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‫السالم عليكم‪.

‬كلما تحتاجونه عن رواية‪Wuthering Heights‬‬

‫مرتفعات ويذيرنغ ‪ Wuthering Heights‬هي الرواية‬
‫الوحيدة للكاتبة إيميلي برونتي‪ .‬نشرت أول مرة عام ‪ 1847‬تحت اسم مستعار هو ايلليس بيل ‪ Ellis Bell.‬وقد أجرت أختها شارلوت برونتي‬
‫تعديالت على الطبعة الثانية من الرواية بعد وفاة ايملي‪ .‬أخذ اسم الرواية من عزبة في مروج يوركشير ‪ Yorkshire‬وهي بلدة تاريخية في‬
‫شماإلنجلت را(فكلمة ويذيرنغ في يوركشير تعني الجو المتقلب)‪ .‬وتحكي هذه الرواية قصة الحب والشغف الذي يصل حد االمتالك بين بطلة القصة‬
‫كاثرين ‪ cathrine‬وهيثكليف‪ ، Heathcliff‬وكيف يصل بهما هذا الحب المحموم إلى تدميرهما وتدمير آخرين من حولهما‪.‬‬
‫ملخص للرواية‪:‬‬

‫تبدأ القصة بالسيد لوكوود الساكن جديد في ثراشكروس جرانج‪ ،‬وهو بيت كبير في مروج يوركشير‪ ،‬والذي استأجره من السيد هيثكليف‪ ،‬وهو‬
‫مكان قريب من مرتفعات ويذرينغ‪ .‬في أول يوم يقضي السيد لوكوود ليلته في بيت هيثكليف‪،‬يقابل كاثي زوجة ابن هثكلف وبنت كاثرين حبيبة‬
‫هثكلف ويشاهد حلما مريعا ‪ :‬شبح كاثرين ايرنشو‪ ،‬يترجاه أن يسمح له بالدخول‪ .‬يسأل السيد لووكود مدبرة المنزل السيدة نيللي دين‪ ،‬وهنا تبدأ‬
‫أحداث القصة عن الثالثين سنة الماضية على لسان المربية التي عاشرت هذه العائلة ورأت أجيالها المتعاقبة وعرفت طباعهم وكانت قريبة جدا‬
‫شخصيات الرواية‪:‬‬
‫هيثكليف ‪ Heathcliff‬وهو بطل القصة‪ :‬فتى يتيم يتبناه السيد إيرنشاو بعد أن يجده ضاال بال مأوى‪ .‬يقع في حب كاثرين إيرنشو لحد الجنون‪.‬‬
‫لكنه يتزوج من إيزابيال لينتون لينتقم من أخيها ‪ Edgar‬الذي تزوج كاثرين‪.‬‬
‫كاثرين إيرنشو ‪ :Cathrine Earnshaw‬بطلة القصة‪ ،‬وأخت هيثكليف بالتبني‪ .‬تقع في غرام هيثكليف‪ .‬ذات شخصية فريدة في األدب فهي‬
‫أنانية وسريعة الغضب‪ .‬تتزوج من ايدجار لينتون لنفوذه وثروته‪ ،‬لكن يبقى حب هيثكليف مسيطرا عليها‪.‬‬
‫ايدجار لينتون ‪: Edgar Linton‬هو صديق كاثرين في أيام الطفولة ويتزوجها فيما بعد‪ .‬شخصية إيدجار هي شخصية السيد الهادئ والراقي‪،‬‬
‫يحب كاثرين بشدة ويعاني هو أيضا من حبه لها ومن صدقاتها لهيثكليف‪.‬‬
‫إيزابيال لينتون ‪ : Isabella Linton‬أخت ايدجار الصغرى‪ .‬تقع في غرام هيثكليف وتخدع بشخصيته خاصة بعدما يعود غنيا بعد سني غربة‬
‫طويلة‪ .‬يتزوجها هيثكليف فقط كي يحطمها هي وعائلتها‪ .‬تستطيع في النهاية أن تهرب من المنزل وتعيش مع ابنها بعيدا عن األخرىن إلى ان‬
‫هيندلي ايرنشاو ‪: Hindely Earnshaw‬هو أخو كاثرين وأخو هيثكليف بالتبني‪ .‬يكره هيثكليف ويغار من حيازته على اهتمام والده بدال عنه‪،‬‬
