Pulp 1.0 PDF

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1. 1d20 roll will be the die that will determines most in-game checks, unless specified
2. Physical Attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Constitution (CON), and Appearance (APP)
3. Mental Attributes: Intelligence (INT), Wisdom (WIS), Charisma (CHA), and Psyche (PSY)
4. Species Specific Attributes will be emphasized by the Species of the character (below)
5. Non-species Specific Attributes will be ‘rolled-out’ for each Non-species Attribute with 3d6
6. Skills are ‘checked’ only for dramatic or stressful moments (at the discretion of the DM/GM)
7. Character progression will be capped at 10th for most features except those specified below
8. Character progression for levels beyond 10th provide the choice of advancing 1 Attribute point or adding 1 Trait every 4
9. Experience Points beyond 10th level will cost double that of the current experience amount
10. Hit Points = The Standard Hit Point Value of 5 + CON Modifier + character level. This calculation will continue to
increase after 10th Level.
11. Passive Perception is always active, unless specific circumstances restrict this.
12. Multi-classing will not be used.
13. Each encounter is factored with a d20 roll +10; the average level of the character party is subtracted from the result.
This number can be used to determine the DC of the encounters. No encounter Difficulty Class will be above 30, unless
otherwise specified.
14. Each encounter is performed as if all actions during the game round occur at the same time ‘in-game’. Unless a given
creature has First Strike (if a situation warrants, such as taking the previous round to ‘ready’ a strike).
15. Advantage dice will replace Bonus Actions. Where a creature can take multiple actions, the creature will be afforded
the equal number of Advantage dice in order to make a single success.
16. Advantage (ADV) = granted for any situation in favorable conditions. Disadvantage (DIS) = granted for unfavorable
17. Actions with a weapon where a d20 results in an un-modified 1 will be considered a Critical Failure, and will result in
having Disadvantage the next round. If the result is an un-modified 20, this will be considered a Critical Success, and
result in double the weapon damage.

Scenario Progression: Daily

1. Long Rest – Determine the affects of any Long Rest moments taken by the group
2. Weather and travel conditions – A check made for the morning and the evening in each environment
3. Sustenance – See the required sustenance for a daily, standard activity of the given creature (rules cheat-sheet)

Scenario Progression: Encounter

1. Determine the DC of the encounter
2. Determine surprises if applicable
a. Surprise action and result ‘checks’
3. Determine first strike, if applicable
a. First strike action and result ‘checks’
4. Determine actions and movements
a. Determine all actions and result ‘checks’ at the same time ‘in-game’
5. Determine re-action ‘checks’
6. Determine the aftermath of the performed ‘checks’ and movements
Measurements: Will be presented by units, areas, and measures, rough equals exhibited value below
Weight – 1 unit = 10 pounds/5 kilograms, 1 measure = 1 ton/1000 kilograms
Distance – 1 unit = 1 yard/1 meter, 1 area = 25 yards/2.5 decameters, 1 measure = 1 mile/1.5 kilometer
Volume – 1 vial = 4 ounces, 1 unit = 1 pint/0.5 quarts, 1 measure = 1 gallon/4 liters
Time – 1 round = 5 seconds, 1 turn = 1 minute, 1 unit = 5 minutes, 1 measure = 1 hour, 25 measures = 1 day
Day – 7 days = 1 week, 50 weeks = 1 cycle, 1 cycle = 1 year
Attributes – Attributes are randomly determined 1-12, then +6 is applied to find the Attribute
Strength (STR): Physical, physical power, improves damage with melee weapons ()
Dexterity (DEX: Physical, agility, improves chance to hit with range weapons and affects Defense Class
Constitution (CON): Physical, endurance and toughness, improves hit-points, ()
Intelligence (INT): Mental, reasoning and memory,
Wisdom (WIS): Mental, perception and insight,
Charisma (CHA): Mental, force of personality, represents the number of loyal contacts you might have
Appearance (APP): Physical, physical image
Psyche (PSY): Mental, command over the energies that fill the universe


3 -4
4-5 -3
6-7 -2
8-9 -1
10-11 0
12-13 +1
14-15 +2
16-17 +3
18-19 +4
20-21 +5
22-23 +6
23-24 +7
25-26 +8
27-28 +9

