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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher/Grade: ​Paige Castile- First Grade Date: ​Monday, March 9, 2020

2:45-3:15 P.M.- Amplify Science
Topic or Main Idea:
● Amplify Science Unit: Animal & Plant Defenses
○ We will be beginning Chapter 2 during this lesson. Chapter 2 is titled
“Whose Lunch Is This?” Chapter 2 focuses on the following question: “How
can Spruce the Sea Turtle survive where there are sharks?”
■ The main idea of this first lesson in Chapter 2 is focusing on how
animals eat other living things (predators) to survive.
Learning Target(s): ​What will students know and be able to do as a result of this lesson?
● Students will know that animals eat plants and/or other animals.
○ Student Language: “I know that animals eat plants and/or other animals.”
● Students will know that animals use their structures to help them eat plants
and/or other animals.
○ Student Language: “I know that animals use their structures to help them
eat plants and/or other animals.”
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
● NGSS Practices
○ Practice 1: Asking Questions and Defining Problems
○ Practice 3: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations
○ Practice 4: Analyzing and Interpreting Data
○ Practice 8: Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information
● NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas
○ LS1.A: Structure and Function
■ All organisms have external parts. Different animals use their body
parts in different ways to see, hear, grasp objects, protect
themselves, move from place to place, and seek, find and take in
food, water and air. Plants also have different parts (roots, stems,
leaves, flowers, fruits) that help them survive and grow.
○ LS1.D: Information Processing
■ Animals have body parts that capture and convey different kinds of
information needed for growth and survival. Animals respond to
these inputs with behaviors that help them survive. Plants also
respond to some external inputs.
● NGSS Crosscutting Concepts
○ Cause and Effect
○ Structure and Function
This lesson also uses several ELA Common Core State Standards as well.
Lesson Plan Template

Resources/Materials:​ ​Which texts, digital resources, and/or materials will be used in this lesson?
Teacher Materials:
● Amplify Science Teacher’s Guide
● Amplify Science Lesson 2.1 PowerPoint
For the Classroom Wall
● Chapter 2 Question Card: ​How can Spruce the Sea Turtle survive where there are
● 1 vocabulary card: ​predator
For the Class
● Whose Lunch Is This? big book
● Tape
For each student
● paper
● crayons
Activities/Tasks:​ ​What learning experiences will students engage in?
Introducing the Chapter
● Connect to prior learning- we will review what students have learned and any
questions that the students generated at the end of chapter 1.
○ Students will talk with their classmates/carpet buddy about what they
remember from Chapter 1.
○ We will discuss this as a class.
● Project image of Spruce the Sea Turtle, and discuss how we are trying to help
scientists explain to kids at the aquarium how Spruce can survive in the ocean.
● Introduce the aquarium visitors’ concern about sharks
● Introduce the Chapter 2 Question: “How can Spruce the Sea Turtle survive where
there are sharks?”
Reading: “Whose Lunch Is This?”
● Introduce the investigation question: “How do animals eat other living things?”
● Display the front cover of the ​Whose Lunch Is This?​ book- I will invite students to
share what they notice on the cover.
● Introduce the purpose of the book and what it is going to teach us.
● Revisit visualizing- ask students what visualizing is. Discuss how we will visualize
while reading this book by making pictures in our mind.
● Read the book-
○ As I read the book, I will pause on certain pages and have students visualize.
The first time I stop, I will model thinking aloud to visualize. Then I will
pause and ask students to do it. I will ask students to share their
Lesson Plan Template

● Introduce the word ​predator​ with the vocabulary routine. Hold up the vocabulary
card for ​predator​. After discussing this new word, I will post the word on our
science board.
Formative Assessment Criteria for Success:​ ​What does success within this lesson’s outcomes look
● In this lesson, I will be conducting an On-the-Fly Assessment for students
visualizing animals eating their lunch. While reading the story, when I ask them to
pause and visualize I will then ask them to share. I will see if students are able to
accurately visualize the scenario and make proper connections about animals,
their structures and how they could eat certain things. I am checking to make sure
that student’s ideas are grounded in what they see in the book. If students are not
being successful, I will prompt students with questions and tell them to look
carefully again in order for them to try and make the connections on their own.

● At the end of the lesson, I will have students draw a picture of one of their
visualizations so that I can see a visualization from each student. With these
drawings, I will see what students understood and which did not.

Relevance/Rationale:​ ​Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the real world? Why are these
outcomes essential for future learning?
● The outcomes to this lesson are really important in the real world because these
concepts explain how plants and animals (including humans) survive in the real
world. It discusses how plants and animals adapt to their environments in order to
survive. Understanding this concept and phenomena will help students to better
understand the world around us and how we as humans are able to survive as
● In terms of this lesson specifically, making the visualizations and reading the story
will prepare students for the remainder of the chapter because they are going to
keep learning more about how animals and plants defend themselves from other
animals that want to eat them. And by doing this, we can continue to get closer to
answering our unit question which is- “How do animals and plants survive?”
Lesson Plan Template
Lesson Plan Template

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