‫وال يتوقف عن القاء صنوف العذاب على هيثكليف وهو طفل‪ .‬يتزوج من شخصية ثانوية في القصة هي فارنسيس وينجب ابنه الوحيد هارتون‪.‬‬
‫يصبح سكيرا بعد وفاة زوجته ويخسر كثيرا من ثروته وحياته‪ .‬لكن يأتي في النهاية هيثكليف ليسدد عنه ديونه ويسمح له بالبقاء في البيت امعانا‬
‫في اذالله‪.‬‬
‫أيلين (أو نيللي) دين ‪ :Ellen (Nelly) Dean‬هي مدبرة المنزل ورواية هذه القصة‪ .‬تتنقل في فترة عملها بين ثراشكروس جراج ومرتفعات‬
‫ويذرينغ‪ .‬تلم بكل األحداث األليمه التي تمر بها عائلتي لينتون وايرنشاو‪.‬‬
‫لينتون هيثكليف ‪: Linton Heathcliff‬هو ابن هيثكليف وإيزابيال التي ولدته بعد هروبها من زوجها‪ .‬يعود إلى عائلته بعد وفاة أمه‪ .‬يعيش تحت‬
‫رحمة هيثكليف الذي يدفعه للزواج من كاثرين لينتون لكي ينال ثروتها‪.‬‬
‫كاثرين لينتون ‪ :Catherine Linton‬هي ابنة كاثرين ايرنشاو وإيدجار لينتون‪ .‬تتوفى والدتها عند والدتها‪ .‬تعيش طفولة سعيدة نسبيا مع والدها‬
‫دون أن تعرف أي شيء عن تاريخ أسرتها المظلم‪ ،‬إلى أن تقرر يوما أن تتجاوز الحدود التي فرضها عليها والدها وتتعرف بأسرة أيرنشاو‪ .‬تظن‬
‫أنها تقع في حب لينتون هيثكليف‪ ،‬لكنها سرعان ما تكتشف أنه كان يخادعها بأمر من والده‪ .‬تتزوج منه مرغمة بعد حبسها وتهديدها‪ .‬بعد وفاة‬
‫زوجها تقع في حب هارتون إيرنشاو‪.‬‬
‫هاريتون إرينشاو ‪: Hareton Earnshaw‬ولد هيندلي وفرانسيس‪ .‬يتبناه هيثكليف ويسيء معاملته جدا انقاما من المعاملة السيئة التي كان‬
‫يالقها هو من والده هيندلي‪ .‬يحب في نهاية القصة كاثرين إيرنشاو‪.‬‬
‫جوزيف ‪:Joseph‬هو خادم عائلة إيرنشاو‪.‬‬
‫السيد لوكوود ‪: Lockwood‬هو المستأجر الجديد لثارشكروس جرانج‪.‬‬
‫فرانسيس إيرنشاو ‪; Frances Earnshaw‬زوجة هيندلي وأم هارتون‪ ،‬تموت عند الوالدة‪.‬‬
‫السيد كيننيث ‪ :Mr.Kenneth‬طبيب العائلة‪.‬‬

A Brief Summary‫ملخص مختصر جدا‬
Many people, generally those who have never read the book, consider
Wuthering Heights to be a straightforward, if intense, love story — Romeo
and Juliet on the Yorkshire Moors. But this is a mistake. Really the story is
one of revenge. It follows the life of Heathcliff, a mysterious gypsy-like
person, from childhood (about seven years old) to his death in his late
thirties. Heathcliff rises in his adopted family and then is reduced to the
status of a servant, running away when the young woman he loves decides
to marry another. He returns later, rich and educated, and sets about
gaining his revenge on the two families that he believed ruined his li

