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Selle: Sotelo BeSoSeSe Goes Got Sale 4 THE 4SOULDIERS} oe Pocket Bible : : ¢, Containing the moft(ifnot all thofe £ g places comtamed in holy Scripture, < which doe fhew the qualifications of his & inner man, that is a fit Souldier ro fight & the Lords Batrels, both before he fight, 2a in the fight, and after the fight 5 5 © Which Scrintures are reduced to f{e- $ f verall heads, and ficly applyed co the 9 Souldiers feverall occafions, and fo may {upply che want of the whole Bible, which a Souldier cannot conveniently carry about him: § And may bee alfo ufefull for any @ Chriftian to meditate upon, now in this miferable time of Ware. a Sie Imptimatur, 2d. Calamy: DE Fof.18. This Book of the Law thal not depart out f& of thy mouth,but thou fhalt meditate therein day and night, that thou maift obferve to dae accor~ is toall thatis written thereiu, for then thou e — thy way profpemus, and have good ce “2 Printed at Londosby G.B.and Rw. for $ hay 3” G.C. 1643, CHEESE SSTS: erat cecereye The Souldiers pocket Bible. A Sonldicr muft ror dee wiekedly, YASS Hen theu geeft out with che > Ww fhoft againtt thine enemies, 5 keepe thee then from all RX wickednefle, Luke 3.14 The fouldiers likewife de- manded of him, faying, and whar fhall we doe? And he faid unto them, doe violence ono man, neither accufe any fafly,and be content with your wages, Levita6, , 0d if you will nar forhis obey me, you * fhall not be able co ftand before your ene- mi 27 37- ce, Deut.28, . AndtheLord thall caufe thee to fall be- 25. fore thine enemies, chow (halt come ont one way againft them, and Aly feven wayes bee fore them, 4 Souter muft be valiant for Gods Gane. Be valiant and figat the Lordg bat- x Sam. 18. tells, ed Be Grong, and ler us be valiant for 12° our people, and for che Canes of our - (3) andlerthe Lord.doe thar whichis goed in his cyes, For the barrell is che Lords, and hee will : sam. ry. give vou into our hands, 47. A Souldier nsuft denie bis orm ioe war. his own page al p ovific Leane aot co thine con ei ome, Prov.3.s. In his own might thall no man be ftrong, = Sam.2-9- I doe nottruft in my Bow, neither ean Phal.¢4.6, wy Sword fave me, A King is not faved by thre mulimde ofan PGL33.16 Hoffe, neicheris the mighty man delivered by saach ftrength. Ahorfe is a vaine belpe, and fhall not .17- deliver inthe day af battle, Man hath not Bede 8.2. power over death, nut detiverarce in barel, There is no power in us to fkand apainft 2 Chro. this great mularade, neither doewe know 2°-13- what to doe, but our eyes are towards thee. A Soslaier muft prt bis confidence in Gods Ww and — / Beftrong inthe Lord, and in the power Bghe.6.10 of his might, For wich him is wifedome and (trength, he Iob 2.13 harm Counfell and underftaading. The God of Urael is hee that giveth Pil 6B. Sere eal 2 ‘od is ant hope and f{trengeh, ani introuble ready to be fondo Piha. God hath power co helpe, and to cal one A2 (4) PhLézs¢ | Twill goo forwardin the frength of the ailidalas Then David fad unto the Philiftine, chou aah commeft to me with a fword, and with a fpeare, and with a fhield, but I come unco thee in the name of the Lord of hoafts, the God of Ifrael. A Sonldler vouft pray before be goc to fight. Neb.4.9. Thenwe prayed unta our God, and fer Watch-men by chemday and night becanfe ofthem, Iudg, 6. Then fon called unto the Lord, and a8. Said, O Lord God, I pray thee thinke upon me,O God, I befeech thee Grengthen me as wand David {id, © Lord 1 pray the And David fiid, O L e 3 'Srasae the Countell of Abitephill Genie lifhneffe, awry. If anv of you lacke wifedome let him aske it of God, Pfatig34¢ Give me underftanding,and I fhall keepe thy Laws yel fhall obferveit with my whole pe Give firength unto chy & fa 1ve unto thy fervens and fave PRAEIE he fonne of ied calle, Phzyar, , Plead thou my caufe O Lord with them that ftrive with me, fight thou againf them, that fight againft me, Bring outthe fpeare and flop the way a- gaint them, And (5) Aod the children of Irae] {aid unto the tudg. x06 Lord we have finned do thau uncous what- 25. foever Pleafo thee, only we pray thee deliver as this day, A Sontdier wisft confider