Hit Points – The maximum value of 5 + CON Modifier + character level

Defense Class – 10 + DEX Mod, +1 or -1 for size differences of two categories or more
Character Classes – 3 playable classes exist: Fringer, Scoundrel, and Noble
Character Advancement: XP will be awarded in accordance with 10 x the opposing DC of the encounter
Skills – Proficient skills will be checked with a roll of d20 + applicable Attribute Modifier + Proficiency Bonus
Animal Handling: WIS – CHA, ability to manipulate a domesticated animals or intuit an animal’s intentions
Acrobatics: DEX, talents for balance, flexibility, jumping, and tumbling
Athletics: STR – CON, covers difficult situations you encounter while climbing, running, and swimming
Eye-Hand Coordination: DEX, determines advantages to aim and throw
Hacking: INT, the ability to maintain, build, program, decipher, and understand electro-mechanical devices
History: INT, ability to recall lore of people, lands, past disputes, and knowledge of lost and recent cultures
Insight: INT – WIS, abilities of investigation, detail orientation, and to develop theories and predictions
Lore: INT – WIS, measures the knowledge of legends, stories, methods, practices, and uses of the Psionics
Medicine: INT - WIS, stabilize, diagnose, and treat an illness and administer first aid
Nature: INT – WIS, measures the ability to recall details on the environment, including flora and fauna
Operation: INT – DEX, represents the abilities to operate vehicles, mechanized equipment, and drones
Perception: WIS – INT, the ability to spot, hear, or otherwise detect the presence of something
Performance: CHA – APP, determines how well you can entertain with music, dance, acting, and storytelling
Persuasion: CHA – APP, the use of tact or bravado tact or bravado to influence and intimidate
Sleight of Hand: DEX, lifting items, picking pockets, picking locks, and other thievery
Stealth: DEX – WIS, covers activities such as stealth and camouflage
Survival: INT – WIS, check to follow tracks, hunt wild game, predict the weather, or avoid natural hazards
Languages – Make an INT check vs the encounter DC, if successful you understand enough to communicate
Proficiency Bonus: Learned ability; provides bonuses to Skills, Saves, Defense Class, Attacks, and Psionic usage
Tool Proficiency: Skill sets that a character is proficient in
Actions – Each creature gets 1 Attack Action and 1 Movement Action
Full Action = the Movement Action or the Attack Action is sacrificed for to perform 2 similar Actions
Retrieving any stowed gear costs 1 Action at the sacrifice of either a Movement Action or an Attack Action
Combat –
First Strike = An attack that occurs prior to anyone else’s combat round
Surprise: If a creature attacks a target unaware, they gain First Strike
Attack Actions = d20 check + STR or DEX Modifier + Proficiency Bonus vs the target’s Defense Class
Multiple Attacks conducted in addition to an Attack Action will be made at a DIS
Flanking Actions = allow Advantage for each flanking creature to attack, to a maximum of 4
Full Defense provides an additional +4 to AC
Underwater Attacks conducted by a creature without a swim speed has DIS
Underwater Attacks with ranged weapons automatically miss if beyond a weapons affective range
Combat in 0-gravity will impose DIS on all Attack Actions and physical Skill checks
A Dash Action is a burst of speed that doubles any remaining movement in a straight line
Hide Actions utilize a Stealth check to conceal the target vs the opposing Perception check
Reactions: Attack of Opportunity – only one Attack of Opportunity can be taken by a creature per turn
A Disengaging Action allows retreat from a creature without imposing an Attack of Opportunity
Movement out of combat, without first taking a Disengaging Action, may impose an Attack of Opportunity
Search Action, utilizing Perception and Insight to find something, may impose an Attack of Opportunity
Use an Object, requiring more than a few moments of concentration, may impose an Attack of Opportunity
Unarmed combat by an unskilled creature may impose an Attack of Opportunity
Movement –
Movement can be broken up during a round, to allow another type of action to occur
Movement can be broken up into movement types (walking/swimming/flying)
Standing from a prone position costs 1 Movement
Difficult Terrain is any area or situation that can cause a hindrance to a creature’s movement
Movement in Difficult Terrain costs double the allowed movement value
Movement while crawling is considered Difficult Terrain
Movement through an occupied space is considered Difficult Terrain
Movement in 0-gravity is considered Difficult Terrain
Movement through a smaller space is Difficult Terrain
- Attack Actions and DEX saving throws are at a Disadvantage
Movement Distances by creature size
- Miniscule creatures have a Speed = 1 units
- Tiny creatures have a Speed = 2 units
- Small creatures have a Speed = 3 units
- Medium creatures have a Speed = 4 units
- Large creatures have a Speed = 5 units
- Huge creatures have a Speed = 10 units, travel pace is doubled
- Gargantuan creatures have a Speed = 20 units
- Colossal creatures have a Speed = 30 units, travel pace is tripled
Movement can be done through a non-hostile creature’s space
No creature can end movement in an occupied space unless the occupier is of the same size or smaller
Mounting and dismounting requires a Move Action if the creature is cooperative
Mounting and dismounting requires a Move Action and a DEX check if the creature is un-cooperative
- To remain mounted if the creature is jolted requires a DEX check
Jumping from a standing position, length = to the height of the character (DEX check required)
Jumping from a run, the number of units = to the CON Modifier, cannot be less than 1 (DEX check required)
Jumping height = to half of the standing height of the character (DEX check required)
Falling = 1d4 blunt damage per 3 units, the fallen creature lands prone unless a DEX check/save
- Falling occurs with an airborne creature is denied a Movement Action
Encumbered = Max Unencumbered Carry Weight = STR x 10 units
2x the Max Unencumbered Carry Weight value = Movement is halved
3x the Max Unencumbered Carry Weight value = Movement is quartered
4x the Max Unencumbered Carry Weight value = unable to Move
Cover: One-half cover results in +2 Defense Class
Three-quarters cover results in +5 Defense Class
Total cover cannot be targeted by regular methods
Damage and Healing:
Total Weapon damage = weapon damage + the Attribute modifier applicable to the weapon type
- Affective Damage = Total Weapon Damage – Armor Damage Redux
Psionic damage is specified to the psionic power used
Damage Type = Energy Type
Toxins: Acidic and corrosive energies
Cold: Chill and frost energies
Fire: Heat and flame energies
Plasma: Electrical and charged energies
Psychic: Mental energies
Force: Kinetic energies
Radiant: Cosmic energies
Necrotic: Entropic energies
Concussive: Vibration and sonic energies
Damage Resistance results in half of the Affective Damage
Damage Vulnerability results in double of the Affective Damage
Damage can be applied to Hit Points or Attributes, according to specified damage details (poisons)
No healing of Hit Points or Attribute values can add more than the allowed maximum for the character
Healing by mundane means, 1 Long Rest = half of the lost hit points, 2 Long Rests = all lost hit points
Healing through the use of psionics occurs instantly upon application
Unconscious – all creatures immediately fall unconscious upon reaching 0 hit points, must make Death Save
Stabilizing = A creature stabilizes if the Death Save is succeeded
- A Medicine check from another character (DC10)
Death: all creatures are destroyed upon failing the Death Save and the Edge of Death time has expired
- The Edge of Death = failing a Death Save leaves the CON Attribute in rounds before being destroyed
Death Save DC = 10
Any damage after falling unconscious = automatic failed Death Save
Temporary hit points are applied for a specific duration and are removed once the duration ends
Resurrected creatures can only remain ‘alive’ for a number of days = to their last ‘living’ Hit Point value
Exhaustion: 6 Levels of Exhaustion exist, and apply following any Critical hits in combat
Exhaustion affects last until removed via 1 Level per Short Rest or psionic restorative means
Level 1 – Disadvantage on Attribute checks
Level 2 – Speed is halved
Level 3 – Disadvantage on Attacks and Saves
Level 4 – Speed reduced to 0
Level 5 – Unconsciousness
Level 6 – Death (A Death Save is applied upon reaching this Level)
Resting: Short Rest = a pause or 2 measures of no actions, removes 1 level of Exhaustion
Long Rest = half-a-day or 12 measures of no actions, resets Exhaustion, allowed once a week
Crafting with a tool the creature is proficient in for 1 day, allows for an item of 5 credits in value (cumulative)
Researching – each day of study allows for Advantage on any known Skill check
Profession – each day of employ in an occupation provides 1d10 credits
Sustenance (25 measures = 1 day):
Food = 1 pound a day or -1 point CON, can be regained at a rate of 1 point per Long Rest
Water = 1 gallon a day or suffer 1 Level of Exhaustion, can be regained at a rate of 1 point per Long Rest
Air = Always needed, once held-breath time limit runs out, each round afterward = 1 Hit Point
Luck and Inspiration: Can possess no more than 1, can be used to automatically succeed any check
Opposed Checks: Highest roll wins following application of all Modifiers
Assisting Checks: Allows ADV to the applicable check, for Trained Skills the assistance must also be Trained
Saves – Saving Check (throw) = d20 + Attribute Modifier + the Proficiency Bonus (if applicable)
Proficiency Saves: Based off of Class, Attributes that the character has a latent talent in
Psyche Save: The average of WIS and CON value, Sensitive characters may use their PSY Attribute
Death: CON, DC is always 10. Checked when 0 hit points are reached.
Daily Expense: 0 credits - slaves, 1 credit - commoners, 5 credits - citizens, 50 credits - nobles, 100 credits - royals
Travel Pace (10 measures per day):
Fast = 32 measures a day, disadvantage on Perception
Normal = 24 measures a day,
Slow = 12 measures a day, able to use Stealth
Difficult Terrain halves all pace calculations
Swimming Travel Pace w/o a swimming movement = CON modifier in measures, minimum of 1
Temperatures: < 30 degrees or > 110 degrees allocates 1 point of Exhaustion every 4 measures of exposure
Average Attribute = 10, prior to applying species modifiers
Minions will have 1 as a hit point value, and an XP value of 10
Miniscule creatures (1) will have 1 hit point value, and an XP value no less than 20
Tiny creatures (2) will have 2 as a hit point value, and an XP value no less than 25
Small creatures (3) will have 1d4 as a hit die, and an XP value no less than 50
Medium creatures (4) will have 1d6 as a hit die, and an XP value no less than 75,
Large creatures (5) will have 1d8 as a hit die, and an XP value no less than 100
Huge creatures (10) will have 1d10 as a hit die, and an XP value no less than 150
Gargantuan creatures (20) will have a 1d12 hit die, and an XP value no less than 200
Colossal creatures (30) will have a 1d20 hit die, and an XP value no less than 300
XP Bonus = 10 XP for each positive Attribute Modifier, Feature, Ability, Trait, Psionic, Augmentation and Mutation
NPCs can be of any playable Class
- Chased generates a DC by making a DEX or WIS check with Modifier
- Chaser must succeed that DC with either DEX or WIS check with Modifier
- Success – if Chased = escape; if Chaser = intercepted
Vehicle Combat will be conducted similar to the Chase mechanic, utilizing the Operation Skill
- Successor is allowed an Attack Action vs the evaders Operation Skill + the vehicles DC Adjustment
Relations with NPCs are treated as Friendly (ADV on interactions), Apathetic, Cautious (DIS on interactions)
- Adored and Hostile encounter interactions are automatic pass-or-fail
Holding Breath = 1+ CON Modifier = turns to hold one’s breath
XP Rewards vs Encounter DC – for DC’s below 10 the given Experience Points will be 20
- DC10 = 50
- DC15 = 100
- DC20 = 200
- DC25 = 300
- DC30 = 400
XP Calculation = Encounter XP + Adversary XP + 100 for participation
DAMAGE LOCATIONS – The Hit Point value available to a character can be applied to each location. The total of which
would make up the whole of the character’s total hit point count. However, should the Hit Point value of a location expire, the
‘affect’ of that location is applied. The AFFECT of each location is given below.
1 Head Must succeed a Death Save or target will die on the next round
2 Neck Must succeed a Death Save or target will become paralyzed on the next round
3 Front Torso Must succeed a Death Save or target will die on the next round
4 Back Torso Must succeed a Death Save or target will become paralyzed on the next round
5 Stomach Must succeed a Death Save or target will die in a number of rounds = to CON
6 Groin Not life threatening, half Movement/Speed and loss of DEX for Defense Class
7 Left Arm Not life threatening, target losses use of the Left Arm
8 Right Arm Not life threatening, target losses use of the Right Arm
9 Right Leg Not life threatening, half Movement/Speed and loss of DEX for Defense Class
10 Left Leg Not life threatening, half Movement/Speed and loss of DEX for Defense Class
INTERACTIONS – The table below can be used to determine a random encounter and social interaction
- The Mood can be ‘swayed’ following the random roll by the CHA or APP Modifier
1-2 Trusted Automatic success on all checks for diplomatic actions
3-4 Friendly ADV on all checks for diplomatic actions
5-6 Apathetic Does not care about the character or what the character does
7-8 Cautious DIS on all checks for diplomatic actions
9-0 Threatened Automatic fail on all checks for diplomatic actions
MACHINES – Machines are classified by the complexity of artificial intelligence (AI) they possess; Programmed Intelligence,
Simulated Intelligence, and Behavioral Intelligence. Machines are also known as bots, AI, and mechs. Traits are available to BI
only and are underlined in the Traits list below.
- Programmed Intelligence (PI): Simple devices programmed to perform a single programmed task.
- Simulated Intelligence (SI): Complex devices programmed with simple problem solving solutions and a set of
related Skills.
- Behavioral Intelligence (BI): Devices with a neural and sensory network that can perform and appear human, also
known as androids
All machines are capable of possessing Augmentations
No machine can possess Psionics or Mutations