Plot Overview‫ملخص مفصل‬

In the late winter months of 1801, a man named Lockwood rents a manor
house called Thrushcross Grange in the isolated moor country of England.
Here, he meets his dour landlord, Heathcliff, a wealthy man who lives in the
ancient manor of Wuthering Heights, four miles away from the Grange. In
this wild, stormy countryside, Lockwood asks his housekeeper, Nelly Dean,
to tell him the story of Heathcliff and the strange denizens of Wuthering
Heights. Nelly consents, and Lockwood writes down his recollections of her
tale in his diary; these written recollections form the main part of Wuthering
Nelly remembers her childhood. As a young girl, she works as a servant at
Wuthering Heights for the owner of the manor, Mr. Earnshaw, and his
family. One day, Mr. Earnshaw goes to Liverpool and returns home with an
orphan boy whom he will raise with his own children. At first, the Earnshaw
children—a boy named Hindley and his younger sister Catherine—detest
the dark-skinned Heathcliff. But Catherine quickly comes to love him, and
the two soon grow inseparable, spending their days playing on the moors.
After his wife’s death, Mr. Earnshaw grows to prefer Heathcliff to his own
son, and when Hindley continues his cruelty to Heathcliff, Mr. Earnshaw
sends Hindley away to college, keeping Heathcliff nearby.
Three years later, Mr. Earnshaw dies, and Hindley inherits Wuthering
Heights. He returns with a wife, Frances, and immediately seeks revenge on
Heathcliff. Once an orphan, later a pampered and favored son, Heathcliff

now finds himself treated as a common laborer, forced to work in the fields.
Heathcliff continues his close relationship with Catherine, however. One
night they wander to Thrushcross Grange, hoping to tease Edgar and
Isabella Linton, the cowardly, snobbish children who live there. Catherine is
bitten by a dog and is forced to stay at the Grange to recuperate for five
weeks, during which time Mrs. Linton works to make her a proper young
lady. By the time Catherine returns, she has become infatuated with Edgar,
and her relationship with Heathcliff grows more‫ ه‬complicated.
When Frances dies after giving birth to a baby boy named Hareton, Hindley
descends into the depths of alcoholism, and behaves even more cruelly and
abusively toward Heathcliff. Eventually, Catherine’s desire for social
advancement prompts her to become engaged to Edgar Linton, despite her
overpowering love for Heathcliff. Heathcliff runs away from Wuthering
Heights, staying away for three years, and returning shortly after Catherine
and Edgar’s marriage.
When Heathcliff returns, he immediately sets about seeking revenge on all
who have wronged him. Having come into a vast and mysterious wealth, he
deviously lends money to the drunken Hindley, knowing that Hindley will
increase his debts and fall into deeper despondency. When Hindley dies,
Heathcliff inherits the manor. He also places himself in line to inherit
Thrushcross Grange by marrying Isabella Linton, whom he treats very
cruelly. Catherine becomes ill, gives birth to a daughter, and dies. Heathcliff
begs her spirit to remain on Earth—she may take whatever form she will,
she may haunt him, drive him mad—just as long as she does not leave him
alone. Shortly thereafter, Isabella flees to London and gives birth to
Heathcliff’s son, named Linton after her family. She keeps the boy with her

‫تكملة الملخص المفصل‬
Three years later, Catherine meets Heathcliff on the moors, and makes a
visit to Wuthering Heights to meet Linton. She and Linton begin a secret
romance conducted entirely through letters. When Nelly destroys
Catherine’s collection of letters, the girl begins sneaking out at night to
spend time with her frail young lover, who asks her to come back and nurse
him back to health. However, it quickly becomes apparent that Linton is
pursuing Catherine only because Heathcliff is forcing him to; Heathcliff
hopes that if Catherine marries Linton, his legal claim upon Thrushcross
Grange—and his revenge upon Edgar Linton—will be complete. One day,
as Edgar Linton grows ill and nears death, Heathcliff lures Nelly and
Catherine back to Wuthering Heights, and holds them prisoner until
Catherine marries Linton. Soon after the marriage, Edgar dies, and his
death is quickly followed by the death of the sickly Linton. Heathcliff now
controls both Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. He forces
Catherine to live at Wuthering Heights and act as a common servant, while
he rents Thrushcross Grange to Lockwood.
Nelly’s story ends as she reaches the present. Lockwood, appalled, ends
his tenancy at Thrushcross Grange and returns to London. However, six
months later, he pays a visit to Nelly, and learns of further developments in
the story. Although Catherine originally mocked Hareton’s ignorance and
illiteracy (in an act of retribution, Heathcliff ended Hareton’s education after
Hindley died), Catherine grows to love Hareton as they live together at
Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff becomes more and more obsessed with the
memory of the elder Catherine, to the extent that he begins speaking to her
ghost. Everything he sees reminds him of her. Shortly after a night spent
walking on the moors, Heathcliff dies. Hareton and young Catherine inherit
Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, and they plan to be married on
the next New Year’s Day. After hearing the end of the story, Lockwood goes
to visit the graves of Catherine and Heathcliff.

