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Nama : Firdausiyah Putri

NIM : 180810301182

The beauty of candi Borobudur

Candi Borobudur is a Buddhist temple located in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java,

Indonesia. This temple-shaped stupa was founded by Mahayana Buddhists around the year 800
during the government Wangsa Syailendra. Borobudur is the largest temple or Buddhist temple
in the world, at the same time one of the largest Buddhist monuments in the world.
Monumen ini terdiri atas enam teras berbentuk bujur sangkar yang diatasnya terdapat
tiga peralatan melingkar pada dindingnya yang dihiasi dengan 2672 panel relief. This monument
is a model of the universe and was built as a holy place to glorify the Buddha as well as function
as a place of pilgrimage to guide humanity to move from its nature. Borobudur has the most
complete collection of Buddhist reliefs in the World. The largest stupa is located in the center,
surrounded by three circular rows of 72 hollow stupas in which a Buddha statue is sitting cross-
legged in a perfect lotus position. In the world of tourism, Borobudur is a single tourist attraction
in Indonesia that is most visited by tourists and is the most beautiful tourist.
So Candi Borobudur is tourist attraction in Indonesia that has the beauty to visit. Don't
forget to visit Candi Borobudur.

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