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Received August 1, 2019, accepted December 11, 2019, date of publication February 9, 2020

Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use

of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review
By S. Bolton, E. Latimer, D. Clark

CHEATA, Clinical Engineering, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust


Background and Objective

Accurate measurement of body temperature is a key part of patient observations and can influence important decisions
regarding tests, diagnosis, and treatment. For routine measurements in hospitals, non-invasive thermometers such as
tympanic infrared ear thermometers are very widely used even though non-invasive thermometers are not as accurate
as core thermometry. However, there are known issues regarding the accuracy of these thermometers due to user errors
including dirty probe covers and not straightening the ear canal. We were therefore keen to understand if there was evi-
dence to support the use of alternative non-tympanic, non-invasive thermometer that could be easily and widely deployed
across Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
Material and Methods
A search of the published literature via the NICE HDAS was undertaken to identify the evidence on the use of temporal
artery (TAT) or non-contact infrared forehead (NCIT) thermometers compared to a core body temperature thermometer
in a clinical setting. The relevant literature was identified, appraised and summarized.
Fifteen papers described the use of TAT but only 5 reported results that were considered within clinically acceptable limits
of which 2 included febrile patients. Nine of the 10 studies where TAT was considered not to be within acceptable limits
included febrile patients. For the NCIT, 3 studies were identified but only 1 reported results within acceptable limits and
this did not include febrile patients.
A review of the literature for both TAT and NCIT has indicated that in their current form neither is suitable as a replacement
for oral or tympanic thermometers in clinical practice. In particular, the evidence suggests that they are not acceptable
methods for detecting temperatures outside the normothermic range and do not detect fever accurately. Known user errors
with both TAT and tympanic infrared ear thermometers (IRET) could be detracting from the usefulness of the technology.
Keywords – Thermometer, infrared, temporal artery, non-contact, forehead, tympanic, oral, core, virus.

J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020 8

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

INTRODUCTION methodologies, outcomes and patient populations. In

Body temperature measurement is a key part of routine particular, the use of peripheral thermometers to detect
patient observations in all healthcare settings including temperatures outside of the normal range (36–38°C)
secondary care and it is one of the 6 components of the is crucial to identify patients who are either hyper- or
national early warning score (NEWS) system developed by hypothermic and to make the necessary treatment deci-
the Royal College of Physicians (https://www.rcplondon. sions. The wide range of often conflicting data has made drawing firm conclusions from these studies difficult but
news-2) to standardize the assessment and response there have been various systematic reviews and meta-
to acute illness. Temperature monitoring can influence analysis2–5 which overall conclude that not all peripheral
important decisions regarding tests, diagnosis, and treat- thermometry options are clinically acceptable. Of all the
ment. It is therefore crucial that thermometers are accu- thermometry options, non-disposable electronic oral
rate, reliable and easy to use since inaccurate results may thermometers are considered by many to be the most
lead to a failure in identifying patient deterioration and accurate reflection of core body temperature3 and can
compromise patient safety. The most accurate measure of be considered as the “gold standard” of non-invasive
body temperature comes from invasive “core” thermom- temperature monitoring.6
etry options such as pulmonary artery (considered gold The Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Proce-
standard1) but also bladder, nasopharynx or esophageal dures (ninth edition, chapter 11: Observations7) includes
thermistors.2 However, these methods are invasive, po- recommendations on the use of different thermometry
tentially high risk and restricted to patients undergoing devices to determine patient temperature including the
specific procedures and not suitable for everyday use in use of tympanic thermometers as an acceptable method
all care settings. There is a range of non-invasive ther- to measure body temperature. Within the NHS, tympanic
mometers for obtaining temperatures from peripheral thermometers are widely used non-invasive thermom-
body sites including the tympanic membrane, the mouth etry devices. However, there are issues associated with
or the axilla. tympanic thermometers which have been previously
Electronic contact non-disposable thermometers that described8 and by the Marsden Guidelines7, such as
incorporate probes specific for use in either the oral cav- dirty probe covers and user error (not straightening the
ity (sublingual), axilla or rectum, are commonly used in ear canal) as factors that could contribute to inaccurate
many different healthcare settings, particularly the oral readings being recorded by these devices. In addition,
cavity. Infrared sensing thermometers such as IRET or the MHRA also published a Medical Device Alert in May
tympanic, which measure the temperature at the tym- 20039 that highlighted these 2 issues as contributing to
panic membrane, are also very commonly used across low-temperature readings.
all healthcare settings as well as in a domestic setting. Measuring body temperature at peripheral sites,
Other infrared thermometers include the non-contact therefore, represents a compromise between patient
infrared forehead thermometers (NCIT) and the temporal acceptance, ease, and speed of recording over tempera-
artery thermometers (TAT). There are several chemical ture accuracy. The Clinical Engineering department at
thermometry options such as chemical dots or phase Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH) are
change strips though these are generally not as widely responsible for the medical equipment that is used across
used as the electronic thermometry options. the Trust including tympanic ear thermometers for patient
While peripheral body sites are convenient for rapid monitoring. Many of the devices are returned to the de-
and easy temperature monitoring, not all thermometers partment for cleaning and maintenance due to the issues
have clinically acceptable accuracy and published stud- described above. We were therefore keen to understand
ies comparing them to core or oral electronic tempera- if there was evidence to support the use of alternative
ture measurements show substantial variability in the non-tympanic, non-invasive thermometer that could be
easily and widely deployed across the Trust to measure

