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Excesses of freedom in quarantine times

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"In an individualistic society, not only the universal is accomplished through the action of the individual, but the company is essentially the individual substance "Theodor W. Adorno

The experience of the new coronavirus epidemic, March 11 declared a pandemic by WHO, It brought out, at the level of collective experience not just of academic interpretation, the social dimension, economic and political life
of the disease.

For anthropologists who are not traveling, the emergency has narrowed the field experience to the living room and at the same time all parties involved share an interest in the same object, it coronavirus, and forms of behavior
to address the problem, lived as common. Although we have reduced our real interactions, It has increased the opportunity and the time to listen to the various social actors, through the sharing of ideas, The meme, of
quotations, jokes, of forms of health-related activism, create a new language and new forms of political communication, social and emotional. This new language intertwines the specialist with the common in a chorus of
interventions, often cacophonous but with a strong creative potential. This field type requires having a look in the making, reminiscent of the daily basis of field journal. In a few days, In fact, it has gone from a way of normal life
to a "state of exception", to quote a criticatissimo Agamben, in which the rules, the rules and bylaws are updated continuously.

This virus and its propagation velocity given by a factor of R0 2,4 put quickly into serious difficulties, the Italian health system. Not so much its lethality as lightning time with which it spreads in a large number of individuals
make necessary emergency measures to ensure the care and services for the sick in front of a limited number of beds in intensive care, respiratory, health staff. The daily practices of individuals must necessarily dialogue with
terminology unfamiliar to many and we are every day to look for a position in a treacherous speech.

Faced with a crisis we must make decisions, We have to make choices that are rationally oriented and designed to safeguard individuals and society. When it comes to choices we turn to behavior, to ideas of ethics and morals.
According to the anthropologist Jarrett Zigon there are different orders within which circumscribes the moral world: the institutional order; the public discourse of morality understood as all those public articulations of moral
beliefs, conceptions and hopes not directly articulated by an institution and built morale, understood as a habit that individuals have to relate to others and with life without much reflection. In a few moments, however, life
presents us in critical situations to which we must respond with a choice and Zigon defines the "ethical moments". These breaks the rule forcing people to take a step back and make choices.

The coronavirus has introduced an "ethical moment" that does not involve only the individual subject, but the whole society, indeed a number of companies. A pandemic is a global problem. Faced with this invasion the world
has to organize and make choices, in a field of moral values broad and comprehensive, that become progressively more determined locally by suitable behavior imposed from above and individual ethical.
The field institutions, moral subjects, are multiple and at different levels: WHO, the international monitoring body which monitors the epidemic's evolution, and send their own definitions of the problem and guidelines to follow
to the states, and it prepares a series of direct behavior norms for individuals; then there are intervening states depending on the progress of the epidemic within its borders, depending on the constitutionally established
priorities and a national value system (in Italy the government, the higher institute of health and civil protection become official institutions); the regions, in turn, move depending on the spread of the epidemic level the
possibilities of the territorial health system.

Also with regard to the public discourse there is a considerable deployment of subjects including journalists, representatives of political parties who seek to move between common sense and propaganda; Added to this are
individuals with their own built-in moral, in this case experts, virological, medici, nurses, commentators, and ordinary people on Facebook that expresses ideas.
The choices to be made are numerous and therefore take place on several levels, in complex and busy trading arena with a very high intensity. The coronavirus for its contagiousness and representing a problem for the limited
number resuscitation is expressed as an excellent cultural metaphor when you consider that we are in a moment with a high concentration of different moral values that disorient faced with choices that instead they should be
made with rational clarity and at the same time in urgency. A great freedom of choice comes down to a few simple questions such as the morally extricate between the imperative of which spread rapidly #restareacasa and the
defense of personal freedoms. In this decisive moment we are all confused and suddenly change your mind, in connection with the decisions made by the government.

On social and even in the urban social life in Como, where I live, if up to 7 March 2020 the majority of the views concerned the idea that closing the bars at 18 it was an exaggeration, starting March 8 with the promulgation of
Ministerial Decree DPCM with the containment measures for Lombardy and the most affected provinces against the spread of Covid-19, there was a substantial shift of opinion, which it is reinforced with the enlargement to the
whole Italian press by the Prime Minister, the 9 March. In the aftermath of the release for a couple of days the opinions, devoid of any criticism, They have started to converge in an activist attitude that the boards have been
invaded by the new hashtag #iorestoacasa and soon intimidation towards the "idiots" who did not. The rational dimension of the right behavior was reduced to simple emotional reactions such as appreciation and guilt, but
they have had effects in a dramatic reduction of people around. this reduction, till today, It has not proved to be sufficient and so the voices from below, ducted by the company have begun to rise.

The 21 March 2020, Equinox has brought new restrictions by a new decree of the Ministry of Health which restricts even more the freedom of movement of people: the parks will be closed, checks will be intensified and will be
able to exercise only "in the vicinity of his home". Even though many workers are forced to go to work. For days on social channels raging debate on "runner" and their irresponsibility. The common sense of staying home has
rapidly extended to look for the infector and this time the free space of its previous decree sporting activities conducted individually and in compliance with the correct distance has been criticized as the reason for the lack of
measurement results adopted so far. The new government intervention was thus justified by popular demand from below and not, apparently, from real strategic reasons. People, in an unprecedented area of freedom and
choice created by the emergence, he asked to be further regulated and the government responded to that effect. Workers should instead go to work and little is known about the control of security of the companies that should
ensure the structures and tools for safeguarding the health of its workers. From the moment of a decree the manner and timing in which regional Asl manage to organize the effective control action are different but these are
issues that are not highly visible in the media. It is not easy to make information in a context of overabundance of news, but I wonder if it makes sense to put the pursuit of the runners. The new decree once again puts
individuals different trading spaces within a restrictive agreement: as understood in legal terms the formula "in the vicinity of their home"? How many meters are near? At what distance taking measures? Probably it will depend
on local interpretations.

In this intricate, multidimensional field that seems to take away your freedom to individuals returning the structured condition of people, It opens at the same time the opportunity to explain the structuring nature of the
subjects, or the ability of everyone to participate in the construction of a new facility, using the terms of Bourdieu. Intending subjection, with Michel Foucault, as the process of formation of the self in a field of possibilities, the
ethical moment that came to be established with the advent of the virus compels individuals to a number of constraints well represented by the house walls, its community and their village. Across offers an expansion of
possibilities of margins of action in which individual implies social and vice versa. This exceptional moment involves a relaxation of the intricate stitches of the decrees in which you can build your self and at the same time the
company. An ethical moment is a real possibility of change involving the responsibility of everyone to choose which direction to take. If this hopeful look, time to think about the future, It seems to allow an optimistic outlook on
the dramatic events we are living, I have the impression that no one really knows where to go. We are bewildered and so we at home. Emerge two paradoxes: at a time of great restrictions we are widening our margins of
freedom and this freedom we feel overwhelmed at the same time.
Faggeto Lario (Co), 22 2020Viviana March Luz Toro MatukUniludes Lugano Campus

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