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CSN Education Department - Field Observation Activities Packet Greetings Future Educator, ‘One of the most rewarding aspects of EDU 201, EDU 202 and EDU 203 Is the opportunity you'l have to observe in a school classroom where students are actively engaged in leaming. Each ol these three CSN ‘courses require all students to complete a 10 hour "Field Observation” in a lark County public school, Once your placement Is processed, you will receive detalis regarding your assigned schoo! from your CSN professor. Only then, will you contact the school and meet with your CCSD “cooperating teacher’ Both you and your cooperating teacher will design a mutuslly agreeable schedule to complete your required contact hours once you meet for the frst time. Wain this packet, you wil find the required field experience assignments and other documents that you ‘must complete in order to pass this class. Your name MCKEnNG Gault csn course: Edy 20\ Professor SOLON O _ protessors ema: Steve Sala dino @(sn Lau cso schoot Dean AEH Cooperating Teacher MAS. Gale Pwvovde ‘Save this completed packet for this class, and your Education Capstone Course, (EDU 299). Your CSN instructor will let you know thelr required format for submitting the observation assignments within this packet. (C30 Ftd Cbearaton Pactat (©.CSV Eaton Department 2017 Con next 2. page) ASSIGNMENT 1 (Observations): After arrival, take a seat in a nonintrusive location to begin your classroom observations. Complete the questions below: Observation 1: What are your first impressions of the classroom environment? Warm?... Friendly?... Organized?... ete Describe the physical environment in detail. Observation 2: Please describe the student make-up of the class, including gender, ethnicity, ELL, students with physical challenges, and any other apparent attributes that are important to note, Observation 3: What are the posted class rules in the room? (exactly as written) Observation 4: Does the teacher enforce these posted rules? Are rewards or consequences being used for compliance or noncompliance? ASSIGNMENT 2 (Classroom Layout): Use graph paper or drawing software to create an accurate overhead view, labeled drawing, of your assigned classroom before answering the questions below. Teachers Desk % Backpacks, Classroom Layout Question 1: Describe the workflow of the room. Is the space used efficiently? Classroom Layout Question 2: In your opinion, how can the physical arrangement of the room be improved? Page 4 CSN Flekd Observation Packet © CSN Education Department 2017 Kssignment H+ \ observation : The classroom ig very Hid friendly} RA enrnw . and vibrant with Color. Mrs. Fivarde has pictures : Covering every wall (students” projects, encouragement Rosters, PICKLES Oloout Scrence). = xs. ivarde 1S He Science teacher in Attn grade, So one wall iS ACAICAted to Zorence. Opseryarion F2 There Are 1 Students In total. giv\5 - 13 uatnite ~ W Hispanic - 8 loNS~ 13 Biack- 4 ASvan- 3 =| aia ot HOFCE Any physical Challenges with the Students nor were there any ELL students. Observation FD * Rule HI-Respeck your School, your teacher, and ——oore Nourself. “Pyle #2- Pay akention whill You re tr the Ciassroom.- HB-Move From place bo place in O Pa quier and orderly fashion. Rule #4-Listen and Pl\ow directions the Kins time they are gwen. Lule #H- Allow others to Speak when tt is their turn. i Rule HO —Tave core OF all classroom rnaterials | ObServation HAs yes,She voll TepEGT Che PUES YF Over one ; ee eran Sat gives BOOKS aS Students exhib aod \belnovior- Assignment %2 Classroom \ayout question \s Every part of the Classroom 1s beneficial Aes Ss ~ ease and effective for the Students. The Students Fj Yo bE Creative Gue to aN the vibrant colo! cul the freedom t 4 YS th WE iS a Fun environment that Fetes the Students” aienonn . Classroom \oyout Question 22 er‘"'{'’rrrr=™" Thee ave many WA OE SHAVES and axrawers Knvoudhout Ee Classroom. (4 \ools Clurrered and confusin 4 OS bo what iS in each drawer, So | would creare™a laloes rave less of them t Create mor ~ System ov € Space. ASSIGNMENT 3 (Instruction): Observe any instructional time in your assigned classroom, and record {your observatons when presented wih the questions below: Instruction Question 1: What isthe posted day schedule fr diferent subjects or periods? es (a) TUDIES ,1030MATH IN: 55 LUNCH. 