Species – All species are descendants of the human race; listed are the types of descendant species
1 Strong 1d12+8 = STR, +1 Any Attribute
2 Fast 1d12+8 = DEX, +1 Any Attribute
3 Tough 1d12+8 = CON, +1 Any Attribute
4 Clever 1d12+8 = INT, +1 Any Attribute
5 Cunning 1d12+8 = WIS, +1 Any Attribute
6 Influential 1d12+8 = CHA, +1 Any Attribute
7 Attractive 1d12+8 = APP, +1 Any Attribute
8 Universal 1d12+8 = Any Attribute,+1 Any Attribute

Species Size Adjustments –

Miniscule creatures (1) = -3 STR
Tiny creatures (2) = -2 STR
Small creatures (3) = -1 STR
Medium creatures (4) = 0 adjustment to STR
Large creatures (5) = +1 STR
Huge creatures (10) = +2 STR
Gargantuan creatures (20) = +4 STR
Colossal creatures (30) = +8 STR

Species Appearance – The physical appearance of all species is human; however, there can be details that differ from one
to another. Such details often reflect a Psionic power or a situation or environment to which the species had evolved

Machine Characters – Players can choose to be a machine, but must choose the Behavioral Intelligent AI in order to
possess usable character abilities. BI characters can appear and perform on a similar level to humans. Behavioral
Intelligent characters use the Universal species qualities and may be of Small or Large size; however, interactions with
living species will be checked at a DIS.

Height Table (units) Weight Table (units) Age Table (cycles)
0.25 x 1d6 1 x 1d2 1 x 1d4 1 x 1d10 10 + 1d20 20 + 3d10 15 + 3d10 100 + 2d100

Gender Table
01-33 Male
34-66 Female
67-00 Non-Binary

Planet of Origin Table – (the below list incorporates the planets that have been terra-formed for human occupation)
1 Earth (urban) Planet-city Earth(bot mega-city, imperial), humans exist as slaves and refugees
2 Mercury (wastes) The Great City (bot city, imperial), Solaria (human mining colony/smuggling ring, council)
3 Venus (jungles) Venusport (human city, senate), Phantom Haven (pirate mega-colony, council)
4 Mars (desert) Canali (human city, dictatorship), Xanthus (mythic home of the Dream Beast)
5 Saturn (wastes) Crossbones (human colony, slavers, council), Station (human port, exiles)
6 Neptune (mountains) Aguaga (human city, militaristic, supreme command), Coraam (mining colony, monarchy)
7 Pluto (arctic) Delonia (human city, monarchy), Kor (free port-city, council)
8 Asteroid Colonies Various human settlements, ports, stations, and cities; most notable locale = Thule Port
Fringer STR and CON 2 Simple and Martial Weapons All
Scoundrel DEX and CHA 3 Simple Weapons and 1 Martial Weapon Light
Noble WIS and INT 4 Simple Weapons None


