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BLOCK!! One strategy that has helped me very well when dealing with writer’s block and just
writing in general is to pretend you are someone who would write what you are supposed to or
want to write. Have to write a point of view letter for history class? Pretend you’re the person
writing it. They don’t worry about how it will sound because they… uh… had self confidence.
Yeah, basically pretend you have self confidence. It sounds dumb, but it actually works as long
as you don’t actually read what you’ve written until it’s too late because if you do read it with
enough time to redo it, you will lose all confidence and backspace a perfectly good essay before
trying and failing to write a new one because you will not have the confidence to stop doubting
yourself and put a single word down.
Another strategy that has helped me with writer’s block is to take a break. Take. A.
Break. Go collapse on your bed and practice for your audition to be a dead person. Go for a
walk around the block, your yard, or pet your pet if you have one. Look up how an ion engine
works and then research it until you understand why it works. Go catch a bug, name it Larry,
and look at it really closely. Empty your brain of all stress, of all deadness, of all the candy
wrappers from last halloween. Then, just when your brain least expects it, go back to writing
with a positive attitude, if possible.
My third and final piece of advice would be to not put too much importance on a piece of
paper. Writing a word you don’t wholeheartedly love and admire is not gonna destroy your life.
It’s an assignment. It’s fine. Don’t delete that paragraph. It doesn’t matter that much. Your in
english class so it’s ok if you don’t write like a college professor. It’s ​ok​ if you don’t know
something. It’s ​ok​ to be unsure of how your piece will be received by others. But what’s not ok
is when writer’s block wastes our time. We’re not waiting for our life to begin, IT ALREADY
HAS BEGUN! So live it! Live the hell out of your life and realize that you will ​never​ get a
chance to repeat this second. Don’t waste it, ​live i​ t​.

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