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Florencia – Caquetá 10 March 2020

Urbanization La Gloria

Mr. John D. Brown

Taking care of our planet is a very important task for each of us, pollution is a
very serious problem that our community has today, because this is affecting our
health. I really understand that you are busy with company business, but as the
company president does not have to lose sight of the most important things of today
such as environmental protection, let me inform you that the amount of pollution your
company is generating is something very worrying for each one of us; I hope you
understand that we are not against your company but rather in the way they are
handling each of the production processes since with them it makes our environment
become more polluted every day. We understand that this company contributes a
lot to the economy of the municipality, but the waste produced by your company
each year is contributing to diseases such as asthma, lung cancer, among others.

We know that you have the capacity and the necessary resources to prevent this
from happening, it's just that you and your company focus on lowering the levels of
pollution generated day after day. The first decision you could make is to change
manufacturing laws and processes, just as you could apply the change or reduction
in the use of fossil fuels to generate renewable energy. Finally, we invite you to a
meeting where we can all talk about other options that can help make this work for
everyone, we appreciate your attention.


Yimberli Becerra Cuellar.

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