1 1 +1 2 Class Feature Initiate 0
1 2 +2 2 Trait Initiate 1000
2 3 +3 3 Student 2000
2 4 +4 3 +1 Ability Score Student 4000
3 5 +5 4 Trait Teacher 8000
3 6 +6 4 Teacher 16000
3 7 +7 5 +1 Ability Score Teacher 32000
4 8 +8 5 Trait Master 64000
4 9 +9 6 Master 130000
4 10 +10 6 +1 Ability Score Master 260000
Starting Equipment – Armor (light), Weapon (simple), a set of tools, + a special item
Starting Gold – 1d12 credits
Class Features – Upon 1st level the player can choose 1 Feature listed under the character’s class
- Fringer :
o Rage: In combat, you can enter a rage at will. You can hold a rage for 1 unit of time per level of your
class. Your level = the number of times you can enter a rage per 24 hours. During a rage, gain ADV on
melee attacks, STR and CON checks and saves, resistance to physical damage. Also, gain DIS on INT
and WIS checks. To exit a rage you must succeed a WIS check vs DC10.
o Combat Mastery: Choose 3 Fighting Styles you are considered to have mastered.
o Favored Enemy: Choose a creature type; you have ADV in all checks when dealing with that creature
- Scoundrel:
o Favor: You have a favor that can be called in from a powerful patron or contact; this individual has a vast
amount of resources to assist you. This favor can grant you one boon of items or information per game
session. The patron will not place themselves in direct danger to assist you.
o Sneak Attack: You can deal an additional d6 damage if you have ADV on the attack roll
o Infiltration: You gain ADV on all checks involving stealth, persuasion, and insight regardless if you have
these Skills chosen as proficiencies.
- Noble:
o Contacts: A Contact is a group who you have closer ties to or maybe are a member of. Contacts can be
called in to provide personnel. This feature provides transportation and firepower.
o Influence: You are a well-known persona through the Galaxy and gain benefits to your interaction with
others. All common encounters are treated as if they were a threat category less (hostile, cautious,
apathetic, friendly, adored), and are afforded a 10% discount on all trade encounters.
o Inspiration: You can fill others with a sense of glory, insight, or dread with rousing words. You can
provide ADV or DIS to any checks to a number of targets equal to your level, at a range of 10 units. This
bonus lasts for a number of units equal to your level.
Traits – Can be chosen at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, detailed below.
Unarmored Defense Reckless Attack Brutal Critical
Expertise Danger Sense Iron Will
Favored Mount Fast Movement Intimidating Presence
Hardy Second Wind Indomitable
Senses Uncanny Dodge Evasion
Natural Explorer Primeval Awareness Non-class Feature
Cunning Action Hide in Plain Sight Sniper
Spacer Exotic Weapon Proficiency Relentless
Sensitive Fool’s Luck Dauntless
Animal Affinity Weapon Fighting Style Multiattack
Favored Companion Herbalism Psionic Resistance
Darkvision Martial Arts Fighting Style Leadership
Ability Score Improvements – Chosen at 4th, 7th, and 10th level any single Attribute can be permanently improved by 1
 Animal Affinity – You gain ADV on all initial interactions with an animal or beast.
 Brutal Critical – You gain an additional weapon damage die upon scoring a Critical Success; this higher damage
is doubled
 Cunning Action – Gain the ability to perform an action during the ‘First Strike’ phase of an encounter.
 Danger Senses – You gain the ability to sense dangers and cannot be surprised
 Darkvision – Gain darkvision a number of units equal to your level multiplied by 10.
 Dauntless – Gain immunity to the Frightened condition.
 Senses – You are always allowed a Perception check
 Exotic Weapon Proficiency – Gain proficiency in a specific exotic weapon
 Expertise – Gain ADV on one of the Skills of which you are proficient.
 Evasion – When targeted by an area affect, you can make a DEX save for half of the damage.
 Fast Movement – Gain the ability to double your movement score once between Short Rests.
 Favored Companion – You gain the companionship of a loyal creature of any kind with a level no higher than the
character. This creature will always treat you as a trusted friend unless treated badly. You also have a limited
empathic link to this creature as long as they are within the line of sight. You can only possess one Favored
Companion at a time. It takes a week before you can change your Favored Companion.
 Favored Mount – You gain the companionship of a loyal mount of any kind with a level no higher than the
character. This creature will always treat you as a trusted friend unless treated badly. You also have a limited
empathic link to this creature as long as they are within the line of sight. You can only possess one Favored
Mount at a time. It takes a week before you can change your Favored Mount.
 Fool’s Luck – Gain the ADV on any one check between Long Rests.
 Hardy – Gain Resistance to poisons and diseases.
 Herbalism – You have gained a talent for working with extracts, toxins, and bacteria in order to perform simple
affects through balms, poisons, and bio-chemical concoctions. In order to do so you need succeed a WIS or INT
check to forage for ingredients, and a Long Rest to create the mixture. The resultant potency = 1d4 + Prof Bonus
 Hide in Plain Sight – You are a master of camouflage, gain ADV on all checks to hide and ambush, and attempts
to track you are at a DIS.
 Indomitable – You gain the chance to reroll any Saving Throw
 Intimidating Presence – You gain the ability to target a creature that can see you, this creature must succeed a
WIS vs 10 + the character level or become Frightened for a number of rounds equal to the character’s level.
 Iron Will – Gain ADV on all saves vs mind affecting abilities
 Leadership – Has the ability to gain a number of loyal followers equal to the character’s CHA modifier. These
followers can never be a higher level than half of that of the character. If a follower dies, under the leadership of
the character, half of the remaining followers leave. It will take a number of weeks equal to 20 – the character
level, for any followers to return following a death.
 Psionic Resistance – Gain ADV on all saves vs Psionic affects
 Martial Arts Fighting Style – You gain enhanced talent with punches, kicks, grapples and holds, throws, or any
other forms of unarmed combat; you gain ADV on attack rolls in unarmed combat and do not provoke an Attack
of Opportunity doing so.
 Multiattack – Gain the ability to make additional attacks, this Trait can be purchased a number of times = to the
character’s DEX Modifier
 Natural Explorer – Gain intimate knowledge of a particular terrain; forest, desert, arctic, swamp, mountains,
plains, and coastal regions and gain ADV on all checks involved with the chosen terrain. Your travel is not
slowed by Difficult Terrain while in your chosen terrain.
 Non-Class Feature – Gain access to a Class Feature not available to your character class.
 Primal Awareness – You gain the ability to take an action allowing your senses to expand to a range equal your
character level in measures seeking a given creature type. This Trait does not reveal specifics of the creature type
 Reckless Attack – You throw aside all concern for personal safety in your attack gaining ADV on attack rolls and
lose your DEX Mod to your AC total.
 Relentless – You have the ability to ignore or ‘shrug-off’ 1 Conditional Affect between each Short Rest
 Second Wind – You gain the ability to replenish half of your lost hit points upon reaching half of your hit point
 Sensitive – You gain access to psionics and can advance as a Psion.
 Sniper – A Full Round Action can be used to aim and fire a specific ranged weapon, during this action no DEX
Mod can be added to AC, standard damage suffered from his action is automatically doubled (no bonuses). A
Critical Success would result in additional damage.
 Spacer – You are proficient at combat in zero-gravity suffering no penalty, this includes individual and starship
 Stamina – You have ADV on CON checks and saves.
 Unarmed Defense – While not wearing any armor, you can choose to have your AC = 10 + DEX Mod + CON
Mod or 10 + DEX Mod + WIS Mod. Once the choice is made on the manner of Unarmed Defense, the other
method cannot be taken. You can use a shield.
 Uncanny Dodge – If targeted by a ranged attack, you are allowed a DEX save to suffer no damage.
 Weapon Fighting Style – You gain enhanced talent with archery, close-combat, fencing, great-weapon, two-
weapon, unarmed, thrown, polearm, mounted, firearms, plasma-casters or any other forms of armed combat. You
have ADV on attack rolls.

