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Tri Melda Yani, Osly Usman,

Office Administration Education Program, Faculty of Economics, Jakarta State



This study aims to determine whether there are influences between Learning
Discipline, Family Environment, and Learning Motivation towards Learning
Achievement in Introduction to Administrative Subjects.

This research was conducted for two months from June to July 2019. The
population in this study were Office Administration Vocational School students,
amounting to 200 respondents. Data collection techniques using library techniques
and questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using SPSS software (Statistical
Product and Service Solutions) in this study are multiple regression analysis by
testing the classical assumptions first. This test was conducted to test whether the
data in this study were normally distributed and did not have symptoms of
multicollinearity, as well as symptoms of heterokedastistas. The method of
multiple linear regression analysis is assessed from the coefficient of
determination, t test, and test f. The results show that each variable has the same
effect. So it can be said, if Learning Achievement is high then it certainly has
Learning Discipline, Family Environment, Motivation for Learning which is good
in the learning process in school. And if Learning Discipline, Family
Environment, Good Learning Motivation will certainly result in high Learning
Achievement. The description above shows that there are joint and significant
influences between Learning Discipline, Family Environment, Learning

Keywords: Learning Achievement, Learning Discipline, Family Environment,

Learning Motivation.

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PRELIMINARY used to regular life. With the
students' order, each student's actions
Education is a very important thing and behaviors will be controlled, so
in the world, because the world that the discipline of students in the
needs educated people in order to school can be created.
build a developed country. But
besides that various aspects that The family environment is an elder
influence education are also highly educational institution, the first and
prioritized because people in this age foremost experienced by children. Its
not only look at how high the position as a natural educational
education or degree that he has institution makes the role of parents
achieved, but also on the aspects that have a role to be responsible for
affect everyone. maintaining, caring for, protecting
and educating children so they can
School as one of the places of grow and develop well.
education must always be able to
improve the achievement of each Motivation is an impulse that causes
student in mastering various an action or action to occur. The
competencies in various ways that learning process in students occurs
support one of them, namely by because of the motivation to do a
always improving management of learning activity. Learning
the factors that influence ongoing motivation is important for students
learning activities. in their efforts to achieve high
learning achievement. Students who
Learning achievement is the have high learning motivation, tend
maximum measure that has been to show enthusiasm and enthusiasm
achieved by students after doing in attending lessons, they usually
learning actions during the time seem to pay more attention seriously
determined together. Learning that in learning and actively participate in
does not get good support in learning activities, both in class and
individuals or from outside the outside the classroom.
individual will learn obstacles will
certainly affect the results of one's This study consists of independent
achievements. Factors that can and bound variables. In this study,
influence learning include discipline, the independent variable consisted of
family environment, and motivation Learning Discipline (X1), Family
to carry out an activity. Environment (X2), Learning
Motivation (X3) as the variable that
Discipline must be carried out influenced and the dependent
consistently, regularly and clearly in variable was Learning Achievement
accordance with established rules (Y) as an affected variable, this study
and regulations, so students will get

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aimed to test empirical existence of a Learning Discipline
positive effect of the free variable on
the dependent variable. The word discipline comes from
Latin disibel which means followers.
CONCEPTUAL DESCRIPTION Along with the development of the
times, the word has undergone a
According to Sugiyono (2012: 52), change to discipline which means
that the theoretical foundation needs compliance or that concerns
to be upheld so that research has a discipline. In the learning process it
solid foundation, and not just a trial is necessary to be disciplined,
and error. Slameto (2003: 2) reveals that
Learning Achievement "learning is a process of change that
is focused on the efforts of a person
According to Sutratinah Tirtonegoro to obtain a new behavior change as a
(2006: 43) "Learning Achievement is whole, as a result of his own
the assessment of the results of experience in interaction with his
business activities expressed in the environment".
form of symbols, numbers, letters, or
sentences that can reflect the results Then according to Moenir (2010: 94-
that have been achieved by each 96) "Discipline is a form of
child in a certain period". According obedience to the rules, both written
to Zainal Arifin (2013: 12) "Learning and unwritten that have been set.
Achievement is an indicator of the There are two types of discipline that
quality and quantity of knowledge are very dominant with what the
mastered by students". individual wants. First discipline in
terms of time and work or action
According to Sumadi Suryabrata discipline ".
(2006: 28) suggests that learning
achievement is the ability of students Discipline is very important in
in the form of mastery of knowledge, teaching and learning activities in
attitudes, and skills achieved in schools. This attitude can create a
learning after he has carried out comfortable and conducive learning
learning activities. This learning environment for learning. Discipline
achievement can be seen from is one of the factors that can affect
students' mastery of the learning achievement.
competencies they learned during a
Family environment
certain period after working on and
mastering the learning material According to Ikhsan (2003: 16) the
presented to them. environment can be interpreted as
everything outside the child.
Enlightenment can be in the form of

