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Aulia Alsya Hawarizky1
Students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta
Osly Usman2
Lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, University of Jakarta

This study aims to determine whether there is influence between Self-concept, self-
reliance Learning, Motivation and Learning Environment Against Learning
The research was carried out for nearly three months, starting in April 2019 to June
2019. The method used was survey with quantitative approach. The population of
students starting from junior high school students to SMK / SMA as many as 199
respondents. For sampling technique used purposive sampling technique
nonprobability student / junior high school students and vocational school / high
school in Jakarta and several cities around the island of Java with the number of
199 respondents. Data collection techniques using literature techniques and
questionnaires and using statistical application SPSS version 22 and obtained
positive results from all four variables studied. There is positive and significant
correlation between Self-concept, self-reliance Learning, Motivation and Learning
Environment on Achievement of 62.5%.
Keywords: Self-concept, self-reliance Learning, Motivation, Environment
Learning and Achievement

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PRELIMINARY environment at the same time on
learning achievement.
Many factors affect the
Education is one of the achievement of learning to improve
foundations of the life of a nation, for the quality of education in a country.
a nation's progress can be seen from Therefore, this study is limited to the
the progress of education in the problem of "Influence of Self-
nation. Education is expected to Concept, Independence Learning,
create quality human resources who Motivation and Learning
are able to compete in the face of the Environment Against Learning
challenges in the era of globalization. Achievement".
This shows that education is central to
all aspects of the life of a nation
whose goal is human resources.
theoretical studies
Education in Indonesia can be
carried out via two channels, namely, Learning achievement
formal education and non-formal Tu'us (2004: 75) states that the
education channels. Successful achievement of learning is the
achievement of the goals of education assignment of knowledge or skills
depends on the learning process developed by the subjects, usually
experienced by students both while in indicated by test scores or numerical
school and outside of school. The value assigned by the teacher.
learning achievement is the final part Sehubung with this definition,
of the learning process to indicate the Poerwanto (2007) provide an
level of success of student learning. understanding of learning
The better the efforts of students in achievement that "the results
learning, the better the learning achieved by someone who stated in
achievement also gained. Student the report cards". Or other means
achievement can be achieved through according to According to Gagne (in
the acquisition of knowledge or skills Djiwandoro, 2007), academic
developed by the subjects, usually achievement can be distinguished in
indicated by test scores or numerical limakategori which include: 1) verbal
value assigned by the teacher. information, 2) proficiency
This research was conducted intellectual, 3) regulation of cognitive
in order to: 1) Determine the activities, 4) attitude, and 5) motor
influence of self-concept on learning skills. According to the Judge (2007)
achievement, 2) Determine the a person who wants to improve their
influence of independent learning on academic achievement she should be
learning achievement, 3) the effect of able to find the factors inhibiting
learning motivation towards learning learning and overcoming barriers to
achievement, 4) the effect of the learning wisely. According Arikunto
learning environment on learning or other means (2009) learning
achievement, 5) the effect of learning achievement is the results obtained
environment, independent learning, for their teaching and learning
motivation to learn, and the learning activities that have been carried out.

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The learning achievement is which can affect student learning.
inseparable from learning, because Student learning environments
learning is a process while learning include the physical environment
achievement is the result of the consists of a place of learning,
learning process learning tools to learn accounting,
accounting learning resources,
information, and weather conditions.
Self concept Suhendri and Mardalena (2013:

According to Atwater (in

Desmita, 2010: 164) states that the Motivation
concept of self is the overall image of
the self, which includes perceptions According Hamalik (2008),
about themselves, feelings, beliefs, motivation is a change of energy in a
and values - values related to him. person who is characterized by the
emergence of feelings and reactions
According to William D. to achieve the goal. According
Brooks, defines the concept of self as Sardiman or other meanings (2010)
"Those psychal, social, and motivation is a psychological factor
psychological perceptions of our that is non-intellectual. Its role is
selves that we have derived from our unique in terms of growing passion to
experiences and interaction with make students feel happy and eager to
other" learn. In line with this definition,
According Calboun and Purwanto (2006) argues that
Acocella (2002) concept of self is the motivation was a conscious effort to
individual against his personal view propel, steer and maintain a person's
that includes three dimensions: self- behavior that he was compelled to act
knowledge, expectations about to do something so as to achieve a
themselves and about self- particular result or goal.

