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Diversity and Bullying Unit

Lesson #3

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors:

M1. Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental,
social/emotional and physical well-being.
B-SS 2. Create positive and supportive relationships with other students.

- One Dollar Bill
- Respect Bingo Cards
- Whatever students can use to mark their Bingo cards (plastic pieces, pom-poms, beans)
- Optional: Bingo Prize

- Welcome students. Play the unit song “Perfect” (clean version) by P!nk as students walk
in. Be sure to stop the video at 2:12.
- Remind students of the class expectations.
o Be Respectful.
o Be Kind.
o Listen Right Away.
- Have a quick discussion recapping the previous two lessons, diversity and bullying.
- The next class discussion questions, adapted from
- Pull out a one dollar bill.
- Ask students what you have in your hands and how much it is worth.
- Now crumple up the five dollar bill and ask students how much it is worth? Did the value
of the dollar change because it is crumpled up?
- What about a person? What about a person’s worth?
- If you bullied a person, would that make the person worth any less? Would it change
the persons worth or value?
- What if the person looked different than you?
- What if the person was older and smarter and more educated than you? Are they a
more valuable person?
- What if the person was a girl and not a boy? Does that change the person’s worth?
- You are unique and irreplaceable, but so is everyone in your class and in this school and
every person you have ever met.
- Every person is worthy of respect.
- Your value is not related to your race, finances, grades, homework, toys you have, video
games you play
- Talk with students about what respect is and what it looks like to be respectful.
- Make sure you ask them what respect looks like in different spaces and relationships in
their lives (ex/ home, school, parents, teacher, friends)
- Print out the Respect Bingo Cards. Pass one card out to each student.
- Call out the various ways to be respectful and if it matches a spot on a student’s card
then they get to put a marker on the space. You can play to where students can get a
row or you can play to where students have to fill up their entire card.

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