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Chapter 3


• Related Studies
• Analysis of the Review Conducted
Review of Related Literature 36

Chapter 3

Familiarity with the literature in problem area helps the researcher to discover
what is already known, what others have attempted to find out, what methods have
been promising and what problems remain to be solved (Creswell, 2011). Review of
related literature is an essential part of any research work. Review helps to locate,
read, evaluate and report all the related research works in the area of study. Review of
related studies provides knowledge accumulated from already existing studies and
works in the field of values, value orientation of institution and value education. This
chapter presents description of reviewed research reports and studies related to the
theme and variables of the present study.

Review regarding value orientation of institution directed the researcher to

reach on a conclusion that most of the studies in this discipline are from the
organizational climate and institutional culture. Researches on the variable of value
orientation of institutions are found very less. Specific studies that observe the
relationship or influence or effectiveness of the institutional culture on values of
students are also found very rare. Review from all the available resources are
furnished in the chapter.


Rezler (1963) conducted a study on Values and job preference among 1145
boys and girls of townships in Bihar. The study aimed to see the value preference of
boys and girls of different types of families. The findings of the study were:

• Both boys and girls highly prefer the values of social service and fame.
• Both boys and girls least prefer the values of work, money and power.
• Sons and daughters of factory workers and professionals do not differ
significantly on their value preference.
Review of Related Literature 37

• Sons of professional fathers value a job based on interest, opportunity for

self-expression and independence than the sons of factory workers.
• Sons of Factory workers value a job based on money and power than the
sons of professionals.
• Daughters of factory workers and professional fathers do not differ
significantly on their preference of the job.
• There exist no significant relationship between preference of values and
preference of job among any of the subsamples.

A study titled ‘Psychological scale of values by the study of ego ideals’ had
conducted by Shanna (1964) to construct a value scale based on the ego ideals of
individuals. Sample was 60 boy students and 60 girl students. Names and details of 13
heroes from Indian history and a value preference schedule with 52 statements
supplied to them. Students had to prefer two statements regarding the values of each
of 13 national heroes. The researcher was able to conclude that boys gave highest
preference to the values of perfection and quality of strength, and least to the values of
social reformation and religious values. Girls gave highest preference to the values of
perfection and religious values and least preference to Qualities of strength and values
of social reformation. On the whole, boys and girls preferred idealistic values than the
practical values. Researcher developed a Psychological Scale of Values based on the
value preference of students in connection with the national heroes.

Reddy and Parameswaran (1966) conducted a study titled ‘Some Factors

Influencing the Value Patterns of College Students’. Researchers used a modified
version of ‘Allport - Vernon – Lindzey scale of values’ to collect data from a sample
of 520 college students. The factors identified for the study are sex, course of study
and income of families. Results revealed that:

• College students were more oriented towards theoretical values and least to
religious values.
• Girls were given more preference to aesthetic values, social values and
religious values than to theoretical, economic and political values.
Review of Related Literature 38

• Engineering, medical and science students were more theoretical values

oriented and students of arts subjects were more social, and aesthetic values
• Students of low income families were more oriented to economic values than
students from high income families. There have no significant difference
among them in orientation towards other values.

Bhatnagar (1971) conducted a study on values. The researcher tried Allport-

Vernon - Lindzey scale of values to collect data. Researcher compared the values of
Indian students in India, Indian students in Britain and British students in Britain.

The result came thus:

- No significant differences were found in the three groups on theoretical

- Indian students in India were found to be high in political values and low in
aesthetic and social values as compared to the Indian students in Britain and
British students in Britain.

Kakkar (1971) conducted a matched group study among college teachers and
teacher trainees to find the value preference of both groups. The Allport -Vernon-
Lindzey scale of values was used to collect data. Researcher found out that the
teachers obtained highest score of preference on political values second highest score
of preference on theoretical values and third highest score of preference on social
values. They least prefer aesthetic values. In the case of teacher trainees, social values
got highest score of preference followed by aesthetic and theoretical values. They
least prefer political values. Study reached on a conclusion that there occurred certain
metamorphosis on value preference while teacher trainees become teachers.

Anantharaman (1980) studied the effect of sex, social class and locale on
students’ values. The study was a normative survey conducted among college students
and a Student Values Inventory was used to collect data. The investigator found that:

• Male students acquired theoretical and practical values than the female
Review of Related Literature 39

• Upper social class students have more religious values than that of people
living in the lower social class.
• Students from urban locality have lesser theoretical values and more
aesthetical and practical values than the rural population.
• Students from rural locality have high aesthetical values and less theoretical
and practical values.

