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Evidence 1

Presented by

Karen Margarita González Banquet

Juan Sebastián Galvis Hernández

Diego Andrés Jaimes Díaz

Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje


Analysis and Development of Information Systems


April 25, 2020


Evidence 1

Presented by:

Karen Margarita González Banquet

Juan Sebastián Galvis Hernández

Diego Andrés Jaimes Díaz

Submitted to

Miguel Angel Perez Villamizar


Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje


Analysis and Development of Information Systems


April 25, 2020



Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4
General purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Specific objectives....................................................................................................................................... 6
Beneficiaries ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Sysoma proyect – Reporting interface ....................................................................................................... 7
Report index ............................................................................................................................................... 7
Add reports ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Show report .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Delete report ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Edit report ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Insert report ............................................................................................................................................. 14
Update report ........................................................................................................................................... 15
Conclution ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Bibliography ............................................................................................................................................. 17


Within the basic components, SOFTWARE or Soft Equipment, is the other half of

the computer, soul or gray matter, since the needs of growth and abilities have emerged to

realize all creativity, ingenuity and performance human.

The Software are all the instructions and data that run to a greater or lesser extent

within of the computer, that is, the information itself, the raison d'être of the Hardware. In

our times as the magic of electronics put all these prodigious machines real mental prostheses,

by making technology cheaper and by both costs, in the completely opposite direction

increases the investment of services and programs necessary to optimize such equipment. In

its origins the Computer programming was done only, by and by the same scientists as the

they built for very specific purposes. Calculating the trajectory of the projectiles used in

World War II, and later very similar uses, until much after it was used in the United States

Census its value was recognized in the administrative field where he was until 2 decades ago,

when thanks to the Personal Computer passed into the public domain where with so many

needs were emerging various applications for each trade. (Mena, 2013)

The software consists of all the necessary programs for the physical equipment

functions and perform the task that we have proposed, the basis of the software is the

programming. So a program is an ordered sequence of instructions elementals that tell the

computer what to do with the data that We present to obtain the intended result.

At the time of defining software we could see it as a tool that helps us to speed up our

work, in the games we use on Facebook, the applications of our smartphone, everything we

use on the computer was created by a development team, small, large , distributed or local,

but the question we will ask ourselves is: What is behind this tool, how was this application

built? It is clear that there is a great job behind each button, behind each information that we

send to save.

In today's market environment, the competitiveness and speed of maneuver of a

company are essential for its success. To achieve this, there is an increasing demand for data

and, therefore, a greater need to manage it. This demand has always been evident in

companies and societies, but in recent years it has exploded due to the massive access to

integrated networks on the Internet and the appearance of mobile devices that also require

this information.

In computing, any informative element that is relevant to a user is known as data.

Since its inception, informatics has been responsible for providing tools that facilitate data

manipulation. Before the advent of computer applications, companies had as their only data

management tools files with drawers, folders and cardboard tokens. In this manual process,

the time required to manipulate this data was enormous. But the computer itself has adapted

its tools so that the elements that the user uses in terms of data handling are similar to the

manuals. So there is still talk of files, forms, folders, directories.

The fundamental clientele of the IT professional is the company. The company can

be understood as an information system made up of various objects: capital, human resources,

real estate, the services it provides, etc.

The current information systems are based on databases (BD) and database systems

(DBMS) that have become essential elements of the daily life of modern society.

General purpose

Strengthen the risk identification process through the use of an information system

where each one is registered, with this it is intended to decrease the rate of job insecurity in

the facilities of the CIES center of the SENA Pescadero.

Specific objectives

• Identify the risks that may arise in the facilities of the CIES Pescadero Center, with

the support of the HSE professional.

• Develop a software that, fed with all the relevant information, helps to streamline the

risk classification processes and identify the areas most prone to their occurrences,

with the aim of optimizing their signaling.

• Train personnel who will use the software to seek greater product efficiency and

optimize results.


