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3/4/2020 Activity: Rainbow Tables with ophcrack | 2.

3 Activity and Discussion | Material del curso CYBER504x | edX

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Activity: Rainbow Tables with ophcrack


This activity is ungraded.

Remember: Be sure to watch this Demo video from this unit before trying this activity.
Watching me do it rst will help you understand each of the steps.

Rainbow Table Attacks with ophcrack

System: There are modi ed instructions below for Windows 10 systems.

Time: This activity should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete.


Ophcrack; Click Download ophcrack All Platforms

Ophcrack Tables

Vista free (461MB)

Vista proba free (581MB)


To see how rainbow tables are formed.

Instructions… 1/3
3/4/2020 Activity: Rainbow Tables with ophcrack | 2.3 Activity and Discussion | Material del curso CYBER504x | edX
Now it’s time to use rainbow tables to crack passwords!

Install and launch Ophcrack

1. Click the download button for Windows (portable).

2. Extract the ZIP and install the software.

3. In the uncompressed folder, select x86 if you’re on a 32-bit machine or x64 for 64 bit

4. Right click the ophrack.exe le and launch the program as an Administrator.

5. Go to the ophcrack table download page.

6. Read the descriptions next to each of the download buttons.

7. Download the rst two Vista tables:

Vista free (461MB)
Vista proba free (581MB)

8. Extract the ZIP les so there is a regular folder for each.

9. In ophrack, click Tables at the top.

10. Click Vista free, and then click the Install button.

11. Browse to the extract tables_vista_free folder, and click the Select Folder button.
You should see a green dot next to Vista Free in the Table Selection window in ophcrack.

12. Repeat the above steps to install the Vista probabilistic free table.

13. Click OK.

Watch rainbow tables being generated

1. Back in the main screen, you should see the two tables in the lower pane.

2. On Windows 7, click the Load button, and select Local SAM with samdump2. Windows
10 systems will need to download mimikatz and follow these instructions to dump the
hashes. After that, put the output into a text le with the format that Ophcrack requires:
<Username>:<User ID>:<LM Hash>:<NT Hash>::: and select Load>PWDUMP le.
Alternatively, select Load>Single hash and paste a single hash in.

3. You should see the user accounts and their corresponding hashes in the main pane.

4. Click the Crack button.

5. You can watch the progress by expanding Vista free and Vista pro in the lower pane, and
eventually see the cracked passwords in the upper pane.

After you've nished, answer the Check Your Work questions.

Check Your Work

2/2 points (ungraded)
Ophcrack cracks windows passwords using:

/etc/shadow… 2/3
3/4/2020 Activity: Rainbow Tables with ophcrack | 2.3 Activity and Discussion | Material del curso CYBER504x | edX


Rainbow Tables

John the Ripper

True or False: Using Ophcrack is more e cient for cracking passwords than a brute force attack.




 Correcto (2/2 puntos)

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