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Valerie- taiylor williams

April 9, 2019

EN 102

Ms. Barnes

Why Dogs Make us Happy

Our world is changing. Our normal way of living and being able to walk outside to go

somewhere whenever we feel like it no longer exists. In these times we as a whole country are

experiencing uncertainty. No one knows when this will end and we can only hope. So we all

probably know that we have to self quarantine from others and remain in the house because of

COVID-19, which is a virus that is spreading globally. For some people, being at home can be

lonely. Alcohol sales have jumped thirty percent because it is a way of coping. Being not able to

leave the house has caused depression and anxiety for a lot of people myself included. Not being

able to see your friends and/or family may cause an empty space in people's lives and having a

pet at home may help. Having a pet companion is proven to make you more happy by increasing

your oxytocin and overall improving your mental and physical health.

We all know that when we see a dog our moods suddenly lift and we get this bubbly

feeling. Maybe it's just me but I know that people get excited when they see a dog which makes

them want to pet the dog all the sudden. Whenever I'm walking or if I randomly see a dog my

heart literally melts and I fall to my knees to pet them. It just seems that something clicks in my

head which makes me feel like that and the truth is there is. It has been scientifically proven that

dogs make your brain release oxytocin which makes you more excited and gives you the warm

Studies show that “​small interactions with dogs cause the human brain to produce

oxytocin"​(Why Dogs Make us Happy- ). Oxytocin is often called the

“cuddle hormone” because it is produced when one cuddles with a person or anything that flolats

your boat. This also happens when one cuddles or plays with a dog. Oxytocin comes from ​the

“posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized structure at the base of the brain”( Oxytocin:

Facts About the 'Cuddle Hormone' by Stephanie Pappas ) . So when one is cuddling a dog and

they feel this warm feeling in their chest, it is the oxytocin kicking in. While we are socially

distancing, I bet there are a lot of college/highschool students who had a relationship going on or

something like that. Since we are young I also bet that a lot of college/highschool students are

not living with the person they are seeing because they are not grown like that. Well most

couples have been separated because of COVID-19 which means there is a lack of oxytocin

being produced. Having a dog that will cuddle with you will help you produce oxytocin and

overall make you feel comforted and relaxed during these lonely times.

In these times of uncertainty having a stress reliever or something that brings you a little

joy is important. A lot of people are experiencing depression because of having to stay in

isolation. Others are having anxiety attacks because they are not sure if life will be back to

normal again. It just seems like bad news on top of more bad news everytime you turn on the

news. It is also unbeneficial when some people who do live alone and going out or hanging with

their friends was how they interacted with people. And yes there is facetime and zoom but

having a person's energy or presence in person hits way different. Being alone in quarantine

could be hard because it is always quiet and lonely. Living alone can be easier if one gets a dog
for company. Having a dog would make living alone during these times less sad and lonely.

Having a dog is also proven to increase your mental health as well.

It is scientifically proven that dogs “​can help you to maintain a more positive,​ ​optimistic

perspective on life”( Why Dogs Make You Happy- Psychology Today ). Having that right now

is so vital because we are living in a time where we do not know when life will be back to

normal or when can we actually go back outside and not just for essential items. It feels like an

alternate universe sometimes. Having a dog that can mentally give you hope without you even

noticing what they mentally do for you could be beneficial. Dogs can also “lessen the symptoms

of ​depression​ and ​anxiety​”​( Why Dogs Make You Happy- Psychology Today ). A lot of people

are facing depression and/or anxiety because of this change of lifestyle . Many people have lost

their jobs and as of April ninth, sixteen million americans have filed for unemployment because

businesses can not afford to pay workers anymore. Not being able to work means there is no cash

flow running or there is less of it. Many people can not pay rent and some people have to move

back in with their parents. These times seem very depressing for americans. Having a dog could

help you lift your mood and reduce your anxiety by a ton.

It also seems that when you're sad or not feeling your best dogs can sense it. I have heard

stories of people feeling down or very sick and their dogs suddenly realized it. So instead of

jumping and being all wild, their dog just laid with them and cuddled with them the whole day

like they were there for emotional support. “ Dogs can recognize emotions in humans by

combining information from different senses” (Dogs recognize human emotions). Dogs can

sense your emotions through your tone of voice and actions. They know when your having a bad

day turst me.It is easier to have a dog for mental support, not saying that having people that give
you mental support is bad. It's just that dogs can not speak so they can not judge you for why you

might be sad. I have had multiple instances where I was crying about a guy and my friend did not

understand why I was sad and was just like girl move on. Personally, I need to get my emotions

out and move on gradually. Having a dog that can just be there to listen to you vent about stuff

with no judgment is less stressful.

While dogs can be your “therapist” and listen to your problems they can also make sure

you stay fit. Staying fit has been a struggle since gyms have also been closed. While being in

quarantine a lot of people's schedules have been skewed all over the place for instance many

people have been tweeting that they have been falling asleep at five a.m. and waking up at one

p.m. everyday for a week. Just like many people's sleep schedules many peoples workout

routines have also been messed up trying to balance being at home now. Many people are

gaining weight because they keep eating all the snacks out of the pantry because of boredom.

Also being able to lounge in your pajamas all day and do nothing but watch a whole season on

netflix does not help. So taking out your dog for a nice jog for fresh air and making you do some

type of physical activity helps more than hurts. That's why having a dog can make you be

physically fit which will also improve your physical health.

People who own a dog or dogs​ ​“are more active than those who don't own dogs”(​More

Evidence That Owning a Dog Is Really Good for You ​By Julia​ ​Zorithan). Research shows that “

people with dogs walked more each week than people without dogs, and that dog owners were

more likely to meet recommended physical activity requirements than people without pooches”(

Dog Owners Are More Active by Michelle Hamilton​ ) . While we might not be able to go to

gyms we can still go outside and go on walks and runs in our neighborhood. Having a dog
motivates you to go take them on walks/runs. It gives you a reason to go outside and get some

fresh air in your system. Going outside also helps depression as well. Making sure that our

physical health is up to par during this crazy time will also reduce depression because most

people start getting sad or insecure when they can see the weight gain in the mirror. Owning a

dog would also increase your daily activity even without going on walks or runs. Playing with

dogs also takes a lot of energy as well. Overall being able to have a dog could contribute to you

staying fit during times of eating because of boredom.

There are so many benefits to having a dog that everyone should at least consider it.

Dogs are lifelong companions that are loyal and would never switch up on you. Having a dog

can be beneficial to your mental health by reducing stress, anxiety, and depression by helping

your brain release oxytocin. Dogs can sense your emotions as well so when you are sad they will

know and they will be there for moral support. Also having company while not being able to

have human interaction helps with not feeling alone all the time. Dogs also make you physically

more active and get your body moving everyday because you can take them on walks, play fetch,

or just play with them in general. Overall having a dog benefits/helps in areas that are often the

causes of being sad. Having a dog makes you more happy because they are mental and physical

supporters that everyone needs.

Work cited page

-“Dogs Recognize Human Emotions.” ​Science & Children​, vol. 53, no. 7, Mar. 2016, pp. 11–12.

-Case, S., Strino, R., Keegan, Eaton, M., Ferrier, G., & Smaldone, J. A. (2017, September 11).

Why do dogs make us happy? Retrieved from

-Pappas, S. (2015, June 4). Oxytocin: Facts About the 'Cuddle Hormone'. Retrieved from


-Hamilton, M. (2019, June 11). Dog Owners Are More Active. Retrieved from

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