Machines can only chose Triats that are underlined from the above list.
Dropped Spoils: All wandering sentient creatures and NPC’s possess – 1d10 credits, 1 mundane item, 1 mundane weapon
Credits and Other Currency: All currency has a 1 credit value, unless otherwise specified
Special Items and Currency: Certain items and currency will be afforded specific applicable values by the DM/GM


1. Adamantite – A nearly unbreakable metal
2. Alkahest – A natural acid that can dissolve most metals
3. Apergine – A transparent iron-like material
4. Cardite – A power source mined in asteroids that provide fuel, light, and heat
5. Cavorite – An anti-gravity mineral used in space craft and hover transports
6. Daturon – A radioactive, poisonous gas that drifts in large bodies of space
7. Durite – An extremely dense metal used in building spacecraft
8. Endurium – A dense, radiation resistant metal used in building spacecraft
9. Faidon – An extremely valuable gem and power source created from a supernova
10. Kobalium – A light metal-like material used on hover transports
11. Neutronium – An element used in anti-matter fuel
12. Solarite – A highly explosive mineral, refined into a versatile fuel source
13. Thermalluim – A material element that is resistant to extreme temperatures
14. Vril – A luminous mineral used as an energy source for lightspeed engines
15. Poor Metals – Aluminum, Tin, Lead, Zinc, Mercury
16. Transition Metals – Titanium, Chromium, Iron, Nickel, Copper, Silver, Tungsten, Iridium, Platinum, Gold
17. Earth Metals – Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium
18. Gases – Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon
19. Non-metal Elements – Boron, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Silicon, Sulfur, Arsenic, Iodine,

AUGMENTATIONS – Both humans and machines can have augmentations applied to them; however, society may treat
a human with augmentations as Cautious.
Augmentations are considered bio-electronic modifications and can be affected by ionic energy.
1 Claw/Fang/Spike/Horn 1000 Simple weapon, damage = 1d4 + STR
2 Ability Amplifier 2000 Modifies any physical Attribute by +1 (cumulative)
3 Optic, Thermal 3500 View signatures of temperature
4 Optic, Telescopic 1000 1000 x magnification 1-10 for range
5 Optic, Microscopic 1000 1000 x type 1-3, 1 (optical), 2 (electron), 3 (acoustic)
6 Optic, Camera 3000 Take clear pictures (50) and save to small memory bank
7 Sensor, Sonar 2000 Echolocation out to range of sight
8 Dermal Weave 1500 Light armor
9 Dermal Shell 2500 Medium armor
10 Dermal Plate 3500 Heavy armor
11 Prosthetic Limb 1000 Either part or the whole arm or leg has been built of non-living material
12 Prosthetic Organ 1250 Any organ in the body has been built of non-living material
13 Hidden Compartment 750 A small storage space built into prosthetics, size should be relative and realistic
14 Extra Organ 2000 An organ created from non-living material (includes heart, lungs, stomach, etc)
15 Extra Limb 1250 An appendage of any type created from non-living material
16 Hacker Hand 2000 Designed specifically to work computer systems, gain ADV and 2 x speed
17 Cerebral Computer 2000 A computer built into the brain, considered a PI, double INT Mod
18 Hack Jack 1500 A length of cord to hook to a mainframe, allowing ADV on Computer checks
19 Weaponry 1500 Any weaponry (not listed above) that is built into a prosthetic limb
20 Hoverblades 3500 Small anti-grav units built into a prosthetic limbs, function as per listing below
MUTATIONS – The human species has been around for several hundred-of-thousands of ages, and has gone through a
myriad of biological changes to adapt and prosper. These adaptations are known as mutations and cannot be changed
once applied without GM/DM approval. The most applicable of these is provided in the following list. Among society,
there is a 5% chance that the character has a genetic adaptation.
1 Claw/Fang/Spike/Horn Simple weapon, damage = 1d4 + STR Modifier
2 Ability Boost Modifies any Attribute by +1 permanently
3 Sensory Adaptability Senses are treated normally and can adapt to the environment
4 Vampirism Consume either CON (01-34), WIS (35-67), or PSY (68-00) in Hit Points
5 Thick Hide Light armor (01-34) or Medium Armor (35-67) or Heavy Armor (68-00)
6 Resistance Resistance to a chosen type of damage
7 Vulnerability Vulnerability to a chosen type of damage
8 Bio-chemical Skin A bio-chemical coating on the skin produces the 1d8 + CON Mod in a damage type
9 Extra Limb or Organ An organic limb or organ of any style as a permanent adaptation (ex. wings or gills)
10 Psychic Able to tap a single psionic power, character level reflects the intensity of the power
WEAPONRY: (standard Save vs breakage is 12, masterwork craftsmanship is 15)
1 Dirks Dagger 1 1 1d4 Simple 5 units
2 Knives Dagger 1 1 1d4 Simple 7 units Thrown
3 Daggers Dagger 1 1 1d4+1 Simple 7 units Thrown
4 Short Sword Sword 3 2 1d6 Simple
5 Arming Sword Sword 5 3 1d6+1 Martial
6 Long Sword Sword 10 4 1d8 Martial
7 Great Sword Sword 15 5 1d10 Martial 2-hand
1 Throwing Axe Thrown 1 1 1d4 Martial 10 units
2 Hand Axe Axe 1 1 1d4+1 Simple 7 units
3 Wood Axe Axe 1 2 1d6 Martial 2-hand
4 Battle Axe Axe 5 3 1d8 Martial 2-hand
5 Poleaxe Polearm 5 5 1d10 Martial 2-hand
1 Club Blunt 1 1 1d4 Simple
2 Staff Blunt 1 2 1d4+1 Martial 2-hand
3 Maul Blunt 2 3 1d6 Martial
4 Great Club Blunt 3 4 1d6+1 Martial 2-hand
5 Warhammer Blunt 5 3 1d8 Martial 2-hand
6 Mace Blunt 5 2 1d8+1 Martial
7 Blunt Arrow Bow 1 (10) .1 1d4
8 Sling Bullet Exotic 1 (10) .1 1d6
1 Dart Thrown 1 .2 1d4 Simple 10 units
2 Pike Polearm 2 2 1d6 Martial
3 Spear/Lance Polearm 2 3 1d8 Simple 20 units Reach/ Thrown
4 Rapier/Epee Sword 5 2 1d6 Martial 1d4 slash
5 Javelin Thrown 2 2 1d6 Simple 40 units
6 Target Arrow Bow 1 (10) .1 1d4+1
7 Bodkin Arrow Bow 1 (10) .1 1d6 -1 AC
8 Broadhead Arrow Bow 1 (10) .1 1d8
9 Crescent Arrow Bow 1 (10) .1 1d4+1
0 Gauntlet Spikes Blunt 3 1 1d2 Martial
1 Whip/Chain Exotic 1 2 1d4 Exotic Trip, Reach
2 Shuriken Exotic 1 1 1d4 Exotic 10 units Thrown
3 Rope-dart Exotic 5 1 1d4 Exotic 3 units Trip/Thrown
4 Hook Exotic 2 2 1d2 Exotic
5 Flail Exotic 3 3 1d6 Exotic Varies
6 Stunrod Exotic 2 3 Stun Exotic require CON save

BOW – A stringed, range-weapon to project arrows or bolts at a target, all bows are considered Martial
1 Adl-adl 1 1 Simple 25 units
2 Hunting Bow 2 2 Simple 75 units
3 War Bow 5 2 Martial 50 units
4 Long Bow 5 2 Martial 100 units
5 Heavy Crossbow 5 3 Martial 75 units
6 Light Crossbow 5 2 Martial 50 units
7 Hand Crossbow 5 1 Martial 25 units
XX Arrows – 5 styles basic styles of projectile exist for both arrow and bolt, detailed above
FIREARM (Gun) – Weaponry used to project bullets at a target all ranged-arms are considered Martial (ammunition load)
1 Small Caliber 10 2 1d6 50 units
2 Moderate Caliber 15 4 1d8 100 units
3 Large Caliber 20 6 1d10 250 units
4 Scattergun/Peppergun 15 4 1d12 25 units