Ragavendra (1981) conducted a comparative study of the value preference of

socially disadvantaged and socially non-disadvantaged pupils in Secondarabad.
Samples were 300 and 420 from each group of pupils respectively.

The major findings of this study were:

• The socially disadvantaged and socially non-disadvantaged pupils are

significantly differed with regard to two values – theoretical and religious.
• Boys and girls significantly differed with three values namely theoretical,
social and aesthetic values. In the case of aesthetic values girls were scored
significantly higher than boys where as in theoretical and social values boys
were scored highly. There have no significant sex difference on religious
• The study reveals that socially disadvantaged pupils are religious and
motivated to entertain superstitions and traditions than that of socially non-
disadvantaged pupils. (This result is direct opposite to the finding of the study
of Anatharaman, which is mentioned just above.)

Raj (1981) conducted a study titled ‘Attitude and Values of Teachers in the
Context of Socio-cultural Background: A Comparative Study of Expatriate Indian and
Native Teachers of Ethiopia.’ The study aimed to compare expatriate Indian teachers
and native Ethiopian teachers on their attitude and values. The ‘Value Scale’, Teacher
Attitude Inventory, Socio-cultural Questionnaire, and Allport- Vernon - Lindzey scale
were the tools used. Study taken sample from seven educational provinces of
Ethiopia: 183 native teachers and 215 Indian teachers. Major findings of the study
Review of Related Literature 40

• Ethiopian teachers were found to have higher values than expatriate Indian
teachers on social, political and theoretical values where as low on religious
• Indian lower age group teachers found to have higher political value than that
of their own upper age group and found to be similar to the upper and lower
Ethiopian counter parts.
• Ethiopian and Indian rural groups of teachers found to differ with each other
in theoretical, religious, political and social values whereas no difference
found in economic and aesthetic values.
• There have educational qualification, cultural and marital status influence on
teachers in their value both in Indian and Ethiopian teachers, whereas rural or
urban local found to have no significant influence.
• Social and theoretical values were found to be most dominant values among
both the Ethiopian and Expatriate Indian teachers
• Attitude was not found significantly related to any of the values among Indian
teachers whereas among the Ethiopian teachers attitude was found positively
related to political and negatively to religious and aesthetic values.

A study on values and personality pattern of tribal students conducted by

Srivastava (1982) attempted to find the problems, aspirations and values of tribal
students and upper caste students. The tools were developed by researcher.

Major findings:

• The most pressing problem areas for the tribal students were personal
relations, health and physical development, sex and marriage.
• The least pressing problem areas were adjustment to school works,
curriculum, moral values and religious values.
• The tribal students were significantly higher on knowledge of values than the
upper caste students. But there has no significant difference between tribal and
upper caste students on the values they practice.
• Democratic values, Values related with health and social values were at the
top of the hierarchy among upper caste students whereas aesthetic values,
social values and cultural values were at the top for the tribal pupils.
Review of Related Literature 41

Avinashalingam (1983) conducted a thematic study on the inculcation of

social, ethical and spiritual values in young people through education. The study
reports on the scope of inculcation of social, ethical and spiritual values through
education. Education has important role on shaping the character and personality of
young people. Teachers, non-teaching staff, administrators and educational planners
have significant role in inculcating of values in students. Out of them, most significant
role is to be played by teachers.

Diwedi (1983) studied the relationship of values with certain selected socio-
familial variables. Samples were young adults studying at college level and tools for
study developed by the researcher. The findings were:

• The place of residence has a close relationship with values like religious
values, ethical, political and educational values.
• Women were found to be more interested in religious values, ethical values,
and cultural values than men
• Women were found to be keenly interested in social problems, and
• The old values were not shared by the modern youth.
• The profession of individual influences religious and ethical values.
• The criterion variables like sex, place of residence, interest, age and profession
have close relationship with values.

Goswami (1983) studied the values of students and teachers of post basic
schools in Gujarat. The study conducted among 600 students and 240 teachers. It was
a normative survey design. Researcher found that:

• The theoretical, social and religious values of post basic school teachers were
better than those of ordinary schools.
• The values of girls studying in post basic schools are better than the values of
girls in other schools.
• The post basic schools provide a better atmosphere in the schools to inculcate
moral, social, religious values, Gandhian thoughts of self-reliance and
cleanliness among students than ordinary schools.
Review of Related Literature 42

Annamma (1984) conducted a study on values among students of Kerala state.

