills are part of the graduate profile of an IMT according to ABET.

Activity 1.4 Search on different references the following definitions. At the end
of the document write with your own words what you understood of each concept.
Upload the Word file to your personal dropbox folder.

1. Research
2. Abstract
3. Thesis statement
4. Method
5. Reality
6. Truth
7. Hypothesis
8. Research methodology
9. State of the art
10. Quantitative and qualitative analysis
11. References/Bibliography
12. Science
13. Knowledge
14. APA style
15. Plagiarism
16. Critical Thinking

Activity 1.5 Search online the resources that the UANL has for scientific
research, including, but not limited to the following data: (upload the word file to
your personal dropbox folder)

• Number of researchers
• Number of students writing a thesis
• Programs related to materials and their main topics.
• Number of student in research programs at UANL.
• Master’s and Doctoral programs focused on Materials Research in
• Bibliographic and multimedia resources.

Compare your searching with other National and International Universities to discuss
in class.

Activity 1.6 Go to Raul Rangel Frias Library of UANL and request you remote
access key to access the UANL data base. Upload the evidence to your personal
dropbox folder.

Activity 1.7 Request your remote access key to access CONRICyT data base in
the following link:
Upload the evidence to your personal dropbox folder.

Nota: Es responsabilidad del Estudiante asegurarse que los archivos entregados como
actividades estén en el Dropbox en tiempo y forma. En caso de no identificar las actividades y/o
que estos no se encuentren para la hora señalada, se tomará como una oportunidad perdida.
Todas las actividades deben estar la carpeta individual de Dropbox del estudiante debidamente
identificadas dentro de la carpeta con el número de evidencia a la que pertenecen en caso
contrario afectará su evaluación. (Revisar archivo llamado “2. Uso de carpetas de Dropbox para
la clase”)

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