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Reflection: Personal Narrative

To reflect on how I arrived at the topic of my personal narrative: When I read the topic

"pivotal moment" I instantly thought of what I was going to write about. My personal narrative

was nothing less than a pivotal moment I went through. Writing about this time in my life

brought back many memories that made me smile and cry. It was such a sad, tragic experience

but I was able to gain self-motivation for myself and my younger siblings. Without them, I

honestly do not know where I would be today. Deciding to write this, I knew it would bring out

emotions that I carry along with the memories, but I am not afraid or embarrassed to show them.

I believe the intended audience for my writing is anyone, especially anyone who has

overcome a loss of any kind, especially substance abuse. The desired effect I hope it as on

someone who is struggling in any way and that it can help them open their eyes and focus on

someone that looks up to them so they don't give up or feel hopeless.

Writing a personal narrative applies a style of taking the reader along with you, providing

details in a way that that the reader can feel present. Using the correct details to describe what

the writer is feeling, seeing, hearing, or thinking is important aspects of a piece to maintain the

reader's attention. I believe I was successful at keeping the readers interest with my choice of

words to explain exactly what I was going through and feeling.

I believe the peer review process is an opportunity for readers to guide you in their

interests, or in different ways to write for different styles of readers.

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