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Evidence: Colombian cultural ambassador

For this evidence, you need to choose eight (8) Colombian idiomatic expressions
and describe what they mean is such a way that a foreigner can understand them.

• Expression: Ser uña y mugre con alguien.

•  Example: Mi tío Pedro y mi papá son uña y mugre.
•  Meaning: This expression is used to refer to two people who like to spend
lots of time together and enjoy each other’s company. They are each other’s
sidekick or partner in “crime”.

Expression: Chiviado
Example: Esos zapatos son chiviados.
Meaning: Article that is not of original origin of the brand, has been counterfeited,
but it seems original.

Expression: Bailando Amacizado

Example: Ayer bailamos amacizados.
Meaning: Couple dancing very close.

Expression: Culebra
Example: Tengo muchas culebras por pagar.
Meaning: Money debt.

Expression: Echar los perros

Example: El me estaba echando los perros.
Meaning: Flirt with someone.

Expression: Guayabo
Example: Amanecí con mucho guayabo después de la fiesta de anoche.
Meaning: Hangover, symptoms that appear the day after getting drunk.

Expression: Polas
Example: Vamos a tomarnos unas polas
Meaning: Beers

Expression: Parcero
Example: el es mi parcero de toda la vida
Meaning: "Parcero" or simply "parce" is the way to call a friend or acquaintance in

Expression: Lucas
Example: Necesito lucas para comprarme un pantalon
Meaning: It is the name to denominate the Colombian national currency which is
the peso.

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