Title of the study was ‘Values, aspirations, and adjustment of college students in
Kerala’. The results revealed that values taught in families are important than values
transacted through education and many of them are lasting values. Rapid changes in
culture do not necessarily alter basic life values. Value differences are noticeable
between male and female students who are doing higher educated indication. Male
students are more materialistic oriented and female are more spiritualistic oriented.

Study also concluded the following findings:

• Students belong to Christian religion is more favourable to spiritualism than

other religions.
• Academic merit, residential back ground and fathers’ educational and
occupational status have no significant relationship with value acquisition of
college students.
• Economic status has relevance to value acquisition: indicating that low income
group is more spiritualistic oriented and high income group is more
materialistic oriented.
• Male students seem to have higher levels of aspirations than female students
with regard to education and vocation.

Tolliver (1984) studied the educational values of students enrolled in

university teacher training programme. The main purpose of study was to examine
change in the values and attitude of student teachers enrolled in university teacher
training programme. The educational values were measured by S/P questionnaire
(Seiferth – Purcell Education Value Questionnaire). Major findings were:

• There have no change in student teachers’ values towards teaching after

enrolled in university training programme.
• No change in educational values of student teachers after enrollment in
university teacher training programme.
• There was no change in student teachers attitude towards children in the
classroom after enrollment in teacher training programme.
Review of Related Literature 43

Ewena (1985) has conducted a study on Catholic schools’ values. The study
examined three questions-

a.. what values do the selected Catholic elementary schools convey?

b. where do these values come from?

c. how are these values instilled in learners?

The study was a descriptive case study. The findings were that the selected
Catholic elementary schools convey Christian values, values of personal
accomplishment and good work habit. The values are coming from the traditions and
structure of the diocese, the parish and religious order. Values are instilled mainly
through practical school ethos which was characterized as being a community of faith.

Rizvi (1986) studied attitudes of students towards values of religious

education. It was a survey study among students belongs to Hindu and Islam
religions. Tool for data collection was developed by the researcher. The findings were

• Majority of the students held average level of attitude towards religious

• The students of Hindu and Islam religions were found to hold different
attitudes towards religious education.
• Favourable attitudes towards religious education were found to be associated
with values such as helpfulness, preservation of traditions and adaptation to
nature among students of both religions.

Martha (1987) conducted a research on the relationship between student

values and academic success. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the
relationship between the two variables. Study also intended to examine relationship of
certain other variables in academic success – family, church, participation in
extracurricular activities and happiness in school.

It is found that:

- Success has strong relationship with the values such as wisdom, responsibility,
intellect and logic.
Review of Related Literature 44

- Traditional values of school influence academic success of the learner.

- The variables such as Family and Participation in extracurricular activities

have significant relations on academic success.

The study of Craig (1988) explored the values of students in relation to school
values. It finds the possible relations between values of students and values of the

Quality of School Life Scale (QSL scale) was used to measure the value status
of the school. Rokeach Value Preference Survey was used to elicit the values of
students pertaining to school selected form Hawai.

Study revealed that students with high QSL Scale score showed higher
acquisition of values than the low QSL Scale score students. Those who with high
QSL scale score placed higher priority on values like love, achievement and

Research work titled “A Study of the Value Patterns and Some Personality
Variables of the Students Studying in Three Institutions – Sri Sathya Sai Higher
Secondary School, Missionary School and Central Schools in Andra Pradesh” has
conducted by Punam (1988). It was a comparative study. The purpose of study was to
see the effectiveness of value oriented teaching, that is, if there is any significant
difference existing between the values of students studying in the three schools
selected for study. The schools selected based up on the criteria that school with
conscious effort to teach values, school with partial conscious effort to teach values
and school with no conscious effort to teach values. The values of students are studied
in the light of certain personality variables.

Findings of the study states thus:

• There is significant difference in the value scores of students studying in

different schools.
• Students of Sri Sathya Sai School have high score and Missionary School
students have second highest score and the Central School students have the
lowest score.
Review of Related Literature 45

• The value pattern and personality structure of the students studying in these
three schools are different.