PLASMACASTER – Weaponry designed to project concentrated plasma bolts, all blasters are considered Martial
1 Plasma Pistol 20 3 2d6 100 units
2 Plasma Rifle 40 5 2d6 300 units
3 Ion Rifle – shutdown electrical systems for 1d10 rounds 15 5 Special 25 units
4 Heavy Plasma Repeater – damage equal to a vehicle plasma cannon 150 15 3d8 300 units
5 Stungun – Stun condition for 1d6 rounds, CON save to negate 15 3 Special 50 units
6 Thexite Detonator - damage equal to a vehicle bomb/missile explosion 300 1 10d10 Thrown

9 SPECIAL WEAPONRY & TECHNOLOGY – Included in this list are weapons that don’t fit in previous categories
3 Ethere (50) – An irritant gas causing various affects like nausea, blindness, itching, and more; CON save to negate
4 Formic (1000) – A toxin that can be ingested, inhaled, or injected, a WIS Save to resist telling the truth
5 Explosive, Ion (50) – damage = all electrical systems shutdown for 1d10 rounds to 1 area
6 Vorpal Blade (1000) - +1d on weapon damage, can cut through anything but adamantite
7 Phase Carbine (300) – A weapon that can be configured between a plasma pistol, plasma rifle, and a stungun
8 Explosive, Flash-Bang (100) – Thrown weapon = 1d8 sonic damage to 1 area, CON save or blinded 1d4 rounds
9 Explosive, Gas (100) – Throw weapon causing various gaseous affects to 1 area (smoke, formic, ethere, etc
10 VI Recorder (100+) – A holographic recording device that can allow for responses to limited questions

ARMOR – Damage Reduction is the amount of damage the armor can reduce
- Break Points (BP): the armor offers no protection after the maximum Damage Reduction amount is exceeded,
must be repaired
1 Ultra-lite Armor 100 Maximum d4 4 1 Flight Suit, Leather, Lined Cloak
2 Light Armors 250 Maximum d6 6 3 Flak Fatigues, Kinetic Weave, Hide Leather
3 Medium Armors 500 Half d8 8 7 Military Shell, Linked Mail, Piece-mail,
4 Heavy Armors 750 None d10 10 12 Plated Mail, Riot Plate,
5 Special Armors 200 Maximum d4 4 3 Resistance to environments/special materials
6 Ultra-heavy Armor 1000 -1 d12 12 15 Tank Plate, Powered-armor
7 Shields 100 Maximum d6 6 2 Any version
8 Helmets 100 Maximum d4 4 1 Any version

COMMODITY – An average credit cost is given in parenthesis, average amounts of each is equal to 1 unit
1 Animal, Common (100) – A companion creature that can be found regularly throughout the galaxy
2 Animal, Exotic (2000) – A rare creature with exceptional qualities or peculiar abilities or powers
3 Animal, Livestock (500) – A creature used for labor and farming
4 Stim (100) – Panacea, A healing fluid or salve used to mend wounds, 1 vial = 3 hit points, 1 unit = 16 hit points
5 Food (5) – 1 common meal
6 Food (15) – 1 quality meal
7 Food (30) – 1 exotic meal
8 Fuel (50) – Material used for generating energy, combustion, and any other form of propulsion
9 Gem, Semiprecious (100) – An item or material of common value generated via geologic pressure and heat
10 Gem, Precious (1000) – An item or material of high value generated via geologic pressure and heat
11 Gem, Exotic (10000) – An item or material of extreme value generated via geologic pressure and heat
12 Holo-Comm (10) – A real time transmission sent between two locations of any distance
13 Metal, Common (25) – An easy mined or standard metal found throughout the Galaxy
14 Metal, Rare (250) – A metal that can be widely found; however, the methods to attain are still tenuous
15 Metal, Exotic (2500) – A metal found on rare occasion or via surmountable difficulty
16 Ore, Common (15) – An easy mined or standard material found throughout the Galaxy
17 Ore, Rare (150) – A material that can be widely found; however, the methods to attain are still tenuous
18 Ore, Exotic (1500) – A metal found on rare occasion or via surmountable difficulty
19 Drugs, Common (10) – A material used in everyday applications from foods to medicinal practices to fertilizer
20 Drugs, Rare (100) – A material used in various restricted applications such as medications
21 Drugs, Exotic (1000) – An often illegal material used in severely restricted applications
22 Textiles, Common (10) – Cloth generated and utilized in standard practices throughout the Galaxy
23 Textiles, Rare (100) – Cloth generated in particular regions of the Galaxy for specific purpose and people
24 Textiles, Exotic (1000) – Cloth generated in specially cultivated manners and often utilized ceremoniously
25 Water (1) – 1 gallon/1 liter of potable water or distilled water or spring water
26 Alcohol, Common (10) – Spirits that are easy to brew and composed of materials that are easy to find
27 Alcohol, Exotic (1000) – Spirits that are brewed through close kept secrets, and with very exact ingredients
28 Weaponry, Sling (10) – A strap with which to carry a weapon
29 Weaponry, Scope (100 x magnification) – A ranged-weapon magnifier allowing for a multiple of 1-10
30 Weaponry, Bandoleer (10) – A strap that is built with several pouches for various utility items
31 Weaponry, Suppressor (25) – An attachment to a ranged barrel allowing ADV in Stealth when firing the weapon
32 Storage, Backpack (10) – A personal item of clothing providing a 2 foot cube of storage space, worn on the back
33 Storage, Belt Pouch (5) – A personal item of clothing providing small pockets of storage space that can be hidden
34 Storage, Satchel (5) – A personal item of clothing providing a 1-3 foot cube of storage space, slung over the shoulder
35 Outfit, Commoner (5) – A standard set of clothes providing the dress of the common people of the Galaxy
36 Outfit, Finery (50-1000) – A decorative set of clothing providing the dress for refined political and social events
37 Outfit, Traveling (20) – A rough set of clothing providing the dress found for traveling the road
38 Outfit, Extreme Weather (25) – An insulated set of clothing provided for a particular instance of severe weather
39 Outfit, Hazardous Environment (50) – A protective set of clothing offering Resistance to an environmental condition
40 Binoculars (25 x magnification) – A handheld device for viewing distant (units) locations
41 Breather (30) – A device that extracts breathable atmosphere or contains a set amount of breathable atmosphere
42 Scrambler, Personal (2000) – A mobile device that can block scans of up to Medium-sized creatures
43 Srambler, Data (500) – A mobile device that can mask any data transferred via computer technology
44 Comm-link (20) – A communication device that can send and receive information, often verbal, across vast distances
45 Restraining Bands (10) –A restraining device designed to restrict various abilities and tasks and Psionic powers
46 Shackles (5) – A restraining device attached around a creatures neck, hands, or ankles
47 Object Compass (500) – A compass-like instrument that can target a specific item anywhere in the Galaxy
48 Survival Kit (10) – A kit with a heat blanket, glowrod, fire starter, folding knife, purification tablets, small pot
49 Medical Kit (20) – A kit with a Stim, compound adhesive, suture set, splint, vitamin tablets, anti-poison vial
50 Utility Kit (10) – A kit with a power charger (1), glowrod, multi-tool, grapple-wire,

