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Farmers and agricultural scientists For many decades, in addition to

have been genetically engineering the traditional crossbreeding, agricultural
foods we eat for centuries through scientists have used radiation
breeding programs that result in large
and largely uncontrolled exchanges of
genetic material.
International consensus has been In the decades since the first
reached on the principles regarding genetically modified foods reached the
the evaluation of the food safety of market, no adverse health effects
genetically modified plants. among consumers have been found.

At an early stage in the introduction of The first successful transformation

recombinant‐DNA technology in experiment in plants was in 1988.
modern plant breeding and
biotechnological food production

FAO and WHO have been organizing Food standards developed by Codex
workshops and consultations on the Alimentarius should be adopted by the
safety of GMOs since 1990. participating national governments.

Animal studies are deemed necessary Testing of whole foods may be

to obtain information on the considered if relevant changes in
characteristics of newly expressed composition may have taken place in
proteins, analogous to the addition to the expected ones
conventional toxicity testing of food

Longer‐term studies may be needed if The Expert Consultation noted that, in

the results of a 90‐day study indicate general, very little is known about the
adverse effects such as proliferative potential long‐term effects of any foods
changes in tissues.

identification of such effects may be identification of long‐term effects

very difficult, if not impossible, due to specifically attributable to genetically
the many confounding factors and the modified foods is highly unlikely.
great genetic variability in food‐
related effects among the population.
Epidemiological studies are not likely There is generally consistency in the
to identify such effects given the high national approaches to evaluating the
background of undesirable effects of food safety of genetically modified
conventional foods. plants

The concept of substantial equivalence This analytical comparison to assess

is fully endorsed in the European whether or not a novel food product is
approach. substantially equivalent to a product
that is already on the market is

The highest test dosage should be the If desirable safety factors cannot be
maximum amount of novel food reached in this way, additional
products that can be included in a investigations on resorption and
balanced animal diet, while the lowest metabolism of the novel food in
dosage should be comparable to the animals, and eventually humans.
expected amount in the human diet.

The exposure assessment should For the nutritional assessment, it may

include specific vulnerable consumer be necessary in some cases to set up
groups. post‐launch monitoring programs.

Also, with relation to allergenicity, the The safety of our existing foods is based
EU largely follows international on long‐term experience and history of
consensus reports in that potential safe use, even though they may contain
allergenicity should be investigated anti‐nutritional or toxic substances
with the available means, to avoid the
introduction of new allergens into the
food supply.
In the past decades progress has been In many cases beneficial compounds
made with respect to identification may also exert adverse effects
and characterization of food
constituents which may exert adverse
and/or beneficial effects on chronic
57 percent of Americans said it’s scientists wrote that they “found no
generally “unsafe to eat genetically substantiated evidence that foods from
modified foods.” GE crops were less safe than foods from
non-GE crops.”

GM crops can improve yields for The agency also approved

farmers, reduce draws on natural AquaAdvantage Salmon, a salmon
resources and fossil fuels and provide designed to grow faster than non-GMO
nutritional benefits salmon.

the scientific and political discussions Thus the OECD concept of generally
surrounding GMO foods aren't going recognized safety of the existing food
away any time soon. supply will undergo further refinement
in the light of growing scientific
evidence for the biological relevance of
specific food constituents.
GMO crops didn’t increase those There is always uncertainty about
crops’ potential yields, and they did safety, of course, but there’s no
lead to widespread and expensive evidence of harm.
problems with herbicide-resistant
GE crops paired with their pesticide crops aren’t designed to increase yields
counterparts wreak havoc on the or resist drought. Instead, most are
environment through: Increased designed to resist continuous doses of
herbicide use. toxic herbicides like glyphosate.

GE crops are responsible for U.S. government regulators continue to

increasing herbicide use by some 527 approve GMO crops.
million pounds in the U.S. over the
first 16 years of their commercial use.

The GE crops in our food system don’t They have, however, helped farmer
improve on the crops’ potential yields. protect yields from insects and weeds.

Small-scale farmers may have trouble

GE crops can, however, help protect seeing those economic gains because of
the price of seed and lack of access to
yields from pests. credit.

Ongoing public conversations about the biggest use of GMO technology is in

GE crops and related issues should be large-scale agricultural crops.
characterized by transparency and
public participation.

Both GE & non-GE crops with There’s no evidence that GE crops have
increased conditions of some increased potential yields
nutrients could have favorable effects
on the health of millions of people.

insects can develop resistance to Bt For crops that are tolerant to

glyphosate, the herbicide in Roundup,
the story gets more complicated.

While those crops initially decreased in many locations some weeds have
overall herbicide use, the report says evolved resistance to glyphosate.
those decreases have not been

The highest test dosages should be the lowest dosage should be

the maximum amount of novel food comparable to the expected amount in
product that can be included in a the human diet.
balanced animal diet

The minimum duration of an animal Better weed management has to go

study with whole foods to hand-in-hand with the deployment of
demonstrate the safety of long‐term herbicide-tolerant plants, the report
consumption of a food depends on the finds.
available toxicity database for the food
under investigation.
There’s no evidence of adverse effects prohibitively difficult or expensive”
of Bt crops on honeybees. without the weed control that comes
with herbicide-tolerant crops.

more than 300 “scientists and legal Based on USDA survey data, the
experts” signed a ‘no consensus on percent of domestic soybean acres
GMO safety’ statement planted with HT seeds rose from 17
percent in 1997 to 68 percent in 2001,

No patterns of changing cancer US rates have barely budged over a

incidence over time are “generally quarter-century.
similar” between the US, where GMO
foods are ubiquitous, and the United
Kingdom, where they are virtually

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