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Over the past decades, purchaser are confronted with the advertising industry from cutthroat

enterprises for manifold reasons. This essay will pinpoint my strong agreements and thus, suggesting
some remedies which can be implemented to address the problem.

There are a diversity of critical reasons related to this point of view is that advertisements bombard
customers in diverse forms from mass media or billboard. To put it another way, ADVERTISING
AGENCIES TEND TO exaggeratE information about products. What is more, the celebrity endorsement
of products can be seen as evidence of the desire of modern consumers to associate their products or
brand with positive impression, such as beauty, high social status and wealth. That, in turn, may
manipulate individuals' ration. Henceforth, consumers' trust is abused. In line with the previous idea,
the second debate is not less important. Adverts make consumers have impulsive purchase, especially
in young purchases. On account of the fact that they have to pay for exorbitant price which includes
advertising cost. As a matter of that this spending exponentially outnumbers the real value of
products or services, but buyers are unaware of this hidden cost.

When it comes to solutions, there may be various ways to combat this situation. Governments should
enact rules and regulations that require all advertisements to comply with national laws. To be more
precise, the contents of adverts from online commercials conventional advertising have to be
censored prior to being released. For instance, tobacco distributors should provide exactly poisonous
chemicals in cigarettes in stead of putting slogan " SMOKING CAN KILL YOU", this discourages addicted
smokers from buying them. Provided that ones with false claims about products' properties are
banned, consumers might avoid to be exposed to unreliable ads. Another approach is fairly vital,
consumers should be vigilant and educated deeply prior to deciding to shop any niche commodities,
they would not squander their money on extravagant items. Hence, becoming wise buyers is the
optimal measure in an attempt to defend them against misleading and biased information from

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