Learning environment
Independence of Learning The learning environment is one
According to Haris Mujiman factor of many factors that can affect
(2007: 1) states that the independence learning, which in turn will affect
of Learning can be defined as the student achievement. According
nature and capabilities of students to Suwarno (2006: 39) the learning
conduct active learning activities, environment is the environment that
driven by the motive to master surrounds the process of education.
something that has been owned Meanwhile, according Saroni (2006:
competence. Or the other sense, 82) the learning environment as
namely According Slameto (2010: everything associated with a process
60) is divided into of learning to do. The learning
lingkungankeluarga environment, activities in the educational process in
schools, communities and all of schools is the most fundamental
activities. However, the students learn

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not only learn in one neighborhood
alone, but students learn in any Independence Learning
environment where these students of Learning Achievement
live. Environments is a learning (X2) (Y)
environment for students. The Motivation
environment will mutually support (X3)
each other. Slameto (2010: 60) states
that learning is influenced by internal Learning
and external factors. This proves that Environment
in addition to internal factors external
factors, namely learning environment
that includes the family and school So based on the description of
environment also has a major impact the existing problems, the research
on learning outcomes or hypothesis can be raised as follows:
achievements of student achievement. H1: There is the influence of the self-
The family and school environments concept of learning achievement
that support student learning will be H2: There is a learning independence
also support the students' learning influence on learning achievement
success. H3: There is influence learning
motivation towards learning
H4: There is studying environmental
RESEARCH HYPOTHESES influences on learning achievement
H5: There is the influence of self-
concept, independent learning,
Self concept learning motivation and learning
environment of learning achievement.


The method used is survey with quantitative approach. The population of students
starting from junior high school students to SMK / SMA as many as 199
respondents. According to Bambang and Lina (2011), survey research is a
quantitative study using structured questions or systematic similar to many people
and then all of the answers obtained by researchers recorded, processed, and

In this study, the variables used are dependent and independent variables.
Achievement dependent variable (Y) as the dependent variable that is affected.
Independent variables namely Self Concept (X1), Independence Learning (X2),

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motivation (X3), and Learning Environment (X4) as independent variables which
affect other dependent variables, namely Achievement.
Mechanical sampling using purposive sampling technique nonprobability student /
junior high school students and vocational school / high school in Jakarta and
several cities around the island of Java with the number of 199 respondents. Data
collection techniques using literature techniques and questionnaires and using
statistical application SPSS version 22 and obtained positive results from all four
variables studied.


Test Requirements Analysis
1. Normality test
Normality test is done before testing the hypothesis. The purpose
of the test for normality itself is to determine whether the population of
normal distribution of data or not. Tests Kolmogorov - Sminov with
SPSS version 22.0.
In this research, testing normality Kolmogorov - Sminov with
significance level (α) = 5% or 0.05. Criteria for making the decision is
if the significance of> 0.05 then the data is called a normal distribution.
Conversely, if the significance <0.05 then the data can be said is not
normal. Variable Learning Achievement (Y), Self-Concept (X1),
Independence Learning (X2), motivation (X3), the Learning
Environment (X4) using normality test calculations Kolmogorov -
Smirnov with SPSS 22.0 is as follows:

table IV.1

Normality test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Independenc Motivatio Learning achievem
Self concept e of Learning n environment ent

N 199 199 199 199 199

Normal Parametersa, b mean 19:15 20:18 14:24 15:38 90.16
2904 3,294 2816 2,375 3,164

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Most Extreme Absolute .123 .127 .111 .110 .122
Differences positive .082 .080 .102 .085 .086
negative -.123 -.127 -.111 -.110 -.122
Test Statistic .123 .127 .111 .110 .122
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c .200c .200c .200c .200c

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
c. Significance Lilliefors Correction.

From table IV.1 shows that the fifth variable normal distribution. It is said that
because a significant level in the Learning Achievement variable (Y) of 0.200, Self-
Concept (X1) of 0.200, Independence Learning (X3) of 0.200, the Learning
Environment (X4) of 0.200. The third level of significance of these variables> 0.05
where the data is normally distributed and can be used in subsequent analyzes.
Based on the normality test can also be seen through the Normal Probability Plot.
Below is a plot of output normlitas test using SPSS 22.0;

Figure IV.2
Normality Test Probability Plot

Based IV.1 image, the data follows the diagonal line and a little spread
around the diagonal line. In other words, it can be said that the normal distribution
of data and regression model has to meet the assumptions of normality. Conversely,
if the data spread far from the diagonal line of the regression model did not meet
the assumption of normality.