9 J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

body temperature in patients. There have been 2 horizon DATA REVIEW

scanning/technical scoping articles published covering Each paper that was considered to be in scope according
infrared thermometer use in both children (NCIT10) and to the criteria in Table 1 was reviewed and summarized in
adults (TAT11). The overall conclusions of these 2 reports terms of populations, setting, devices used, outcomes and
were that the evidence is somewhat equivocal but that detection of hypo/hyperthermia (febrile) patients. The
NCIT could be useful in clinical practice but more research conclusion of the authors regarding whether the device
is needed. The 2 types of thermometer considered here was clinically acceptable or not was also recorded where
were the TAT and the NCIT. it was explicitly stated.


Literature Search Strategy No funding was sought for this study.
All searches were performed using the NICE HDAS
(Healthcare Databases Advanced Search) and included RESULTS
Pubmed (including Cochrane database), Medline, Em-
Literature Search
base and Cinahl. Searches were restricted to the English
For the literature search and review, no age groups
language and in the last 10 years (2008 onwards).
apart from neonates were excluded to review the widest
Search terms were as follows: Thermometer; Forehead;
range of literature. The literature search identified 161
Non-contact; Temporal artery; Thermometer AND non-
references of which only 16 were considered to be in scope.
contact; Thermometer AND temporal artery; Non-contact
The 16 original clinical research papers were very varied in
infrared thermometer.
their populations, interventions, comparator (or standard
The output was downloaded to Excel and the output reference thermometer), study design, primary outcomes,
reviewed with references being selected according to the how the data was analyzed and how the results were re-
inclusion/exclusion criteria and availability (see Table 1). ported. However, all papers compared the test devices to
a standard reference method (which was presumed to be
TABLE 1. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria for Infrared Non-con-
the most accurate) and most (though not all) concluded
tact Thermometer Search
whether the test devices returned results within defined
Inclusion Exclusion clinically acceptable limits. Most papers discussed the
limitation of the study which included whether febrile
Non-contact infrared Measurement of temperature patients were included, whether the study included any
forehead thermometer in other body locations e.g., device-specific training and whether user technique was
(NCIT) skin, corneal, umbilicus
considered. Reference methods included invasive core
Temporal artery thermometer No comparison to other measurements such as pulmonary artery, esophageal and
(TAT) thermometers bladder thermometers as well as non-invasive thermom-
Clinical or professional use in Non-clinical studies i.e., eters such as oral or rectal electronic thermometers. As
humans animals or scientific studies, anticipated, no test devices were found to be superior to
exercise studies
the standard reference device. Some studies included a
Any age group Large population scanning range of devices, not just infrared non-contact devices
studies e.g., traveller studies and these were included in the analysis for completeness.
Comparison to core or oral Use of mercury-in-glass The key question we asked of the papers was whether
thermometers thermometers the evidence supported the use of infrared non-contact
Original research published thermometers in the population being studied and this
since 2008 is summarized in Table 2.