and beleeve Gods be tuancboy ak whessthey arafe early in the morning Chro. 20, they went farch co the wildernes of Tekoa : 20- andas they departed J ehofhaphat flaod and, faid, hearye me O Judah, and ye inhabi- tants of Jerafalem, par your euft in she Lord your God,and ye fhall be affured ; be- leeve his prophets and ye fhall profper, For the Lord your God goeth with you, Dest.20.4 to fightfor you agent your encmics and to fave you. The Lord fhall fight for you. Fear che Lord your God and he fhall de. ome % Jiveryou out of the hands of al yourenemics fo. a7 Behold oue God whom we ferve is able Bons. 17 to deliver us from the hot fiery furnice, and he will deliver us outof thine head O King. And Iwill febdue allthine enemies, 3 Cheo.27 Thon thale feekethem and fhaftnocfinde 52. chem, to wir the nten of thy firife’s for they * fhell be as noching, and the men thar warre fi chee Se eee , lo weapon made a: e thal profper. 16. s4.x: 4 Sonkdier ecm. _ When thon :: the co War againtt Duc 20.1, thine enomies, and fhale (ee horfee and — Az lots (6) riots moe then thou, be mot afraid of them for the Lord thy God is with thee. Dut 3.32 _ Yethall not fearthem, forthe Lord your God fhail fight for you fearthem not for I eve given them m:o thine hand, 2Cho32 _ Beftrongand couragious, fearnot, nei- 7, ther be afraid forthe king of Afhur, atuher for all the multitude that is withhim, for there be moe with us then wich lum, with him isanarme of fleth, buc with us is the Lord our God for to helpe us and to fighr oor bartells, Ii7.4. Fearenot neither, be faint hearted, for the wo tailes of the fmoking fire brands, Mat10.28 And fearye not them which kill the body, AA Sontaicr enuft love bis enemics as they are his enemsies, and bate thems as they ave gods enemies, Burl fay onto you love your enemies. Met.“ Woulis ince helpthe vicked,end love 2 thorn that hare rhe Lord, PA 239. Doe noc! hatechem O Lord char hace aruax, chee, and do notI eameftly contend with themebarrile up again thee? I hago them with an unfained hawed, as they were mme Utter enemies, A Susléser muff crie uate Ged inbis beat sCheoa iu the very inflant of the bartell, me Then Fedah looked, and behold the bat. (7) sell was before and behinde them, and they ¢ryed unto the Lord, And Afa. cryed untothe LordhisGod, 2 Chro.14 and faid,Lord it is nothing with theetohelp 1% ‘with many,or with no power, And when the Captines of the Chariots 2 Chgo.18. faw Jebo » they Laid,icis the Kinga 33. I(caci and they compaffed about him to fight but Jehofhaphat eryed, and the Lord helped him moved thom to depars from him, A Saxldecr maf? confider that fomethmes Gads proplebave the werftin buxtell as well as Gods enemies; The {word devoureth one as well as x Ssm 1, another, aSe All chings come aliketo sll: there is one Ecles.g.2 event cothe righteous and tothe wicked, to the good and tothe cleane,end to the un cleane, to him chat factificerh, and to him that factificeth nor : asisthe good, fo isthe finner: and he chat fweareth, as ho shac feareth an oath, Sochere went up thither of the peoples. Jol 7. 4. bout three thoufand men and they fled be. fore the men of At Pinar the hand of Midian prevailed again Indg.6. 2, And che Philiftines fought.and Iftael was x Sam, ¢ 4% Smitten downe, and fled every man into his A4 Tent, (8) Tent, and thera cod Dmopir,for ef o Tiael an ioe fand foormea, Bar when Mofes let his hand go downe, Fee 27 nenaick prevailed. - Lam ni16 My children are defolato becaufe the ene. my prevailed, Souldiers and all of us souff confider thac though Gads people have the Worft yer és EG wenden fpoile and Ifrack 0 gave Jacob to the fpoile an rout _ J he Lord. . chere be evilin a and the Lord ane hath not done it. oy Yolg.42, _ And the Lord fold theminte ths hands of Jabin king of Canaan, ‘Lam 1.14 ‘he Lord hath delivered me iato their hands neither am1 able corife up. Lam27- The Lord hath forfakenhis alrar he hath abhotred his Sanctuary he hath given ic imo the hand of the enemy, For the iniquitics of Gods people are dalsve- vered into the hands of sheir enemies. ag, . Thenfhall all nations fay, wherefore hath 34.24. the Lord done chis unto this land,how Gerce is bis