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English – semester 1. Agust 2017


1: write the times under the clocks

7:12 it is seven o’clock

9:12 it is nine o’clock

7:30 it is seven o’clock

12:15 it is write one o’clock

1o:12 it is ten o’clock

2:30 it is two o’clock

12:5 it is write one two o’clock

12:00 o’clock

2: write these times in worts

6:00 it is six o’clock.

7:30 it’s half past seven

7:oo it’s seven o’clock

6:15 it’s quarter past six

7:20 it’s seven pas two

8:15 it’s cuarter past eight

5:26 it’s twenty six past three

6:30 it’s half past six

9:10 it’s half past nine

2. when does he hove lunch:

He has lunch from quarter past twelve until one

3. when does he hove craft:

He has craft from quarter to theree until thirty to four

4. when does he hove geography

He has geography nine o’clock until half past ten

5. when does hove P.E?

1.He teaches english from nine o’clock until half past ten.

2. He has a break from half past ten until quarter to eleven.

 he has a english from nineo’clock until half past ten

 he has masths from fivteen to eleven until quarter past twelve
 he has lunch from cuarter pas twelve until one o’clock
 he has break half past two until fiyteen to three
 he has sclence fivteen to three until half past thee
5. Make sentences about the simpson´s family

1. Abraham is the dad of

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh homero

. 2. patty is the preferred sister

from from

4. bart he is a every naugthy

3. lisa is good intelligent

5. magglehe likes to play a lot

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