J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020 10

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

TABLE 2. Literature Review of Infrared Non-contact Thermometry

Febrile Thermometer type and

Authors Population Conclusions
Patients Devices Used in Study

Rectal - Filac 3000, Covidien

12 Tympanic - Genius 2 YES - TAT agreed with rectal but still
Allegaert Pediatric, n=294 Y
TAT - Exergen not optimal
NCIT - Thermoflash
Adult patients Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 690 YES - TAT provided temperature
Barringer 13 undergoing elective N Axilla - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 690 readings closer in agreement with oral
surgery, n=86 TAT - Exergen TAT5000 readings
Oral - Dinamap ProCare 400, oral electronic
Adult patients, NO - TAT gave significantly different
Bodkin14 Y non-disposable
n=100 readings to oral electronic thermometer
TAT - Exergen TAT5000
Pediatric <3yrs,
n=126 geriatric
TAT - Exergen TAT5000 NO - TAT device not accurate enough
Brosinski 15 >65 yrs, n=125 Y
Rectal - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus compared to rectal to be used in the ED
unable to use oral
Patients undergoing Esophageal - ES400-18 Level 1 Acoustascope YES - TAT were accurate for
colorectal or Esophageal Stethoscope temperature assessment but tended to
Calonder 16 N
gynecology surgery, Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 678 over-estimate temperature compared to
n=23 TAT - Exergen TAT5000 esophageal
Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 690
Acutely ill patients Oral - Disposable digital oral electronic
NO - TAT was judged to exceed
Counts 17 aged > 18 years old, Y thermometer: Medichoice (Mesure Technology
clinically acceptable limits
n=48 Co,
TAT - Exergen TAT5000
Febrile and afebrile Rectal - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model
pediatric patients, 36 690 NO - TAT cannot be recommended to
Forrest 18 Y
months and under, Axilla - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 690 detect fever in pediatric populations
n=85 TAT - Exergen TAT5000
Adults, multiple
Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 690
myeloma, inpatient
Gates 19 Y Tympanic - Genius 2 NO – TAT over-estimates temperature
unit bone marrow
TAT - Exergen TAT5000
Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 692
Tympanic - Braun Thermoscan 4520
Adult febrile (n=11)
NCIT - Visiomed SAS Thermoflash LX-26
and afebrile (n=8) NO - TAT or NCIT (or other forehead
Forehead - Beurer FT 60 infrared contact
Hamilton 20 Pediatric febrile Y thermometers) not considered
forehead thermometer
(n=53) and afebrile acceptable
TAT - Exergen TAT-2000C
Forehead - Chicco Thermo Touch Plus contact
forehead thermometer

11 J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

Febrile Thermometer type and

Authors Population Conclusions
Patients Devices Used in Study

Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus

Febrile (n=94) and NO - TAT not acceptable. Compared
21 Tympanic - ThermoScan® PRO 4000
Hamilton afebrile (n=111) Y to reference, TAT gave statistically
prewarmed tip ear thermometer
children significantly different readings
TAT - Exergen TAT5000
Bladder - Foley catheter (Mon-a-therm
Esophageal – esophageal stethoscope with
thermistor (Mon-atherm EST)
TAT- Exergen TAT-5000 NO – TAT only had reasonable
Patients undergoing
Tympanic - FirstTemp Genius 3000A correlation to core. Electronic oral
laparoscopic surgery.
Langham 22 N Skin-surface thermocouple (Monatherm 6130) thermometry was the most accurate
Aged 18-80 yrs,
Skin - Liquid-crystal display strip (Crystaline and reliable device compared to the
Moving Line) reference
Oral and Axilla - Electronic thermometer
(IVAC TempPlus II 2080A)
Deep thermometer (CoreTemp CTM-205 with
a PD-51 probe)
Thermometer in Fresenius 5008 hemodialysis
Hemodialysis NO - TAT method exceeds the
Lunney 23 Y machine,
patients clinically acceptable reference method
TAT - Exergen TAT5000
Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 692
Adult male patients, Axilla - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 692 NO – The results do not favour
Marable 24 critical care unit, Y TAT - Exergen TAT5000, forehead and ear temporal artery scanning in adult
n=69 TAT - Exergen TAT5000, forehead only critical care patients
TAT - Exergen TAT5000, ear only
Pediatric patients
Oral - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 692 YES - TAT is an acceptable temperature
aged 0–17 years,
Opersteny 25 Y Axilla - WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus Model 692 measure that could substitute oral or
inpatient surgical
TAT - Exergen TAT5000 axillary thermometers
units, n=298
Healthy term
YES - NCIT is a promising, quick
(n=119) and Axilla – Sanitas digital thermometer
26 non-invasive and accurate method to
Sollai preterm newborns N Tympanic - Thermoscan Pro 4000
measure temperature in newborn and
(n=70) nursed in NCIT - Thermofocus 800
preterm babies
18 years or more,
YES - TAT closely agreed with
expected to stay
Bladder - Level 1® Foley Catheter the bladder thermometer for
in ICU for 24hr
Stelfox 27 Y temperature Sensor, Smiths Group PLC normothermic measurements but less
or more. n=736
TAT - Exergen TAT5000 agreement for temperatures < 36°C or
readings from 14