greac wrath. And they thallanfwer becanfe thev have forfaken the Covenantof the Lord Gad of theirfachers. Jef y.. And the Lord faid unto Jofhua gec thee aK, up; wherefore lisf chou thus upon thy — (9) Gael hath fioned,snd they have crenigreffed say Covenant which I pircaxited an, The Lord thy God hath pronounced this ter, 40.3.3 Plagne upon this place now the Lord hath ought tc and done secording as be hath pat becaufe ye have finned agamit the Lord, Mi le have been as lofttheepe, all den Seced tows have devoured mn and 1 504-7 their enemues faid we offend nor, becanfo they have finned againfk the Lord, Wherefore then is tho living man forrow- Lam 3.39 full ; man fufferesh for bis vjone, Therefore both Souldiers and all Gods ple spor: fach oxcufiens maft fearchout their fjrmes, Lecuc featch and try onrwayes and uxas Lam.3.40 egaine unto the Lo Up therefore Sanfitie your felves 2- Jol ges gainft co morrow’, farthus faith the Lord °™ 7° "3" Gad of Uael, there is an execrable ne emongft you therefore you cannot inf your enemies untillye have pucehs execrable thing from among you. Efpecially let Sowldiers and all of us wpon fuck occafions fearch Whether ne bave wot per vive liscle confidence is rhe Arme the Lord, and tao mruch iss the apwe For my people have committed two ©- Jer.s.130 vils,they havc-forfaien as o living Jaz.17-5. Jod.7.2. Jud. 20. 35. 17 2 (10) fiving waters,to dig them pits, even broken pits het will hold no water. Therefore faith the Lord they fhall gos forth from thence with therr bands upon, there heads, becaafe the Lord hath rejected their confidence they fhall not profper thereby, Therefore thus farh the Lord, carfed be the man chat truftech in man, end maketh fieth bis Arme and withdraweth his heart from the Lord, And let Souldsers and a8 of 2s confider, shat to this fin,and for the committing of this fisne the, Lord hash ever beene acuftomed to give the-vittery to afew, And the Lord fad unto Gideon the peoo le chat are with thee arecoo many for me Zo give the Midionites into their bands, left Ifracl make the?r vaunt again{t me, and fay, mine hand hath faved me, Then the Lord fard unto Gideon by thefe three handred men that lapped will I fave you and deliver the Midionites into thine handes, And the children of Benjamia were nam- bred atchat time out of che Cities fix and t thoufand men that drew fword, Alfo the men of Ifrael befides Benjamin were numbred. four hundred thoufand men thac drewfword, And che children of Benjamin came - ol (11) of Gibeah and flew downe to the ground of the Ifraclites that day two and twenty thoufand men, And thefecond dayBen'amincameforth %$ co meet them out of Gibeah and flew down tothe ground of the children of Iftael again eighteeen thoufand men, And the children of Iftael wenrup again the Children of Benjamin the third day, And compaff dche Benjamitsabourend — 43 chafed chemat eafe, and over rari chem,and there were flaine of Benjamines eighteene thoufand men, And the Ifraclites gleaned of them bythe 44 way five thoufand men, and perfued afrer them unto Gidon and flew rwo thoufand men of chem. So thacall chat were Maine thet day of 45 Benjamin, were five and twenty thoufang men, that drow fword, And Abijah fet the battell in aray with the 5 Chron. Army of valiant men of War even four 13-3- hundred thovfand chofen men, Joroboam alfo fecthe batrell in aray againit him with eight handred thoufand chofen men, which we e ftrong and valiane, And Abijah ftood upon the mountZeme- sg raim, and id O Jereboam and all Ifael beare ye me, Ye thinke that ye be able to refifk agamft the Kingdome of the Lord se s to IW $e 37. 