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parsonage, upholstering the pulpit and altar chairs in 1926, and in 1927, the repair of the outside brick work and the tower roof. Also at this time, the fence around the cemetery was repaired. On October 31, 1926, on Reformation Sunday, the 130th anniversary of the church was observed, with Pastor Ellis B. Burgess, President of the Pittsburgh Synod, and Pastor Harry D. Newcomer, President of the East Conference, as speakers. During May of 1929. drain tile was laid in the cemetery at a cost of $200. In July of 1929, the Cemetery Fund was established. The pastorate of Rev. Langham began on July 1, 1910 and was ended by his death on February 26, 1934, The Rev. Elmer F. Rice, D.D. was called to be pastor on October 1, 1934 and continued to serve the parish until 1958. During this time, electric lights were installed, the basement was excavated, the church walls were reinforced, a sewer system was installed, a cement floor was laid, and a new heating system was installed at a cost of about $5,800. Beginning in 1934, Catechetical classes were held during the Sunday School hour. The Adult Class and Willing Workers Class bought altar cloths in December, 1934, which were dedicated on January 6, 1935. During Dr. Rice’s pastorate, the following were started: the use of envelopes for offering was instituted on April 1, 1937; a water well was drilled; a constitution was -~8-

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