Bold indicates Study reference devices.

J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020 12

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

The results from all 16 papers were collated and sum- indicating that TAT did not perform accurately to identify
marized by device including which thermometer was used fever in a wide range of patient populations.
as a reference standard, whether the TAT or NCIT were There were only 3 studies that compared NCIT to a
considered as the next best compared to the standard (a reference thermometry measurement. The study by Sol-
frequently reported outcome) and whether it was con- lai26 using the ThermoFocus device reported results that
sidered to be within clinically accepted limits (which was were considered acceptable compared to the reference
considered to be +/- 0.5°C [1°F]) unless otherwise stated, standard. However, the reference standard was digital
though it was not always explicitly stated. axillary in neonates and the study did not include febrile
Of the 15 papers that included the TAT, only 5 of these babies. Both studies 13,20 where NCIT devices were not
studies12,13,16,25,27 reported results that were considered to considered acceptable included febrile patients indicating
be within clinically acceptable limits or were not statisti- that the NCIT is not acceptable for detecting temperatures
cally significantly different from the reference device and outside the normothermic range.
would support the use of TAT in clinical practice. Of these
5 studies, only 2 reported that the TAT could accurately DISCUSSION
detect fever.12,25 Of the remaining 3 papers, Stelfox et al.27 A search and review of the published literature was
included febrile patients but reported that the TAT was only undertaken to determine if there is sufficient evidence to
acceptable for patients within the normal range (36–38°C) support the use of non-tympanic non-invasive thermometers
as there was less agreement for temperatures below 36°C in a hospital setting (Table 3). Two types of thermometer
and temperatures greater than or equal to 38°C. The other were considered: TATs and non-contact infrared forehead
2 papers13,16 concluded that TAT was acceptable but they thermometers. The literature reviewed focused on the
did not include febrile patients in their study. studies comparing TAT and NCIT with either invasive core
In the 10 studies where TAT was judged to be not thermometry or standard oral electronic thermometry.
acceptable, 9 of the studies included patients with fever
TABLE 3. Literature Review Summary by Device
No . of Used as reference Next best to
Thermometer type: Device Manufacturer accepted
studies standard ref device
Oral: SureTempPlus WelchAlleyn 8 7 1
Axilla: SureTempPlus WelchAlleyn 4 1 2 1
Rectal: SureTempPlus WelchAlleyn 3 2
Esophageal: Stethoscope with temperature sensor Mon-a-therm
Smiths Medical 2 2
Bladder: Foley catheter Mon-a-therm
Smiths Medical 2 2
Axilla: Sanitas Dx Sanitas 1 1
Oral: Dinamap ProCare 400 Dinamap 1 1
Rectal: Filac 3000 Covidien 1 1
Dialysis machine, 5008 Fresenius 1 1
TAT: TAT5000/2000 Exergen 15 5 10
Tympanic:Genius 2 Covidien 3 1 2
Tympanic: Thermoscan PWT Braun 2 2

