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Diversity and Bullying Unit

Lesson #2

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors:

M1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental,
social/emotional and physical well-being.
B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students.
B-SS 8. Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self, when necessary.

o Equipment to play videos (computer, speakers, projector, smart board, etc.)
o Scenario Cards in an envelope
o Bystander and upstander cards (a set per student)

- Welcome students. Play the unit song “Perfect” (clean version) by P!nk as students walk
in. Be sure to stop the video at 2:12.
- Remind students of the class expectations.
o Be Respectful.
o Be Kind.
o Listen Right Away.
- Introduce today’s topic of bullying.
o Today we are going to learn about the differences between being mean, being
rude, and bullying.
- Follow along with the power point attached which shows signs of each area, a video
demonstrating each, and how to respond to each:
o Rude – Finding Nemo (other fish laughing when the squid inks)
 (first 11 seconds)
o Mean – Monsters Inc (when Mike and Sully are arguing in the cave)
 (1:28-end)
o Bullying – A Bug’s Life (Hopper tells the other grasshoppers why they bully the
 (until about 2 min)
- After each video stop and discuss what students saw in each video and clarify why that
particular video was rude, mean, or bullying.
o Rude – Doing or saying something ON ACCIDENT that hurts someone else.
o Mean – Doing or saying something ON PURPOSE to hurt someone else 1 or 2
o Bullying – Doing or saying something ON PURPOSE to hurt someone else many
- After all the videos, recap the differences between the three.
- Make sure to clarify that bullying:
o Happens more than once
o There is an imbalance of power
o Makes someone feel hurt
- At the end of the power point when discussing how to respond to bullying, explain to
students the roles in bullying.
o Bully – person doing the bullying
o Person getting bullied
o Bystander – someone who watches the bullying happening without doing or
saying anything
o Upstander/Ally – someone who sees the bullying happening and does something
about it
- Present examples for each role
o Bully – a person who everyday tells another student that they are not
- Pass out the scenario cards to students and explain that each student will have two
cards, one bystander and one upstander.
- Students will take turns pulling a scenario out of the envelope and each person will hold
up either their bystander care or upstander card once they have decided if the person in
the scenario is a bystander or an upstander.

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