2 Ch, 14.8, (13) tunds of the Sonnes of David ; and yo feo a great multirude, and the golden calves are with you, which Jeroboam hath made you for Gods. Bas we belong to the Lord our God and. havo nos forfaken lum, And behold this God is with us ss a Caps tainr. O ye children of Mfracl fight not a- gaint the Lord God of your fathers, for ye hall not profper. But Jeroboam caufed on Ambufhment socompaffe and, come behinde thom, Then Judah looked and behold che bar- vali was before and behinde them, andchey eried unto the Lord, And the mea of Judah gavea fhout, and as themen of Judah fhoared God fmote jee Tirael before Abijah and adah, Aod Abijah,and his peopleflewa great flanger of them,fa that there fell of them down wounded five nundred choufand cho- fen men, And A(a had an Army of Jadah thes bare fhields and fpeares, three buadred thoufand, and of Benyamm char bare thiglds and drew howes four buodred and fousfcore, thoufand, all chje were valganc ren of war, And there came out them Zerdh. of Efhiopia wah en hofte oficen hundred choufand, and hirse hundred a ‘hen (13) ae _ and they in aray in the valley of Zepha- thah befides Marethab, And Afa esyed unm the LordhisGod, —2- and {aid, Lord it 1 nothing with cee 0 help with. many or withno power, helps usO Lord our God for we rett on thee, amd ia thy name are we come againfi this mulimade Oo a God letnor man pre« vaile aeet ie Sonia, and all of ss the very ricke of time that God Sea te 20 in man. Inthe aan _ the Lord be -_ ag Then Mofes {aid unto the people, fear not fland illend behold the Silvarion of @* 7? the Lord, which he will thew to you this day the Lord fhall a for you chacioon hold ‘you your pea oO pol 6 jadge them, for + Chre,s0 there is no ftrength in us co ftand egainft sy. this great multicude, neither dos wee know boy to doe, bat our eyes are towards Ye fhall nor need to fight inthisbarell, *7 fland fill, movenor, and behod the falva- — the inpen ft engeance recompence are mine, tude for fhelldiida da den the lov che clty ape” of their calamities is ar hand, and all chings (14) roche Lord fal edge seo, end Dar 32 Fouche Lord thal judge his 36 * sepent cowards his fervants; «when he feeth sore simak gone end. none fhutinpin ty hold or left abroad, sade veteth hrc 2G0n.32- For my poweris made perfec .. te b : firen; .46, Forncitherbyan Army,nor aan by my fpiric, feitthe Lord oo Pf 12.3. Nawforthe opreffton of the needy end for the fighes of the poor, I will up faith the Lord I will fer hiro in fafery from him thar poffech at hin, BG3310 "Now wall I arife faith the Lord, now vill T be exalted, now will] liftup my felfe. Wherefore if eur Farces be Weakened, and the eemy ffreneslencd, then ict Sonldsers ard all of ds know that not we beve apron mife of Gods belpe which we had not Wh-n we Were frowees and therefore let ws ad ly. Bsn OfLoed have rere on us, wee have waited for thee, be thou which was thar arnie in the moraing,our Helpe alfo in rme Drut.3 pees O Lad th Pda and 37 Heare, |evoyce a an bring him uno hus people, his hands hall be fafficienc for him if chou help him ageinft mthcee ight hand and beheld Phe. looked upon my rij A ws = tater wetnone tar onl now me all go * Pn (35) failed mee, and none cered for my then cried J unc the Tord, and faid, thou hope, Be no farre from me, becaufe trouble pfs.22.22, isnerre, and there 1snone to helpe, - Remember nor againtk os onr former Piag7,8. iniquites, bar make haft, and let thy tender mercies prevem us, for we are brought very low, Lay hand the fword and buckler, raz, 2, and fund ister helpe, a Helpe us O God of our Salvation, for Pfa799. the glory of thy name, Aud lee Soldiers, and al of 1s know, chat if We obtaine any viftory over our eucmits, it i on dmtieto give all the glory to the Lord, and fay The Lord isa man of warre, his name is pyro 15.35 Pebovah, / Thy tight hand, O Lordis gloriousin ¢, power, thy right hand O Lord bath bruifed the enemies. And inthy great glory, thou haftover- 7. throwne them that rofe up apainft thee, This was the Lords doing, and ic smar= PG, 118. yellous in oor eyes, 23. For the Lord fought for Ifrael, Jofha, 10, Therefore will we looke unro the Lord, 7+ Who delivered us from fo great a death, . Gate, Now therefore our God we ghanke thee, x0, and praiforhy glorious name, itt ns ia (36) Efag.13- And feting thar thou our God haft fiabd ue us from being beneath for our miquiti and haft bee us {uch a deliverance, Thooll wee seturne co breake thy Commande- ments, P&116. I will walke before che Lord in the Land * of che living. Pls a I have vowed, and I will perforre it, 109. 7 chat I will keepe thy righteous judge- sments, This is Licenfed according to order: FINIS.

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