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Additional worksheet-( Cl-6 Science)
Answer the following questions in your science notebook.
A) Very short Answer type questions:
1.Name any 2 products obtained from animals.
2.Name any 2 food ingredients which we do not get from plants or
3.which is the common first link in all food chains?
4.Which organism survives on the food digested by other animals?
5.Name any two blood sucking organisms.
6.Mention 5 examples of parasites.
7.Do you think scavengers clean the environment? If yes, give
8.Name any 5 omnivores.
9.Name any two ingredients obtained from the earth.
10.Name any 3 edible seeds .
B) Short Answer type questions:
1.Why are green plants known as producers?
2.Why does a mosquito do not have teeth?
3.Carnivores can tear flesh of other animals. Give reasons for it.
4.What are the products obtained from honeycomb?
5.What is a food chain? Give an example.
C) Differentiate : ( 3 points)
1. Scavengers and Decomposers
2.Carnivores and Omnivores.
3.Carnivores and Parasites
D) Long questions :
1.What are functions of food? (4 points)
2.How honey bees make honey?
3. What would happen if one organism from a food chain
4.Why the food habits of North Indians different from South
5.Explain any One of your favourite recipe step wise. U can paste a
picture of yours as a chef with the recipe.
E) Facts to be noted in notebook:
A. Herbivores can be divided into the following categories:

➢ Frugivores that feed on fruits. Eg., bats

➢ Folivores that feed on leaves. Eg., cows, goats
➢ Grainivores that feed on seeds. Eg., pigeons
➢ Nectivores that feed on nectar. Eg., Butterflies
B. A parasitic worm named eye worm or ‘Loa loa’ resides in the eyes of
humans and other mammals.

The End

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