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2. Linearity test

Linearity test aims to determine whether the two variables have a linear relationship
or not of significance. Seen from the linearity test is significant at Linearity> 0.05,
then the two variables declared not linear. Meanwhile, if significant at Linearity
<0.05 then the relationship between the two variables expressed linearly. Usage
Test of Linearity with the aim to see the output at Anova table as follows:

Classic assumption test

1. test Multicollinearity
Multicolinearity test is a condition in which between two or more independent
variables in the linear regression model of a relationship is perfect or close to
perfect. A good regression models certainly no problem multicollinearity.
Inferences can be said if the smaller the greater the value of tolerance and VIF
then getting closer to the problem of multicollinearity. If tolerance> 0.1 and VIF
<10 then there is no multicollinearity. The following is the calculation of
multicollinearity test in SPSS 22.0:

table IV.4
test Multicollinearity


Coefficients standardized collinearity

unstandardized Coefficients Statistics

Model B Std. Error beta T Sig. tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) .795 .652 1,814 .234

Self concept .647 .080 .464 8,995 .065 .462 2164

.187 .039 .293 4,778 .058 .176 5693
of Learning

Motivation .090 .050 .110 1,823 .076 .295 3,384

.116 .057 .131 2,080 .071 .093 1,783

a. Dependent Variable: Achievement

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The above table shows that the value of tolerance to self-concept (X1) of
0,462, Independence Learning (X2) is 0.176, motivation (X3) of 0.295 and
Learning Environment (X4) of 0.193 which is more than 0.1. In addition, the value
of Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) for Self-Concept variable (X1) of 2,164,
Independence Learning (X2) is 5.693, motivation (X3) of 3.384 and Learning
Environment (X4) of 1.783 which is less than 10,00 , In other words, it can be said
that the regression model multicolinearity problem does not occur.

2. test Heteroskidastity

Heterokedasitas test aims to test whether the regression model variance occurs
inequalities. The results of statistical tests Heterokedasitas obtained in this study
are as follows:

table IV.5

test Heteroskidastity


Coefficients standardized
unstandardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) .795 .652 1,814 .234
Self concept .647 .080 .464 8,995 .065
Independence of
.187 .039 .293 4,778 .058
Motivation .090 .050 .110 1,823 .076
.116 .057 .131 2,080 .071
a. Dependent Variable: Achievement

According to the table IV.4 shows that the significant value of the variable
Self Concept (X1) of 0.065, Independence Learning (X2) is 0.058, motivation (X3)
of 0.076 and Critical Thinking (X4) of 0,071. This result indicates that the variables
in the regression model no problem heteroskedastisity because the significance
value greater than 0.050.

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In addition Glejser test, heteroscedasticity test can also be known through
the scatterplot. Here is the result of calculations using the scatterplot
heteroscedasticity test with SPSS 22.0:

Figure IV.6

Test Heteroskidastity scatterplot

The scatterplot of the picture above, it is known spots spread irregularly at

a position above and below the number 0 on the Y axis results showed that the
regression model in this study there is no heteroscedasticity problem.

Multiple Regression Test

The purpose of multiple regression test was to determine the linear relationship
between two or more independent variables with the dependent variable. This
analysis was conducted to determine the dependent variable values obtained when
the value of the independent variable is raised or lowered. Below is a calculation of
multiple regression test using SPSS 22.0:

table IV.7

Multiple Regression Test


Coefficients standardized
unstandardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) .795 .652 1,814 .234
Self concept .647 .080 .464 8,995 .065
Independence of
.187 .039 .293 4,778 .058
Motivation .090 .050 .110 1,823 .076

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.116 .057 .131 2,080 .071
a. Dependent Variable: Achievement

According to the table IV.11 then multiple regression equation is:

0,647X1 y = 0.795 + 0.090 + 0.187 X2 + X3 + 0, 116 X4

This means that if the concept of Self (X1), Independence Learning (X2),
motivation (X3), the Learning Environment (X4) has a value of 0, then the value of
learning achievement (Y) of 0,795. X1 coefficient value of 0.647 which means that
if the concept of Self (X1) has increased by 1 point then Achievement (Y) will
increase also amounted to 0.647 at constant amounting 0,795 to note that the
coefficient of X2 remains. The coefficient of X1, X2, X3 and X4 positive value
means there is influence between self-concept, independent learning, motivation,
and learning environment which indicates that increasing self-concept, independent
learning, motivation and learning environment that increases learning achievements
of the individual self.