The study revealed the effectiveness of deliberate teaching of values. It is

suggested that instead of depending up on the chance of inculcation of fundamental
values through integrated periods, a conscious and deliberate attempt at inculcation of
values through direct teaching should be made in all the schools. Direct teaching of
values is better than acquiring values from the general system of education; the study

Arun Gupta (1989) conducted a study concerns with the structure of values
emphasized by the teachers as most and least. The study conducted in different types
of schools at the primary, middle and high school levels.

The sample of the study comprised 500 students studying in different schools
in Jammu city of Jammu-Kashmir. A value check list was the tool employed to collect

Major findings revealed that;

• Pupils were able to perceive the values being emphasized by teachers at

different grade levels.
• Teachers emphasize the values namely respect for others, honesty, love and
sense of duty at the grade V and VIII levels, while cooperation was
emphasized at grade X level.
• The value mercy, cooperation, compassion and freedom were not been
emphasized by teachers at grade V level. The value love, tolerance, sacrifice
and freedom were not being emphasized by teachers at grade VIII level. At
grade X level values namely mercy, dignity of labour, pleasing attitude and
resourcefulness where not being emphasized by teachers.
• Pupils are able to identify several values that in their opinion were not being
emphasized by the teachers.
Review of Related Literature 46

Study suggested that the values those are identified in the perception of
students as not at all emphasized by the teachers, needed to be prominently
emphasized at the school level.

Madhu (1990) has conducted a study on education of human values, titled

‘Education in Human Values: Concept and Practical Implications.’ The investigator
attempted to analyze education in human values with specific reference to their
concept and their practical implications. Major objectives were (a) Analyze the
concept of human values from different viewpoints, (2) To explain the nature of the
live basic human values – truth, righteousness, peace, love and nonviolence and their
interrelationships, (3) to draw the educational implications of these human values in
present education system in India, (4) To formulate and suggest a model curriculum
for education in Human values for teacher training institutions.

This analytical study contributes the following noteworthy steps;

1. Suggestions were given for several sources for suitable methodologies of

teaching human values through direct, incidental and integral approach.
2. A model curriculum on the subject of education for human values had been

Roone (1991) conducted a quasi-experimental and embedded research study to

examine the innovative transaction of five human values – Love, Truth, Non-violence,
Peace and Right conduct and its influence on character development of children from
kindergarten to 8th grade.

The research revealed that the students are more collaborative, self-reflective
and creative in the innovative implementation based on Sathya Sai Education in
Human Values. The implementation of curriculum innovation provided
transformative potential to teaching and content. The influence of the new method
develops the character of learner and ethos of the school.

Kalamani (1991) made an attempt to study adolescent problems in the light of

their value system. This study reached on finding that adolescent students have
problems in personal, family, social, emotional and educational areas. It is also found
Review of Related Literature 47

out that adolescent students were low level in perceiving political and religious values
where as high level in perceiving the social values. Another finding revealed that
there have significant relationships between value system that the adolescents
perceived and their problems.

The study of Ramjee (1992) analyzed the concept and implementation of

value education in India at school level from 1947 to1986. Findings of the study are:

• Values such as National Integration, Patriotic sense, Brotherhood, Secularism

and Punctuality have been emphasized in India during the period from 1947 to
• Folk songs and legends that highlighted these values had significant place in
the curriculum at the early decades of this period were began to deprive from
curriculum during the last decade of this period. Study advised the
implementation of these types of folk songs, stories and legends in the
curriculum of all school levels.

Sister Celine (1992), in her study ‘Values as Preferred by Teacher trainees’,

tried to find out the most preferred values of teacher trainees at graduate level.
Rokeach’s Human Value Preference Schedule and A scale of Teacher Trainee
Perception of Human Values were used to collect data. Sample was 460 teacher
trainees at graduate level. It is aimed to find out to what extent the student teachers
perceive the values as professional requirement of teachers. Students had to prefer one
value from a set of for values in the Value Preference Schedule.(The preferred value
will be considered as the ‘most preferred’ value among the set of four values) The
values such as responsibility, Justice, Punctuality and regularity, Team Spirit, Love,
Consideration, Loyalty, Gratitude, Courage, Honesty, Concern for human right,
Concerns of Democratic Right, Dignity of Labour, Service, Sympathy, Forgiveness,
Nonviolence, Self-reliance, diligence, Tolerance, Courtesy, Politeness, Determination,
Magnanimity Dutifulness, Patience, Accountability, Fortitude are the preferred values
by teacher trainees.