SERVICE (an average credit cost is given in parenthesis)
1 Transport, Common (500)
2 Transport, Premier (3000)
3 Transport, Cargo (250+)
4 Programming, Hack (50)
5 Programming, Deluxe (100)
6 Lodging, Common (50)
7 Lodging, Lower Class (25)
8 Lodging, Upper Class (100+)
9 Craftsmith (10-1000)
10 Meal or Drink, Poor (10)
11 Meal or Drink, Common (30)
12 Meal or Drink, Delicacy (50+)
Vehicle Damage: 1st Hit = target disabled, 2nd Hit = target suffers fatal damage, 3rd Hit = target is destroyed
- Vehicle Hits can only be accomplished by a vehicle mounted weapon or a personal weapon on a natural 20 Attack
check (this Attack Action does not = Critical Success)
Impacts: A vehicle crashes when not slowing to a speed of 10, suffers damage as if it were a Hit
VEHICLE DETAILS (vehicle size is not listed below, but a rough configuration is up to 1 area per build slot)
- DC Adjustment: Modifier to DC when attempting a complicated, attack, evasive, or climactic maneuver
VEHICLE (average credit cost is given in parenthesis)
1 Crawler, Light 1000 100 -1 1 Wheel or Track
2 Crawler, Medium 2000 75 -2 2 Wheel or Track
3 Crawler, Heavy 3000 50 -3 2 Wheel or Track
4 Hoverboard/Hoverblades 250 50 -1 0 Anti-grav
5 Hoverbike 750 200 -1 0 Anti-grav
6 Hovercar 1500 200 -1 1 Anti-grav
7 Hovertruck 3000 150 -2 2 Anti-grav, 1 area of cargo space
8 Hovertransport 5000 100 -3 2 Anti-grav, 3 areas of cargo space
9 Walker, Light 3000 50 -1 1 Ignore Difficult Terrain
10 Walker, Medium 5000 40 -2 2 Ignore Difficult Terrain
11 Walker, Heavy 7000 35 -3 3 Ignore Difficult Terrain
12 Starship, Light 5000 500 -1 1 Space flight, Navigation computer
13 Starship, Medium 10000 250 -3 3 Space flight, Navigation computer
14 Starship, Heavy 50000 250 -2 5 Space flight, Navigation computer
15 Boat, Light (boat) 1500 80 -2 1 Water travel
16 Boat, Medium (yacht) 3500 60 -4 3 Water travel
17 Boat, Heavy (ships) 5000 40 -6 5 Water travel
18 Jump Jets 1000 10 -2 0 Anti-grav for 1 round
19 Boost Pack 5000 50 -2 0 Flight, fuel for 1 measure of flight
20 Submersible 10000 40 -6 3 Water travel
VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS (modifications can be applied to creatures at DM/GM’s discretion)
Cost = The number of Build Slots required for the modification, each slot = 1 area of size
Cumulative = Modifications that can be purchased and applied more than once
Directional = Modifications that are energized and can be re-energized by rerouting power sources around a vehicle
1 Armored Hull 1000 1 Cumulative, adds 1 additional Hit from a vehicle weapon
2 Engine Core, Stock 1000 1 Directional, allow for standard Speed
3 Engine Core, Tuned 3000 2 Directional, allow for standard Speed + half standard Speed
4 Engine Core, Anti-grav 1000 1 Directional, allow for anti-gravity and hover ability
5 Lightspeed Core, Stock 3000 2 Directional, allow for lightspeed travel
6 Lightspeed Core, Tuned 5000 4 Directional, allow for faster-than-lightspeed travel
7 Shield, Stock 1500 2 Directional, 3 hits required to do damage, 1 area of coverage
8 Shield, Premier 3000 3 Directional, 5 hits required to do damage, 1 area of coverage
9 Plasma Cannon 1000 1 Cumulative, 1 hit per Attack Action
10 Missile Turret 1250 2 Cumulative, 1 hit per Attack Action, explosion radius = 50 units
11 Charge Bomb 1500 2 Cumulative, 1 hit per Attack Action, explosion radius = 100 units
12 Ion Cannon 1500 3 Cumulative, able to disable electronics in 3 areas, for 1d10 rounds
13 Computer Upgrade 1500 1 Directional, allows for ADV on all INT checks via vehicle computer
14 Cargo Space 1500 2 Cumulative, 1 area storage compartment
15 Scanner Array 2000 1 Directional, surveys a target for signs of anomalies
16 Scrambler 5000 3 Directional, jams signals from a scanner array
17 Cloaking Device 10000 5 Directional, DC to spot = Eye-Hand Coordination + 10
18 Gravity Well/Tractor Beam 10000 5 Directional, controls a vehicle with a gravitational or magnetic field
19 Escape Pod/Lifeboat 3000 1 Cumulative, a small vehicle for emergency egress
20 Additional Build Slot 5000 0 + 1 additional build slot to a vehicle (adds 1 unit – 1 area of size)
Sensitive characters of the Known Worlds, also simply called Sensitives, are considered potential Psions. Having the
Lore Skill does not = being Sensitive. Being Sensitive can always be requested at creation; for a random determination,
05% of the population is considered to be Sensitive.

Psyche Attribute is an additional factor to the core Attributes, and is the Psion’s ability to manipulate universal energies
A Psion’s Character Level = the number of psionic powers that can be accessed
PSY Attribute Modifier = the number of psionic powers that can be active at the same time
DC to activate Psionic Powers = the average DC for any psionic activation is 10
Corruption = the backlash suffered to Psion’s tampering and damaging these universal energies
PSY Save = d20 check + PSY Attribute Modifier + Proficiency Bonus (if applicable)
Psions have access to a number of Psionic Powers = to their character level, this accumulation does not cap at 10 th level
Affecting multiple targets result in 1 level of Exhaustion
The maximum number of targets able to be affected = the Psyche Attribute Modifier + Proficiency Bonus
Damage suffered while using psionics requires a PSY Save to continue the working
Psionic Power occurs immediately, during that turn
Psionic energy can be any damage type determined during the power’s initial development, cannot be altered
Psionic effects that cause a target to harm themselves, will provide a WIS Save each round to resist
Where a d20 Psionic Power check results in an un-modified 1 = a Critical Failure, and result in 1 Corruption point.
Where a d20 Psionic Power check results in an un-modified 20 = a Critical Success, and result in double the affect

As a character adventures they may become corrupted by warping the energy network of the universe; Corruption points
are the measuring tool. A character’s that has amassed Corruption points prior to 13 may retain who and what they are,
and their mind, body, and soul remains under their command. Once a character amasses more than 13 Corruption points
the character has become Corrupt enough to be considered unplayable and is destroyed, ‘exiled’, ‘retired’, or given to the
DM/GM for use as an anomaly listed below.
0-2 Soulprison Implodes or explodes = 10 x PSY Attribute Mod in force damage, traps destroyed souls in a stasis
3-5 Ragewrath Becomes a chaotic psycho-electric storm, teleporting the area 10 x PSY Attribute Mod in light years
6-9 Insanity Physical appearance and a fraction of personality remain, but twisted by the energies of the cosmos

PSIONIC POWER EFFECTS (average values are provided)

