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7 habits of highly effective people

 1 Be proactive
 2 Begin with the end mind
 3 Put first things first
 4 Think win-win(don’t just think of your victory ,work for others victory also)
 5 Seek first to understand ,then to be understood.
 6 Synergize
 7 Sharpen the saw

48 laws of power
 1 Never outshine the master
 2 Never put too much trust on friends; learn how to use enemies.
 3 Conceal your intentions
 4 Always say less than necessary
 5 So much depends on your reputation-guard it with your life .
 6 Court attention at all cost
 7 Get others to do work for you but always take the credict
 8 Make others people come to you-use bait if necessary
 9 Win through your actions-not through argument
 10 Infection: avoid the unhappy and unlucky
 11 Learn to keep people dependent on you
 12 Use selective honesty to disarm your victim
 13 asking for help appeals to people’s self interest
 14 Pose as a friend, work as a spy.
 15 Crush your enemy totally
 16 Use absence to increase respect and honor
 17 Cultivate an air of unpredictability
 18 Isolation Is dangerous
 19 Do not offend the wrong person
 20 Do not commit to anyone
 21 Play a sucker to catch a sucker
 22 Surrender tactic: transform weakness into power
 23 Concentrate your forces.
 24 Recreate yourself
 25 Keep your hands clean
 26 Create a cult: play on people need to believe
 27 Enter action with boldness
 28 Plan all the way to the end
 29 Make your accomplishment seem effortless
 30 Get others to play with cards you deal
 31 Play to people’s fantasies
 32 Discover each man’s thumbscrew
 33 Be royal in your own fashion-act like a king
 34 Think as you like, but behave like others
 35 Stir up water t catch fish
 36 Despise the free lunch
 37 Avoid stepping into a great mans shoes
 38 Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter
 39 Work on the hearts and mind of others
 40 Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect
 41 Preach change but never reform quickly
 42 Never appear too perfect
 43 In victory learn when to stop
 44 Assume formlessness
 45 master the art of timing
 46 Disdain things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best
 47 create compelling spectacles.
 48 Play the perfect courtier

Rich dad poor dad

The rich don’t work for money
Financial literacy
Mind your own business
The power of corporations
The rich seize opportunities to invent money
Work to learn—don’t work for money
Overcoming obstacles

Self made millionaire

 Dream big dreams
 Develop a clear sense of goal
 See yourself as self employed
 Do what you love to do
 Commit to excellence
 Work longer and harder
 Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning
 Pay yourself first
 Learn every detail of your business
 Dedicate yourself to customer service
 Be absolutely honest focus on your priorities
 Develop a reputation for speed and
 Clean from peak to peak
 Practice self discipline in all things
 Unborn your inborn creativity
 Put your put yourself around the right people
 Take excellent care of your physical exercise
 Be decisive and action oriented
 Never allow failure to be an option
 Pass the persistence test

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