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Civil War Quiz Score  

1. Which battle location of the Civil War lasted for three days and was named "America's
Bloodiest Battle?"
A Antietam

B Bull Run

C Gettysburg

D Shiloh

2. Who was elected President of the Confederate States of America?

A Abraham Lincoln

B Jefferson Davis

C Robert E. Lee

D Stonewall Jackson

3. Which Civil War general is shown in this image?

A George Pickett

B J.E.B Stuart

C Nathan Bedford Forrest

D Robert E. Lee

4.                 was a former slave that became well known as an author, public speaker, and a
leader in the abolitionist movement.
A Frederick Douglass

B Harriet Tubman

C John Brown

D Nat Turner
5. Which Civil War general is shown in this image?
A George Mcclellan

B Nathaniel Banks

C Ulysses S. Grant

D William Sherman

6. What city in Virginia did Robert E. Lee surrender to Ulysess S. Grant?

A Appomattox

B Fredericksburg

C Fort Monroe

D Richmond

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