+1 1d6 1
Damage & Healing +2 1d8 1d4
+3 1d10 1d6
+4 1d12 1d8
+1 Touch – PSY Attribute Mod Touch
+2 3 x PSY Attribute Mod 2 x PSY Attribute Mod
(in units)
+3 5 x PSY Attribute Mod 3 x PSY Attribute Mod
+4 10 x PSY Attribute Mod 5 x PSY Attribute Mod
+1 PSY Attribute Mod/rounds 1 round
Duration +2 PSY Attribute Mod/units PSY Attribute Mod/rounds
+3 PSY Attribute Mod/measures PSY Attribute Mod/units
+4 PSY Attribute Mod/days PSY Attribute Mod/measures
Beyond 10th Level Beyond 10 Level = +1 to all target figures presented above
1 Awareness Perception in all directions, ADV on Perception checks
2 Breath Control Resist the need for breathable air for a number of units of time
3 Detoxify Removes affects of poisons and toxins
4 Scent Enhanced smell to detail trace odors the user has prior knowledge of
5 Empath Sense the emotional state and feelings of a target or location, distance = any familiar target
6 Far Sight Clairvoyance to any target/location, PSY Attribute Mod in measures of distance
7 Sense Psionics Detect targets imbued with traces of psionic power to a range of regular vision
8 Telepathy Project and receive thoughts: PSY Attribute Mod in units of distance
9 Blindsense Sense a target, location, and action without sight, PSY Attribute Mod in units of distance
10 Levitation Raise from or lower to ground, the PSY = STR for this power when carrying items
11 Illusion Create illusions of almost any kind, PSY = DC
12 Telekinesis Manipulate targets within sight, PSY = STR, PSY Attribute Mod in measures/distance
13 Infect Induce nausea and dizziness
14 Clear Mind Clear a the mind affects of any mental influence, provide a PSY Save
15 Body Focus The target cannot be dropped below 1 hit point, until concentration broken
16 Fluid Speed Gain ADV on all DEX checks and saves, Movement Action = double the standard value
17 Resist Weather Immune to extreme weather for a number of days = PSY Attribute Mod
18 Far Listening Clairaudience to any target/location, PSY Attribute Mod in measures of distance
19 Night Vision See in the dark to a range of regular vision
20 Animal Bond Any beast will treat the user as a trusted friend, companion, and or mount, PSY = DC
21 Thermal Vision See heat signatures to a range of regular vision
22 Ionize Overload electronics, delivering damage to electronic targets or glitching an electronic system
23 Sonic Boom Generate a booming or cracking sound, imposing the Deafen Condition
24 Flash Generating a flash of light from the hands, imposing the Blind Condition
25 Suggestion Cause a target or targets to agree with any non-violent suggestion given by the user
26 Stun Impose the Stunned Condition on a target
27 Slow Slow a target’s response time, Actions and Movements take twice the length of time
28 Mind Probe Search a target’s memories and resist probes into the user’s mind
29 Warp Weapon Create a melee weapon of the cosmic energy, damage = 1d8 + PSY Attribute Mod
30 Memory Warp Manipulate a target’s worst memories as an attack, causing DIS
31 Transfer Life Transfer your HP to another, this exchange is Hit Point value for an equal Hit Point value
32 Psychic Cloak Hide the user’s Psionic abilities
33 Stasis Trance Place self in suspended animation for a number of days = PSY Attribute Mod
34 Combustion Spark ignition in a target, causing 1d6 + PSY Attribute Mod = fire damage
35 Drain Memory Extract information from a living target, CON Save to resist
36 Concealment Render subject almost invisible, PSY Attribute Mod is added to Stealth as a bonus for checks
37 Absorption Absorb damaging energy using it to heal PSY Attribute Mod in Hit Points
38 Dissipation Dissipate damaging energy, dispersing it harmlessly into the local area
39 Inertia Field Create an inertia field against hostile kinetic forces, PSY Attribute Mod added to armor BP
40 Psionic Bolt Project a blast of psychic energy toward a target
41 Redirection Redirects damaging energy toward a target, PSY Attribute Mod in energy damage
42 Domination Conquer a targeted mind, taking control of a target
43 Control Flora Manipulate flora increasing and decreasing growth
44 Revelation Reveal the true appearance and location of a target
45 Revitalize Heal the user or a living target 1 level of a Condition or 1 point of Attribute damage
46 Mimic Change the molecular structure of a target to mimic the appearance, retains size
47 Temporal Vision Sense the past or future of a target, distance and age = 1d10 units/days x PSY Attribute Mod
48 Resurrection Imbue a target with 1 Hit Point of life, gain 1 Level of Exhaustion
49 Conversion Convert any energy to another energy of equal intensity
50 Subjugate Control emotional reactions of another creature
Sorcery can be split into several different gaming aesthetics; however, the mechanics remain similar to Psionics above
provided the following changes. The DM/GM has the final word on any rulings.

Wizardry – PSY Attributes is replaced by the INT Attribute, the use of ingredients as a strand of hair or a specific wording
or gesture must be used to invoke wizardly magic. The additional use of a focus item such as a wand, staff, or
talisman can increase wizardly magic by 1 Level. Practitioners of wizardly magic are often known as wizards,
sorcerers, warlocks, and magi.
Druidic – PSY Attribute is replaced by the WIS Attribute, utilizing aspects of the natural world such as plants, water, and
animals. Druids can change their own shape into a chosen mundane animal at will, up to huge size, for any length
of time. The animal must be determined at creation and changing in this manner takes an Attack Action.
Practitioners of druidic magic are often known as druids, shaman, and witches.
Clerical – PSY Attribute is replaced by the CHA Attribute, requesting the benefit of a god, goddess, pantheon, or belief
system in a higher power. These clerics can Heal or Wound an equal amount to their WIS Mod at a touch. This
ability to heal or damage a target is determined at creation and has no limit to the amount of times it can be done.
Practitioners of clerical magic are often known as clerics, priests, healers, and paladins.

Casting time for all sorceries is 1 Attack Action.
Magical affects can be performed an innumerable amount of times, but only once a round.


Sorceries that are physically harmful, resulting in any damage are instantaneous and last for 1 round.
Sorceries that are not physical harmful and do not result in any damage will last for a day from the original invocation. To
continue the affects of a working, the magic user need only to make another check to continue the ‘spell’ for an additional
day. This reworking is done around the time of the original casting. The ‘reworking’ of a magical affect already in effect
is made with no chance for a saving throw from the target, unless the affect calls for direct harm to the target. Re-working
a ‘spell’ has infinite range. This ‘reworking’ can be done continuously. If the reworking, or re-casting’, check is failed the
magical affect will cease.


Magical Energy – The type of damage delivered from magical energy can be of any desired damage type, chosen at the
time of casting..


1 Astral Walk Soul-travel through time and space, applicable Attribute Mod = number of cycles and measures
2 Bless Bestow ADV, for 1 check, to all Friendly characters within sight
3 Cure Heal damage equal to the character level
4 Curse Bestow DIS to all checks, to any 1 character within sight, character level = duration in days
5 Darken Create complete darkness out to a number of areas = to the Attribute Mod
6 Enchant Invest magical energy, gain a temporary mutation (for living) or permanent benefit (for non-living)
7 Illuminate Create enough light to illuminate a number of areas = to the Attribute Mod
8 Shape-change Change the shape of a target, Attribute Mod = the allowed size category change larger or smaller
9 Soul Transfer Transfer soul into a target, destroying the soul of the target, gain 1 Corruption
10 Wound Cause damage equal to the character level, this damage bypasses an armor’s reduction
Mutations via Magic: The mutations listed above can be ‘cast’ upon a target via the Mimic power and the Shape-change
power, as applicable.

A familiar is magical creature, being, or spirit that manifests as a mundane animal. A familiar companion is intelligent
and sentient, able to hold conversation as well as maintain a telepathic link with their ‘master’. This telepathic link has an
infinite distance through time and space.
This magical ‘familiar’ is also a conduit which the sorcerer is able to channel their powers through. Thus, they can
perform all the same magical workings however their affective level is 1 lower than the character. This ability to channel
magical power through the familiar can exist as long as the character can see the familiar.

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