All the people who are part of the CIES industry center of SENA in Cúcuta, north of

Santander in the first instance and if the project reaches a greater impact it could cover all the

Regionals of the SENA institution at the country level.


Sysoma proyect – Reporting interface

A report is understood to be within the scope of occupational safety and health; it is

a file in which the characteristics and news of an activity or event that occurs are highlighted.

In which they can be: accidents the labor ones, trainings and measures of prevention of risks.

In this report we focus on the Reports interface, in which we will explain the function that

this one fulfills and how it allows to store the data.

Report index

The index or home page is where the data stored for that data entry option is evidenced;

that is, where the reports performed are stored. For the construction of this interface, tools

such as Adobe Dreamweaver, Phpmyadmin and xaamp.

We use programming languages such as: Php, JavaScript, Css, HTML5, As can be seen

in the following image.

Figure 1. Backend model of the report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)


In the frontend interface it is evident how the user will be able to obtain interaction

with the information system by visualizing the data stored in the module.

Figure 2. Frontend model of the report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Add reports

In this option the user is allowed to add the reports that he wants to make, in this

option he is allowed to add the data that are required to make a report such as: place, date

and time, type of report, observations, etc and store them with the option "Save".

Figure 3. Backend model of the add report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

The Frontend model allows the most understandable morning interaction for the

user when adding a report.

Figure 4. Frontend model of the add report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Show report

This option allows you to view the data stored in a report. No editing is allowed as

there is another option for it. This option to show reports is commonly used for users.

Figure 5. Backend model of the show report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

The frontend model is clearer since it specifies in a more interactive way the

communication between the software and the user.


Figure 6. Frontend model of the show report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Delete report

There is not much to talk about this option, as its name indicates what it does is delete

stored reports. However, only the administrator has permission to use this option.

The frontend of this interface is simple, just click to delete and it will show a window

indicating that the file has been deleted.


Figure 7. Backend model of the delete report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Figure 8. Frontend model of the delete report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Edit report

What this option allows is to change information of a stored data, that is to say, it is

possible to change some option of data that could be stored erroneously.

The frontend can display the data is stored while allowing the editing of this

information. Only the user of administrator module can manage this option.

Figure 9. Backend model of the edit report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Figure 10. Frontend model of the edit report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Insert report

What allows the option of inserting reports is to make a connection between the

information system and the default database for this interface, allowing to store the

information you want to save in that database.


Figure 11. Backend model of the insert report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)

Update report

What allows the option of updating reports is to make a connection between the

information system and the default database for this interface, allowing you to update the

information you want to modify in that database.

Figure 11. Backend model of the insert report interface. 3 Tec Online (2020)


In the development and testing of this system, several conclusions could be

reached about this project. We can say that the technologies used were adequate, since

it was possible to build a tool that would fulfill the initially proposed purposes.

Likewise, this tool can improve the learning of software engineering methodologies

and stimulate the use of tools that this field offers. Another relevant feature of this

tool is that when using the Structured Analysis method, it can be used as the first part

of the analysis of any system or process, and be useful as a reference for the following

phases of the software development cycle. Finally, it can be concluded that the

objective of this information system has been fulfilling by giving the user not only a

useful tool and having the necessary requirements for the development of a Structured

Analysis, but a tool that helps employees specialized in Security and Health at Work

to carry out their projects and also encourages and encourages the use and learning

of other tools, techniques and methods for developing software processes.

(Conclusiones, 2013)


Anonimo. (26 de 07 de 2016). Gestión de Base de Datod. derived from

Conclusiones. (20 de 08 de 2013). Conclusiones. derived from

Martinez, R. (16 de Mayo de 2013). Introduccion al Desarrollo del Software. derived from

Mena, M. P. (17 de Abril de 2013). Informe Software. derived from

Online, 3. T. (25 de 04 de 2020). Sysoma Proyect derived from

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