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Cydne Campbell


Period 3

1 November 2017

Halloween Story

Wandering through the graveyard, it felt like something was watching me. I kept

walking and it got creepier and creepier the further I got. I kept hearing noises. It

sounded like someone was calling my name. All I kept hearing was, “Caroline”. It

started off as a soft voice and got deeper and clearer as I got closer. Every time I heard

it say my name I prayed I was near the end. All I wanted to do was visit my brother. . .

“Caroline” was whispered once more before all the street lights vanished and I felt

breathing down my spine. I turned around to see what it was but nothing was there. As I

continued making my way to my brother’s grave, everything had seemed to stop. I didn’t

hear the voices anymore. I was scared to leave his grave because I thought the voice

would come back. I was stuck, I didn’t know what to do. I waited for a while then I finally

decided to just make a run for it. The voice came back and it sounded really close this

time. As I was running I tripped and fell. I got back up and kept running. I was praying

the end was near.  I was so scared, I just wanted this day to be over. I ran all the way

home and hoped nothing followed me. As I slammed the door shut . . . I jumped out of

my sleep and I was so relieved all of this was a nightmare and that my brother wasn’t

really buried six feet under.

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