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real things such as plants, people, is behavior that is full of directed and
conditions of trust and other efforts long-lasting energy. "
made by humans, including
education. Dalyono (2005: 129) "the Motivation has a very important
environment is all material and function in student learning, because
stumulus inside and outside of the motivation will determine the
individual both physiological and intensity of the learning effort carried
sociocultural". out by students, this means that
students who have high learning
Families are often referred to as the motivation will be diligent in
first environment because in the learning and continuing to learn
environment they get education, continuously without knowing
guidance, direction, habituation and despair and can put things aside
practice. Everything that is obtained which can interfere with learning
in his family's life will be seen in his activities.
daily life. According to Ikhsan
(2003: 57) "the family is the first and HYPOTHESIS
foremost educational institution in
Learning Discipline
society, because in the family then
children are born and develop into
Family Environment Learning Achievement
Learning Motivation
Learning Motivation

Motivation comes from the word Picture 1.

"movere" which means
H1: Learning Discipline (X1) has a
encouragement or movement.
significant effect on Learning
Motivation is very necessary in the
Achievement (Y)
implementation of human activities
because motivation is something that H2: Family Environment (X2) has a
can cause, channel and support significant effect on Learning
human behavior so that they want to Achievement (Y)
work diligently and enthusiastically
to achieve optimal results "(Malay H3: Learning Motivation (X3) has a
S.P Hasibuan, 2005: 141) significant effect on Learning
Achievement (Y)
Agus Suprijono (2016: 182) argues
that "Motivation to learn is a process H4: There is a joint influence
that gives enthusiasm for learning, between Learning Discipline, Family
direction, and persistence of Environment, Learning Motivation
behavior. That is, activated behavior towards Learning Achievement.

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY field techniques, namely observation,
interviews, questionnaires
This study uses a quantitative
approach. The technique of TECHNICAL DATA ANALYSIS
collecting data through
questionnaires. In this research, the The data analysis technique used in
place of research is Office this study is multiple regression
Administration Vocational School in analysis by testing the classical
Jakarta and this research was assumptions first. This test was
conducted for two months, June to conducted to test whether the data in
July 2019. In this study, we will this study were normally distributed
discuss how much influence the and did not have symptoms of
independent variable of Learning multicollinearity, as well as
Discipline (X1), Family Environment symptoms of heterokedastistas. The
(X2), Learning Motivation (X3) on method of multiple linear regression
variables related to Learning analysis is assessed from the
Achievement (Y) coefficient of determination, t test,
and test f.
The population in the study was 200
Office Administration Vocational In the regression equation there
Schools in Jakarta. should be no multicollinearity,
meaning that there should be no
SAMPLE correlation or perfect or near perfect
relationship between the independent
The sample is the part of the variables that make up the equation.
population unit that is expected to Symptoms of multicollinearity can
represent the study population be tested with Variance Inflation
(Kuncoro, 2003 in Shaefudin, 2011) Factor (VIF), in the table
DATA SOURCE coefficients. According to Wibowo
(2012 :: 87) that if the VIF value is
a. Primary data: Distribution of less than 10 then the value, then the
questionnaires regression model is not affected by
the symptoms of multicollinearity,
meaning that there is no relationship
between the independent variables.
Data collection techniques in this
study are expected to provide more
accurate and specific data, the Sugiyono and Susanto (2015: 332)
technique used in this study is to use This test aims to determine

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multicollinearity between T Significance Test (Partial)
independent variables> 0.80 means
that there is an independent variable Prianto (2011: 252) suggests that the
multicollinearity. Conversely, if the T test is used to determine the effect
independent coefficient of the of independent variables partially on
variable is <0.80, there is no the dependent variable by comparing
multicollinearity between the T count and T table.
independent variables.


Sugiyono and Susanto (2015: 336)

Heterokesdasticity test aims to find
out that the confounding variables in
the regression equation have the
same or no variance. If you have the
same variance, it means there is no
heterokesdasticity. Whereas if there
is a variance that is not the same,
there is heterokesdacity.


Wibowo (2012: 126) said that the

multiple linear regression model
automatically states a linear
relationship between two or more
independent variables with the
dependent variable.

Hypothesis testing

F Significance Test (Simultaneous)

The simultaneous license F can be

known by using the results of SPSS
processed data, in the ANOVA table
by looking at the comparison
between F count with F table and sig

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Normality test

Picture 2.