13 J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

Despite a decent sized body of evidence, including clinical patients only as has already been highlighted by the meta-
studies for the TAT, the results do not support their use analyses. However, several studies found TAT devices to
in a clinical setting with many studies reporting that they be more acceptable to patients, especially children, and
were inaccurate outside of the normal body temperature more likely to record a reading at the first attempt.13,25
range. This conclusion is in agreement with meta-analyses There were fewer papers involving the NCIT and these
conducted by Geijer28 and Niven.2 The evidence for the devices were specifically excluded from the meta-analysis of
NCIT was more limited with very few papers meeting the Niven.2 Similar to the TAT, these thermometers performed
inclusion criteria and also did not support their use in a reasonably well in normothermic ranges but not outside
clinical setting for the same reasons. this range and the study where the results were within
One of the key issues was the relatively small number acceptable limits did not contain any febrile patients. A
of papers meeting the inclusion/exclusion criteria used in study by Fletcher29 looked at 9 NCITs (all unnamed, 3
our study which then described a wide range of settings, groups according to specification) which were calibrated
populations, devices, comparator (standard reference) using 2 NPL standard blackbody sources with emissivi-
devices, outcomes including detection of fever and how ties >0.999. NCITs from 2 of the groups were shown to
the results were analyzed and reported. This wide varia- give large measurement errors with readings falling far
tion in reporting and outcomes was also identified and outside both the manufacturer’s stated uncertainties. A
discussed as a drawback in the meta-analysis.2–5 There third group of NCIT performed well, with all the results
was some variability in standard reference methods in falling within the stated uncertainties. Overall, more evi-
the papers reviewed and none of the studies used an dence needs to be gathered as to the clinical acceptability
intravascular measure of temperature (gold standard) of the NCIT devices in all settings but there is potential
although one study23 did use the thermometer incorporated for NCITs to provide a rapid, hygienic and non-invasive
in the dialysis machine. Typical invasive thermometry means of measuring temperature, particularly in children.
options included in these studies were either bladder or The evidence indicates that the TAT and NCIT in their
esophageal thermometers. However, the most common current form are not well suited to detecting tempera-
reference method was an electronic non-disposable oral tures outside the normal range. Failure to detect fever
thermometer such as the WelchAlleyn SureTempPlus. The has significant consequences for patient care if the fever
outcomes, analysis, and reporting also differed between is missed and the patient is not treated accordingly or
the studies and varied from reporting the mean differ- if fever is falsely detected, it may result in unnecessary
ences to calculated limits of acceptability. Where febrile clinical interventions. This is more critical in patients with
patients were included, the reporting varied from false cancer where detection of fever can be an indication of a
negative or positive rates to misclassification percentages. potentially life-threatening infection.19
Due to this variability, we chose to record whether the For both types of thermometer, both calibration and
authors would recommend either the TAT or the NCIT training to reduce user error was discussed as being a
device being studied for use in clinical practice. key factor in obtaining accurate and consistent readings.
Overall, from the 15 papers the described the use of Three of the studies13,19,24 specifically mentioned device
TAT devices, the device was in general considered to training and 7 of the studies16–20,26,27 documented that
be outside the clinically acceptable limits. This is also the devices were calibrated by the Clinical Engineering
highlighted and discussed in the recently published department. While there was no specific literature on
meta-analysis and reviews published.2,4,5 The majority of the usability or training for NCIT, there has been a pub-
studies that found TAT to be acceptable did not include lication detailing the training and use of TAT in clinical
patients outside the normal range and it was shown that practice. Barry et al.30 undertook an observational study
there was less agreement for temperatures below 36°C to look at the impact of user technique on the accuracy of
and temperatures greater than or equal to 38°C. These TAT measurements. Despite documented training on the
studies indicate that TAT is acceptable for normothermic

J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020 14

Bolton, Latimer, Clark: Is There Sufficient Evidence to Support the Use of Temporal Artery and Non-contact Infrared
Thermometers in Clinical Practice? A Literature Review

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J Global Clinical Engineering Vol.2 Issue 2: 28-35 ; 2020 16

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