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Arrowette 2.

0 - PL 9

Strength 1, Stamina 2, Agility 5, Dexterity 5, Fighting 10, Intellect 3, Awareness 5, Presence 3

Agile Feint, Assessment, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 6, Evasion, Improved
Aim, Improved Critical 2: Arrows, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Precise
Attack (Ranged, Cover), Quick Draw, Ranged Attack 7, Throwing Mastery 2

Acrobatics 8 (+13), Athletics 8 (+9), Insight 6 (+11), Investigation 6 (+9), Perception 10 (+15),
Sleight of Hand 6 (+11), Stealth 8 (+13), Technology 6 (+9), Vehicles 6 (+11)

Bow and Arrows (Easily Removable)
. . Arrows
. . . . Bow Fighting Staff
. . . . . . Parry: Enhanced Trait 2 (Traits: Parry +2 (+12))
. . . . . . Strike: Strength-based Damage 2 (DC 18; Reach (melee): 5 ft.)
. . . . Cable Arrow: Movement 1 (Swinging)
. . . . Flash Arrow: Cumulative Perception Area Affliction 3 (1st degree: Impaired, 2nd
degree: Disabled, 3rd degree: Unaware, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 13; Perception Area: DC
13 - Sight, Cumulative, Increased Range: ranged; Limited: Sight)
. . . . Flight Arrow: Strength-based Damage 3 (DC 19; Accurate: +2, Extended Range,
Increased Range: ranged, Precise)
. . . . Parachute Flare Arrow: Environment 4 (Light, Radius: 250 feet; Increased Duration:
continuous, Selective; Unreliable (5 uses))
. . . . Sleep Gas Arrow: Cumulative Affliction 3 (1st degree: Fatigued, 2nd degree:
Exhausted, 3rd degree: Asleep, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 13; Cumulative, Increased Range:
. . . . Smoke Arrow: Cloud Area Concealment 2 (Sense - Sight; Cloud Area: 15 feet radius
sphere, DC 12, Extended Range, Increased Range: ranged)
. . . . Taser Arrow: Cumulative Affliction 3 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Stunned, 3rd
degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 13; Cumulative, Increased Range: ranged)
Gloves: Strength-based Damage 1 (DC 17)
Goggles: Senses 6 (Extended: Vision 1: x10, Infravision, Low-light Vision, Tracking: Infravision
2: full speed, Ultravision)
Light Body Armor: Protection 2 (+2 Toughness; Impervious)
Sensory Protection: Immunity 5 (Sensory Affliction Effects; Limited - Half Effect)
Throwing Knives: Strength-based Damage 1 (DC 17; Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack)

Camo Clothing, Cell Phone (Smartphone), Commlink, Costume [Gloves: Strength-based
Damage 1, DC 17; Goggles: Senses 6, Extended: Vision 1: x10, Infravision, Low-light Vision,
Tracking: Infravision 2: full speed, Ultravision; Light Body Armor: Protection 2, +2 Toughness;
Impervious; Sensory Protection: Immunity 5, Sensory Affliction Effects; Limited - Half Effect],
Flashlight, Mini-tracer, Multi-tool, Rebreather, Restraints, Throwing Knives [Throwing Knives:
Strength-based Damage 1, DC 17; Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack]

Initiative +9
Flash Arrow: Cumulative Perception Area Affliction 3 (DC Fort 13)
Flight Arrow: Strength-based Damage 3, +14 (DC 19)
Gloves: Strength-based Damage 1, +10 (DC 17)
Grab, +10 (DC Spec 11)
Sleep Gas Arrow: Cumulative Affliction 3, +12 (DC Fort 13)
Strike: Strength-based Damage 2, +10 (DC 18)
Taser Arrow: Cumulative Affliction 3, +12 (DC Fort 13)
Throw, +12 (DC 18)
Throwing Knives: Strength-based Damage 1, +12 (DC 17)
Unarmed, +10 (DC 16)

Native Language

Dodge 12, Parry 12/10, Fortitude 5, Toughness 6/2, Will 10

Power Points
Abilities 68 + Powers 10 + Advantages 29 + Skills 32 (64 ranks) + Defenses 15 = 154

The second Arrowette is Green Arrow's daughter, Emiko Queen, his second child by his
Japanese wife Shado. She is much younger than her older brother Connor as they had her
after they were married. She grew up being intensively trained in archery by both her mother
and her father and is already a superbly trained superhero despite her youth. As her parents
begin to get older she and her brother are becoming the leaders of the new wave of archer
heroes. Emiko herself has never wanted to be anything other than an archer, the talent and
inclination she got from both parents runs strong in her.

Unlike her ascetic and spiritual brother Emiko is a child of the modern age. She looks set to
take over Queen Industries later in life as she has an interest in business and technology.
Right now though she is being a young punk of a superhero, not as clean-cut as they
traditionally are. She sports elaborate piercings and has tattoos, something which are not
usual for vigilantes as they form identifying marks which pose an identification risk. Emiko
though is taking her archer superheroics at least semi-legitimate, working more closely with
the authorities than her anti-authority rebel of a father. This is more in accord with her
mother's methods, Shado is actually a special agent of the Japanese police, officially being a
'consultant' to them. In her time the vigilantes have become so numerous, organized and been
an essential part of crimefighting for so long that they are being integrated as regular
adjuncts of law enforcement. It is like how the Justice League started out as an association of
powerful superheroes with no regard for political opinion and now they have embassies and
speak at the UN and are seen as world leaders.

Emiko recently joined another new version of the Teen Titans, becoming the seemingly
obligatory archer hero. In her time the Teen Titans name is at a far remove from its original
lineup, having a number of members who are the teenage children of the teenagers who first
formed it. The superhero movement has steadily grown in size over the years as they have
trained new recruits and their own children.

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