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Task 1 - Electromagnetic waves in open media

Individual work

Sergio Andres Murcia Garzon

Group: 203058_2

Cod: 1071987432


Escuela de Ciencias Básicas, Tecnología e Ingeniería

Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas

2020 08-03

In introducing the document's usually described, and a brief explanation or summary thereof
is given. A reader to read the introduction should be able to get an idea about the content of
the text before reading itself. (4 to 10 lines).

Questions: (write with your own words)

1. What do you mean propagation medium open for electromagnetic


Electromagnetic waves do not need a material means to propagate. Thus, these

waves can cross the interplanetary and interstellar space and reach Earth from

the Sun and the stars. Regardless of their frequency and wavelength, all

electromagnetic waves travel in a vacuum at a speed c = 299,792,458 m / s.

All radiations of the electromagnetic spectrum have the typical properties of

wave motion, such as diffraction and interference. Wavelengths range from

trillionths of a meter to many kilometers. The wavelength (λ) and frequency (f)

of the electromagnetic waves, related by the expression λ · f = c are important

to determine their energy, their visibility, their penetration power and other


2. Within the propagation mediums, what is mean by the tangent of

It is the relationship between the conduction current and the displacement
current,Its value depends on the parameters of the medium and the frequency of
the applied signal.
Within the propagation means, mathematically the loss tangent or also called the

tangent delta, it is defined as a basic measurement parameter that aims to determine

the behavior of a medium.

Through the loss tangent the type of medium due can be determined, this can be

done since it is a measure of the quality of an insulation. And it is that the lower the

current that leads, compared to the displacement current, this will have a better is the

quality of electrical insulation.

3. Of what physical variables does the value of the tangent of losses

Table with the physical variables.

Media σ [S /m] εr [ ]
1. Copper 5.80 x 107 1
2. Sea water 4 80
3. Vegetable soil 1.00 x 10−2 14
4. Dry soil 1.00 x 10−4 3
5. Sweet water 1.00 x 10−3
4. How are the propagation medium classified from the tangent of losses?
Classification of the media according to the loss tangent.

Perfect dielectrics: they have no conduction current, therefore, they do not have
Joule effect losses. tan ( δ )=0 δ=0 ¿
Perfect conductors: they have no polarization current, therefore, no they have

capacitive or charge accumulation effects. tan ( δ ) →∞ δ=
Good insulators: they have conduction current and have losses due to effect Joule,
but this effect is almost insignificant compared to the capacitive effect, they are called
+ ¿¿

also "low loss dielectrics". tan ( δ ) →0+ ¿δ → 0 ¿

Good conductors: polarization current present, therefore, personally capacitive

effects or charge build-up, but the Driving current and losses due to Joule effect.

tan ( δ ) →∞ δ=
Dissipative dielectrics: they have both effects and neither is insignificant against
the other. 0< δ <
5. What are the propagation parameters of the waves through a medium?
Propagation parameters in open media

The propagation parameters of the waves through a medium are

Not Lost low Dielectrics with Good

dissipative dielectric losses conductors
 jω √ με jω √ με √ jωμ(σ + j ωε) √ jω σ μo
 0 ση/2 ℜ¿) √ πf σ μ o
 ω √ με ω √ με ℑ() √ πf σ μ o
 √ μ/ε √ μ/ε √ jω μ/( σ+ j ωε) √ jω μo /σ

Application exercises:

1. Calculate the tangent of losses Tan (δ) and the angle of losses δ of the
medium chosen in Table 1, if through it travel an electromagnetic wave E of
frequency f =CCC MHz. Note that CCC are the first 3 digits of your identification

f =107 MHz
Según la table 1
Table 1: Conductivity σ and electrical permittivity ε rof some media.