Hypothesis testing

1. test F

Test F or a regression coefficient test aims to determine whether a significant

difference or not between the independent variables on the dependent variable. On
the table there IV.5 F-test calculations using SPSS 22.0, namely:

table IV.8

test F

Model Sum of Squares Df mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 53 765 4 13 441 80 290 .252b
residual 1928.405 194 9940
Total 1982.171 198
a. Dependent Variable: Achievement
b. Predictors: (Constant), Environmental Learning, Motivation, Self-Concept, Learning

According to the table of F test shows that the value Fhitung 1,352 Ftable
value can be searched in the statistics table at the significance level of 0.05, df 1
(the number of variables -1) or 5-1 = 4, and df 2 = n - k - 1 (n ie the amount of data

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and k is the number of independent variables) or 199-4 - 1 = 194. F¬tabel value of
2.42 while Fhitung has a value of 80, 290 which is greater than F table so that Ho
refused. From these explanations that the Self-Concept, Independence Learning,
motivation, and learning environment simultaneously affect the person's problem
solving ability.

2. test T

Interest calculation t test to determine the effect of partially independent

variables on the dependent variable, whether it has a significant effect or not. Here
is the calculation of the t test using SPSS 22.0:

table IV.9

test T


Coefficients standardized
unstandardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error beta T Sig.
1 (Constant) .795 .652 1,814 .234
Self concept .647 .080 .464 8,995 .065
Independence of
.187 .039 .293 4,778 .058
Motivation .090 .050 .110 1,823 .076
.116 .057 .131 2,080 .071
a. Dependent Variable: Achievement

The results of the t test calculations above there t of Self Concept of 8.995,
Independence Learning amounted to 4.778, 1.823 and Motivation for Learning
Environments of 2,080 and ttabel can be achieved on a significant statistical tables
at 0.05 with df = n - k - 1 or 199 -4 - 1 = 194, then obtained ttabel amounted to
1.652746, it can be stated that Ho is rejected in other words variable Self-Concept,
Independence Learning, motivation, and learning environment has a significant
impact on learning achievement.

coefficient of Determination

Calculation of the coefficient of determination (R2) aims to measure how

successfully the regression model is used to predict the value of the variable. Here
are the results of the coefficient of determination calculated using SPSS 22.0:

table IV.10

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Test Coefficient of Determination

Model Summaryb

Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Estimate
.792a .625 .617 1,202

a. Predictors: (Constant), Environmental Learning, Motivation, Self-Concept, Learning


b. Dependent Variable: Achievement

According to the table IV.6, R2 value of 0.625 which means that the variable
Self-Concept, Independence Learning, Motivation and Learning Environment to
explain Achievement simultaneously ie 62.5% while the remaining 37.5% is
influenced by other variables not examined.

CONCLUSION of 4.77%. The greater

independence of learning of the
1. There is positive and significant students will increase learning
correlation between Self Concept achievement. And vice versa, the
of the Learning Achievement of less independence of learning
8.99%. The greater the Self that students have the learning
Concept owned by a student, it achievement will decrease.
will increase learning 3. There is positive and significant
achievement. And vice versa, the correlation between Motivation
more little self concept that on Learning Achievement by
students have the learning 1.82%. The greater the
achievement will decrease. motivation of the students will
2. There is a positive and significant increase learning achievement.
influence between Independence And vice versa, the less
Study on Learning Achievement motivation that students have the

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learning achievement will Interactions, Motivation, and
decrease. Self-Reliance Study Of
4. There is positive and significant Learning Achievement
correlation between the Learning
Environment on Learning Lukman Sunandi, Effect of
Achievement by 2.08%. The Motivation and Learning
greater the learning environment Facility Utilization Against
of the students will increase Student Achievement Lesson
learning achievement. And vice In Economy Class XI IPS in
versa, the less the learning SMA Muhammadiyah 2
environment that students have SURABAYA
the learning achievement will
decrease. Prastistya Nur Aini, Independence
5. There is positive and significant Influence Learning and
correlation between Self- Learning Environment
concept, self-reliance Learning, Students Against Accounting
Motivation and Learning Student Achievement Class
Environment on Achievement of XI IPS SMA Bantul STATE
62.5%. If the Self-Concept, ACADEMIC YEAR
Independence Learning,
Motivation, Learning
Environment increases the Tri Ervina Wiyani Kristi (2013).
Learning Achievement of a Influence of Self-Concept,
person will increase. Independence Learning,
Motivation and Learning
Environment Against
BIBLIOGRAPHY Learning Achievement
Economics Student Class XI
Endang Indrati Mulyaningsih (2014),
Influence of Family Social
in Gresik

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