Heathcliff The main character: Orphaned as a child, he is constantly on the outside, constantly losing people.
Although he and Catherine Earnshaw profess that they complete each other, her decision to marry Edgar Linton
almost destroys their relationship. He spends most of his life contemplating and acting out revenge. He is abusive,
brutal, and cruel.

Catherine Earnshaw The love of Heathcliff's life: Wild, impetuous, and arrogant as a child, she grows up getting
everything she wants. When two men fall in love with her, she torments both of them. Ultimately, Catherine's
selfishness ends up hurting everyone she loves, including herself.

Edgar Linton Catherine's husband and Heathcliff's rival: Well-mannered and well-to-do, he falls in love with and
marries Catherine. His love for her enables him to overlook their incompatible natures.

Cathy Linton Daughter of Catherine and Edgar: A mild form of her mother, she serves as a reminder of her mother's
strengths and weaknesses. (Note: For the purpose of clarity, the younger Catherine is referred to as "Cathy" in this
Note, and her mother is referred to as "Catherine." This convention is not used in the original text.)

Linton Heathcliff Son of Heathcliff and Isabella: Weak and whiny (both physically and emotionally), he serves as a
pawn in Heathcliff's game of revenge. He marries Cathy.

Hareton Earnshaw Catherine's nephew, son of Hindley: Although uneducated and unrefined, Hareton has a staunch
sense of pride. He is attracted to Cathy but put off by her attitude. His generous heart enables the two of them to
eventually fall in love and marry. Hareton is the only person to mourn Heathcliff's death.

Ellen (Nelly) Dean The primary narrator and Catherine's servant: Although she is one person capable of relating the
majority of the events that occurred, she is not without bias.

Lockwood Heathcliff's tenant at Thrushcross Grange and the impetus for Nelly's narration: Although he serves
primarily as the catalyst for the story, Lockwood's role is an outsider who happens to gain inside information. His
visit to Wuthering Heights and subsequent actions directly affect the plot.

Mr. Earnshaw Catherine's father: He brings Heathcliff into his family and soon favors the orphan over his own son,

Mrs. Earnshaw Catherine's mother: Not much is known about her, except that she favors her own son to Heathcliff,
whom she does not like.

Hindley Earnshaw Catherine's brother: Jealous of Heathcliff, he takes a bit of revenge on Heathcliff after his father
dies. He proves to be no match for Heathcliff, however, eventually losing his son and his family's home.

Frances Earnshaw Hindley's wife: A sickly woman who dies soon after Hareton is born.

Joseph Servant at Wuthering Heights: A hypocritical zealot who possesses a religious fanaticism that most find

Mr. and Mrs. Linton Edgar's parents: They welcome Catherine into her home, introducing her to the life in upper
society. They die soon after nursing Catherine back to health.

Isabella Edgar's sister: Her infatuation with Heathcliff causes her to destroy her relationship with her brother. She
experiences Heathcliff's brutality first hand. She flees to London where she gives birth to Heathcliff's son, but her
attempts to keep her son from his father fail.

Zillah Heathcliff's housekeeper: She saves Lockwood from a pack of dogs and serves as Nelly's source of
information at Wuthering Heights.

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