Media σ [S /m] εr [ ]
1. Copper 5.80 x 107 1
2. Sea water 4 80
3. Vegetable soil 1.00 x 10−2 14
4. Dry soil 1.00 x 10−4 3
5. Sweet water 1.00 x 10−3 80
−12 2 2
ε o=8.8542 x 10 C /N m

Los parámetros del cobre son:

σ =1.00∗10−4
ε r=3

ε o=8.8542 x 10−12

Reemplazamos los valores en la fórmula

σ σ
tan ( δ )= =
ω ε 2 πf ε r ε o

1.0 0 x 10− 4
tan ( δ )= =0.0055=5.59972
2∗π∗107 x 106∗3∗8.8542 x 10−12

1.00 x 10−4
tan ( δ )=
tan ( δ )=0.1386

δ =tan−1 (0.1386)

Lo cual da un ángulo de pérdidas

δ =0.3208 °
2. According to the result obtained in point 1, classify the behavior of the chosen
medium according to one of the 5 options in Table 2:
Media Tan(δ) δ [°]
1. Perfect dielectrics (Not dissipative) Tan(δ) = 0 δ = 0°
2. Good insulators (Lost low dielectric) 0 < Tan(δ) <= 0,1 0° < δ <= 6°
3. Dissipative dielectrics (Dielectrics with losses) 0,1 < Tan(δ) <= 10 6° < δ <= 84°
4. Good conductors (Good conductors) Tan(δ) > 10 84°< δ < 90°
5. Perfect conductors (Perfect conductors) Tan(δ) >>> 10 δ = 90°

3. According to the classification obtained in point 2 and using Table 3 shown

below, calculate the following propagation parameters of the wave in the chosen
a. Propagation constant  (gamma).
b. Attenuation constant  (Alpha).
c. Phase constant  (Beta).
d. Intrinsic impedance  (Eta).
Table 3: Propagation parameters in open media.

Not Lost low Dielectrics with Good

dissipative dielectric losses conductors
 jω √ με jω √ με √ jωμ(σ + j ωε) √ jω σ μo
 0 ση/2 ℜ¿) √ πf σ μ o
 ω √ με ω √ με ℑ() √ πf σ μ o
 √ μ/ε √ μ/ε √ jω μ/( σ+ j ωε) √ jω μo /σ

¿ jω √ με =√ iωσ μo =√ i∙ 2∙ π ∙ f ∙ σ ∙ μ o=√ i∙ 2∙ π ∙ 107 ×10 6 ∙ 1.00× 10−4 ∙ 1.2566 ×10−6

¿ 0.2055253293756+0.2055253293756 i

α =√ πf σ μ o=√ π ∙ 107 ×106 ∙1.00 × 10−4 ∙ 1.2566× 10−6 =α =0.205525 Np /m

¿ √ πf σ μo =√ π ∙ 107 ×106 ∙1.00 ×10−4 ∙1.2566 × 10−6=¿ 0.20552532 Rad /m

jω μo i ∙2 ∙ π ∙ 107 ×10−4 ∙ 1.2566 ×10−6
¿ √ jω μ o /σ =
√ σ
√ 1.00× 10−4

¿ 0.0205525329376+0.0205525329376 iΩ

4. According to the results obtained in point 3 and using the following equations,
calculate the propagation characteristics of the wave in the chosen medium:
a. Propagation speed v p .
b. Wavelength λ .
c. Speed factor f v .
d. Refractive index n .

ω 2 πf 2∙ π ∙ 107 ×106 7
vp = = = =v p=3271133833.3798270226=3.271133∗10 m/s
β β 0.20552532 Rad /m

2π 2∗π
λ= = = λ=30.571344 m
β 0.20552532
v p 3.271133∗107 m/s
f v= = 8
=f v =1.90× 109
C0 3.00× 10

1 1
n= = =5.263158∗10 6
f v 1.90× 10 9

5. According to the parameters obtained in the previous points and knowing that
the maximum value of the E wave is 120 V /m, calculate:
e. The penetration depth of the δ pwave in the medium.
f. The power Potransmitted by the wave in the medium.
g. The % losses of wave amplitude per unit length.
1 1
δ p= = =δ =4.865588m
|α | 0.205525 Np/m p

|E 2x 0| |120 2|
0 cos θ n ¿ P0 = cos ( 45 )=175160.891 W /m 2
2|n| 2|0.0205525329376+0.0205525329376 iΩ|

205525 Np

%losses= 1−e ( −2∗0.

∗1 m
) × 100=%losses=50.840077 %



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