12-35INTERVENTION ,\F10 ‘pe 2:00 rs, wholé Groups, gual? EO 00 HOMENOPE 4 *15 CIAL S WOREACEA ane ne aS OE Beewlenesetey Present Mary dual Onsen ATOMES TNS LOA CERES NGA A> hen Lectatng. She Has a fun and lend teaching st Je ythat never mares the Students ALESLNE. SEN a Sa RESIS NE ilies dara sen aco ove gearing She ERS, THERA eRe VACRY Wes Tae Seudenes problem SoWwe GNA ASeuss iv -PS- Bi, Ae uses lar NOK MORES tO have ; mibiboasa Ss SS Sa ae SAAN, heey Ne ae i Students Seem ie . Bivare a hum: exten ene oy Souahdue fe ste te elares EO’ Students 50 Hoy he AG eine elhite ai Suen ket eoROAS SAPS Se cass lr ary reason? Why? AM SR VSGE ARS MRS ins wih thew tapiem OteS, and al work Ti i. Scab YELL ARO. : ' tee nus Sener rere GoM aes eee SPACING CUT the different iNeSaRe GESDA DME DHSS cna OSAKA RAUL pea ‘eenete and ae these ranstions effet The Fea er Lrangtions welt oy Signaling, the Varker tmnutes Tpetore the Subject 1S changed.-She alSo gues therstudents “sneak Frstrictio oUed0in 9st ay’ Ilr ine teacher attempts any “attention geting” commands? (Ex: ountiown. Ligh tke: Heads on Desk How etecve are they? Everyone 1S VTE axes ae OCF SHEARS PRS Manan Sieh Vor SileAee = Riso so hent Shaves er aoe tS ‘ ij s tees OAS MISES Whasommniee prnsacrnee oneeey eat Put and € age where Children tend ty have an pe eacher deal wth, nese behave iaguen? Bsc Nt As INE FESP RNAS Calmiy-Some Students talk during lessons, eswer (or Everything, Po Heras Woe W Arvo y SEEN SLANT SM a negesnnn nace mith a thy studenee Sting, M gvUUS ae vack wr Mi ach tal fy MYS.Rwarde to Go around help a\\ Students. ata, ‘aster MMAdwidually «HK Spee atthough GATE students ave (earnin nan own pace, they Ore MISSinaOUk ON Fu Classrooy eper ence ey WwW Per Classmates. (CSN Fits Observation Packet (©CSW Eaton Doprrar 2017, Pages On Ne: ASSIGNMENT 4 Loy NEN. 2, provided balow, carefully observe and evaluate the ‘culture of the schoo! where you are assigned to observe. Remember you are evaluating the school for is ‘educational culture, place of leaming, sense of safety, rv for ior, promt a ‘actualization, development of values and socialization. oe Physical Characteristics: Look at the physical areas of the schoo! to determine atmosphere, comfort, and feelings the school creates for students in the educational setting. 1. Consider the schoo! property: building, grounds, fencing, equipment, landscaping, trees, parking lot, crosswalks, gates, signs and symbols. 2. Next, study the interior of the school: halls floor coverings, lighting, doors, windows, hall colors and decorations and entrance security. Culture of the School: Read, listen and observe to determine the climate, values, and atmosphere within the school. 1, Identify the school's mission statement, motto, and mascot. 2. Analyze staff and visitor interactions in the main office. Note student and faculty interactions in other areas of the school. 3. Look at the formal practices: Schoo! bell schedule, and the grouping of students. (ie. grades, block scheduling, periods) Does the schoo! use inclusion, or a pull-out program for special education students? 4. Observe student-to-student interactions, inside and outside of the building. Observe where ‘students gather to socialize ~ lunchroom, halls, playground, etc. 5. Examine school traditions, achievements and awards; community recognition or community partners; extracurricular activities/clubs and athletics. Look for and document sources of ‘community pride and sense of identity through ceremonies, assemblies, trophies, and artifacts. Culture of the Classroom: Each classroom has its own culture and way of life. 1. Look for teacher(s) expectations for leaning and success, Interactions with students, and his! her personality. 2. Evaluate the level of student participation In the class, Who participates? Who does not? What moditications, accommodations, and/or inclusion techniques were observed? 3. Evaluate the interactions between teachers and students, rapport, cohesiveness, distribution of power, tone, frequency and reinforcements. Pago CSN Fiekd Observation Packet (© CSN Education Department 2017 ASSignment #4: : Physical Chogackeristicg: \ ine Scnoal TORS EGE Hing inwiting With rewsly painted ‘ Playground Wquirtment. There are large ANd vibrant tees \ Ond loushes around Ene School grounds. L-Trere are Colored hand prints of Students lining wer wart wn Ene SOnoo\- “AN ue Seu doors peated efore the lunchroom an y % SCnool office and ott doors \nove wp 40 Aare PAE evs. OMWO\ (lors ore Wie and white. culture o€ the School * Vorecion Stabement =dur MISSion at Dean Allen Elementary is to Creare O partnership ‘urween School home, ang Commounty, fostering a positive NureuTng BAVivonment i Which wAwiduatg gan ‘TEACH herr maximum POLE Ol Rducatronaliy, Emotionally and geigtig. Motto = Wonners For G LCM. The mascot is a Mustang. S 7 Everyone iS Friends and tatty care for the ctudvats. Skate and Visitors look happy tobe here and Ene keacners ore Kind to ody SkUARMS, B.Speciar educarion Ctudents aktwnd Lorne Classes (Mrs. Parag ISO ApINg to On aterTaKe Yoom For Specialized ay, wen’ qeren CRosEKooMS Swritcn to ober bene bane Se eats BONE 6 Prima EL Science eq een