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A young boy, 14 years old, has a duty to buy a bread of salt early in the morning for her
grandmother. He was in love with the girl named Aida, who is the niece of an old Spaniard
who’s his late grandfather, has served. He always dream to serve the young lady and that she
will likewise adore the young boy. On the other hand, he was a diligent student and a good
violinist, and he dream to be a famous and rich violinist. Even though his aunt do not support
him in playing the violin he still pursue it so that he can earn money which he will used to buy
love letter for Aida. One time, he was invited in the band for the as alto or surprise party for
Don Estevan’s daughter and he was able to see the beauty of Aida in the party. He was full of
joy to see the young lady in the party but it was turn into an embarrassment when Aida caught
him sneaking the egg-yolk dipped in honey putting it into his pocket. Aida talked to him and
offered him a food but he was ashamed to say a word. After the party, they led the guest home
with their song. He walked with Paez and went to the bakery to buy with his own money, but
the bread is not yet ready so they waited.


The plot development used is a circular plot, because in the first part of the story he used to
buy a bread of salt and in the end of the story he also went to buy bread of salt but the bread
was not yet ready.


The literary device used is metaphor, in the plot of the story the bread of salt is can be used to
compare it to the young boy. On the last part, the bread of salt is not yet ready which can be
compared to the young boy who is not yet ready to face the reality and as a young boy there is
still a need for him to mold himself so he will be able to reach his goals.

The young boy dream to be with Aida is impossible because of their social class. Aida is a rich
one and the young boy is the poor one. The conflict of the story is person versus society.
However, the conflict is not resolved because in the end nothing happened, and he was not
able to be with Aida because he never had the chance.

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