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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

I am Ikram, my full name Muhammad Nurul Ikram Kadir. I am English Education’s student at State
University of Makassar. Now, I am going to talk about a piece of advice that I received and I think
this advice is one of the best advice that I ever got. Talking about advice, I remember when I was
considering which course I wanted to follow at university I received two pieces of good advice from
my friend and my parents.

First from my friend Fadel, he told me that I was a pretty good guy in Math subject and everything
about technology. So, based on my abilities and academic performance I would probably be good at
subjects like mathematics or maybe information technique.

Second one from my parents, they are my father and my mother. They are have same advice that been
given to me. My parents said that I had to learn something that job opportunities in the future were
pretty guaranteed. For example, English, a career and work path for people who know English is
guaranteed. Especially in times like these, many people are looking for someone who is good in
English to work. Also, the advantage that I have about technology is to go on the side, because my
parents think that it can be sharpened even if it doesn't go through educational courses.

I was very interested in Technology at school when we studied it because it involves many different
aspects of art and creativity.

Finally, I decided to study English because I think that people who speak English are pretty cool,
especially if I can study abroad. That made me very interested and really challenged about it.

I almost finished my course now and I have enjoyed it so I think it was a good decision. Although I
was troubled at first, but now everything is fine.

Hopefully, I will be able to get a good job, either here or abroad when I graduate

Thank you for hearing my story. Wassalam.

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