on the 4 Students Frequently talk at the Playground, lunchroom and io room _— ( rts OF GEHTS Provided are Cheerleading trnck, Se ramg,and dance. AIS annual events aie Raneyard Bach and FeldAay extn Gos Students Can ploy games, kc. Cutgure of the Cossroom: a . TaAtEs ko Pe KAUTAINES aNd IS Very encouradi 0 a qe weil aS an autnoritys(Griend support) urging itches Up berween growy participation and mdividual an 2 Rtuauets ino are We wus, baste cot rable -Cloge to all mate SMaceciare if CIAGE Aiccustons and all Studonks are aie Rarncipore through individual e8S\gn ments. ‘OY! beeps a Fun and upbeat tone with the Students. Yet, 3 a ® eeded ene Wi Se a Sten Lone to EXEL her PRRition va ene Teacher. Gre qwes (Ooi. of her attention to each Student hon they Weed Wer Wer Friendly behavior and understanding, of np studenta interests Heep the Students WApged in class and her as a Rach er. [ASSIGNMENT 5 (Cooperating Teecher interview): Complete the questions beiow by interviewing your ‘cooperating teacher dunng a convenient tme. Include any school documents that your cooperating teacher wil alow you to photocopy for your packs. Interview Question 1: What was the primary reason you became a teacher? ie WAS a Catling Interview ‘Question 2: What afe the main challenges UE AS WOE MNoVgh FuNndwr nang. our i Courses os ond materials jiew Question 3: What is the best part of | Seeing Ane children love. iparra ng see tr the lightbulb go 0) nay in one area,vith one es on, on enon wot at r4baLncng sachother her out Serena an one ane viet U » (sorne Onsen Intersiny Question 6: Beyond standared esting, wha assessments do you use reguary? nd Qusiea. -ana Fasycom ICOM ono terepereg ‘Report Cuore foriy (2-4 iece ne cots oe nee eter Verne anya Peniind OL Interview Quest 2 tees na oot Mags to See Gususorasoyoutmenyhve? SNR. VON AVS” parents i las Kher c one Rvesent or or ney are earring cigs ctamannds. Gne ras QOSbdente and Goes <2 Toss than nbacoch Student arading, Intervlew Question 10: How ong does take to prepare lessons forthe dayhweek i ko (kates. 2 2 Boxs to prepare 0. Week lesson. iat Sores ofa to estructona tine She” toys eto Feungacon and (ets S Suen ars, do. it on t “hor own path. tonne errno most elecve wit this age gro $x po paste SAVE ceytorcomertt Se buys Chem “trem, baxks ond ontycorgequence would Ser eauet tr ach mama eENN OR, ee Ae feather fxr enn wnt on 40 CGN mom?” acirinistraton for determing Students are Byatuated fed ut ry by the Nevada Educator Performance Interview Question 15; What consequences are there If your evaluation is not favorable? Fromewor' mere, vat pe @ probation or warnin: ‘What types of support do you receive | ly, financially, or professionally ganization or schoo dsc to enhanc instruction? she ‘hos iS the e bast fe PATENS the PTDIS Wonderful, our More dlp IS Needed From interview Question 17: en a teensnisen a School district, Hous little respe achus aetLoro athiekes teachers who heiped them ‘ ee tvere) Teach Paid more than Yenew Cneir vicense ry w fore aeacners so, must doctors do not Need, at costs UP to R200, when aseaton Caper 017 ASSIGNMENT 6 (Observing a student}: Discretely observe one siuxent in your assigned classroom ‘during an extended period of direct instruction. Detail what was going on inthe environment, and what Yyou observed the student doing while the Jesson was being given. Make sure to document ALL behavior In relationshp to what was being presented by the classroom teacher. Please describe the setting, the Jesson that was given, {he student was on tsk and engaged inte lesson, and what you uncovered about putting yoursell in a lesson rom the student's point of view, ~ = eos Pa aaa ana OS: p19 am Plau= Soh to cons 5 et ha ieee’ is ait ee OS mM Rpt raf eit ha gp WTTTCTEATT tan Par tts for cone vereon she aE Re eae eae Ue Teed eee ty eA Pana t SecenNSh eath | oy ay atta (CSW Fat Onerason Pactet (©.CSN Essent Deparment 2017 Pages aeons a a ‘ (v x Ar_ovatcrar, Se Spencoutohe ie a Ne eg Paige se VO Before final grading for EDU 201, EDU 202, EDU 203 courses can occur, the CSN student must submit their completed Fleld Observation Activities Packet, Time Log, and Student Evaluation to their CSN instructor for grading. The student must also provide the CCSD cooperating teacher with their CSN professor's contact information, so the cooperating teacher can send a quick email validation that the ‘student completed their 10 hours before the final exam date. The instructor's email can be found on the first page of this packet, and on the next page. Remember to save this completed packet in digital form, or as a hard copy for the Education Department's capstone course, (EDU 299) (CSN Ftd Ooseratn Packet (© CSN Ecucaton Department 2017 Page 9

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