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test


N 206
Normal Parameters Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 2.34420312
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .082
Positive .082
Negative -.066
Test Statistic .082
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200

a. Test distribution is Normal.

b. Calculated from data.
c. Lilliefors Significance Correction.
Picture 3.

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Based on the image table above the normality test it is known that a significant
value is greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that what we are testing is
normally distributed.

Multicollinearity Test

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 2.347 .493 4.757 .000

.050 .064 .050 .789 .431 .211 4.732

1.055 .112 .706 9.394 .230 .152 6.562

.203 .091 .171 2.227 .087 .146 6.868

a. Dependent Variable: Learning Achievement

Picture 4.

The table above shows the VIF value of Learning Discipline is 4,732; Family
Environment VIF value is 6.562; the VIF value of Learning Motivation is 6.868.
Each VIF value is less than 10 so there are no symptoms of multicollinearity.

Heterokesdasticity test

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients Collinearity Statistics

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 2.347 .493 4.757 .000

.050 .064 .050 .789 .431 .211 4.732

1.055 .112 .706 9.394 .230 .152 6.562

.203 .091 .171 2.227 .087 .146 6.868
a. Dependent Variable: Learning Achievement

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Picture 5.

The table can be seen above the significant value of Learning Discipline is 0.431,
the significant value of the Family Environment is 0.230, the significant value of
Learning Motivation is 0, 087. Based on each value indicates that the sig value of
more than 0.05 means that there are no symptoms of heterokesdasticity.

Test F (Simultaneous)

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 5355.024 3 1785.008 320.072 .000

Residual 1126.534 202 5.577

Total 6481.558 205

a. Dependent Variable: Learning Acievement

b. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Discipline, Family Environment, Learning Motivation.
Picture 6.

From the table, the F count value is 320,072 with the probability value (sig) 0,000.
F value calculated (320,072)> F table (2,42), and the sig value is smaller than the
probability value or value 0,000 <0,05; then Ho is accepted, meaning together
(simultaneously) Learning Discipline, Family Environment, Learning Motivation
has a significant effect on Learning Achievement.

T Test (Partial)

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

Model B Std. Error Beta T Sig.

1 (Constant) 2.347 .493 4.757 .000

Disiplin Belajar .050 .064 .050 .789 .431

1.055 .112 .706 9.394 .230

Motivasi Belajar .203 .091 .171 2.227 .087

Picture 7.

The table shows that the regression coefficient of the Learning Discipline has a
significance value of 0.431 greater than 0.05. Learning discipline partially has a
positive and insignificant effect. The Family Environment has a significance value

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of 0, 230 greater than 0.05. The family environment partially has a positive and
insignificant effect. Learning Motivation has a significance value of 0.087 greater
than 0.05. Learning Motivation partially has a positive and not significant effect.

Correlation coefficient
Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .909 .826 .824 2.362
a. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Discipline, Family Environment, Learning Motivation.
b. Dependent Variable: Learning Achievement
Picture 8.

The table shows the R value of 0.909 or 90.9%. This shows that there is a high
relationship between Learning Discipline variables (X1), Family Environment
(X2), Learning Motivation (X3) on Learning Achievement (Y), because the value
of R approaches 1.

Coefficient of Determination

Model Summary

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .909 .826 .824 2.362
a. Predictors: (Constant), Learning Discipline, Family Environment, Learning Motivation.
b. Dependent Variable: Learning Achievement
Picture 9.

The table shows the value of R2 0.826 = 82.6%. This shows that the dependent
variable Learning Achievement (Y) is easy and can be explained that Learning
Discipline (X1), Family Environment (X2), Learning Motivation (X3).

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DISCUSSION Effect of Learning Discipline,
Family Environment, Learning
Effect of Learning Discipline on Motivation on Learning
Learning Achievement Achievement
Learning Discipline shows that the Learning Discipline (X1), Family
regression coefficient of Learning Environment (X2), and Learning
Discipline has a significance value of Motivation (X3) together
0.431 greater than 0.05. Learning (simultaneously) have a positive
discipline is partially influential and effect on Learning Achievement (Y).
insignificant. This means that This means that the H4 hypothesis
Hypothesis 1 (H1) states that which states that Learning Discipline
"Learning Discipline is thought to (X1), Family Environment (X2), and
have an effect on Learning Learning Motivation (X3 towards
Achievement (Y)" not proven or Learning Achievement (Y) is proven
rejected. or acceptable.
Effect of Family Environment on BIBLIOGRAPHY
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Achievement (Y)" not proven or

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