Arockia Samy (1993) attempted to study the ‘Value Perception of the First
Degree Students in Colleges Affiliated to the Madurai Kamaraj University in Relation
to Certain Personality and Environmental Factors’. The survey has conducted among
Review of Related Literature 48

1050 first degree students of the colleges affiliated to Madurai Kamaraj University,
Tamil Nadu. Rokeach & Milton’s Multidimensional Personality Inventory and
College Climate Perception Scale were used to collect data. The objectives of the
study were to prepare a value perception profile of first year degree students affiliated
to MKU, to find out relationships of value perception with the social environment,
college environment and home environment.

Findings were:

• Students are dominant in perception of instrumental values than the perception

of terminal values.
• Students have high perception with freedom, happiness and equality than that
of with being honest and ambitious.
• Male students are dominant with perception of ambitions, honesty, freedom,
happiness and equality. Female students are dominant with honesty,
helpfulness, happiness, freedom and peace. Male and female have significant
difference in the perception of values like ambition, helpfulness, peace and
equality and no significant difference in the perception of values like freedom,
happiness and honesty.
• Arts students are dominant with honest, freedom, happiness and equality.
• Science students are dominant with honest, ambitions, freedom, happiness and
comfortable life.
• Significant difference exists between arts and science students in perception of
certain values.
• Students from high income family are dominant with love, self-control,
honest, happiness, wisdom and freedom whereas students from low income
family are dominant with love, honest, wisdom, helpfulness, peace and self-
control. They are significantly differing with the perception of happiness,
freedom, helpfulness and peace.

Usha Sri (1993) has conducted a study titled ‘An Evaluation of Value
Education Provided at the Secondary Stage of Education in Tamil Nadu’. Researcher
has selected 620 students and 242 teachers from South Arcot and Tanjavur districts of
Tamil Nadu for the study. Tools used for the study were Students Value Inventory,
Review of Related Literature 49

Value Orientation inventory for Teachers, School Information Blank and

Questionnaire for Teachers Regarding Methods of Value Education. The value
orientation of the text book, content, curriculum, methods and implementation were
examined by using four tools.

The study reached on the following conclusions:

• The curriculum of Tamil Nadu for secondary stage education has options for
value orientation.
• The curriculum provided spaces for collecting and transacting additional
information, ideas, suggestions, reasons and methods of value orientation.
• Though there have options and spaces for value orientation, the secondary
stage education is not self-sufficient for effective value transaction.

Rajagopal (1994) has studied ‘The Development of Democratic Values

through Dilemma Discussion Model at Higher Secondary level’

Main objective of the study was to find the effect of dilemma discussion
model in improving democratic values among higher secondary level students.

Experimental method was adopted to develop the democratic values through

Dilemma discussion Model. The experimental groups were selected from
Government, Aided and Unaided schools. The study was a multi group pre-test –
post-test design.

The investigator had developed two tools for measuring democratic values and
value judgment. Personal Values Inventory by Sharma &Verma was also adopted for
the study.

Democratic Values Questionnaire, Value Judgment Questionnaire and

Personal Values Inventory were used to collect data.


• The three groups do not differ significantly in their level of democratic values
after experiment.
Review of Related Literature 50

• Dilemma discussion model significantly improved the democratic values of

the experimental groups.
• There is a significant development in value judgment of students of standard
XI in all the three groups and also a significant association is found between
value judgment and democratic value development among them after the

Palmer (1995) conducted a research to examine the effects of the designed

value education training programme on the attitude and academic score of high school
students of Texas Urban Education District, Texas, USA. It was a study based up on
gender, ethnicity and attitude regarding school life. Study reached on the following

a. Students who were exposed to the value education training programme and
students who were not exposed to value education training programme
perform similarly on academic achievement.
b. Students who were exposed to the value education training programme were
influenced with more favourable attitude towards school.
c. Female students who exposed to value education training programme show
favourable attitude and academic achievement than that of male students.

Nanda (1996) conducted a study regarding approaches of value education in

India and their effectiveness. The study focused on value education approaches
prevailing in India. Researchers took up Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam
and eight cults or schools of thought founded by great spiritualists and humanists of
modern India namely Sri Ramakrishna Parmahamsa, Swami Dayananda Maharshi, Sri
Dada T L Vaswani, Sri Aurobindo, Sri Stya Sai Baba, Sri J Krishnamurthy, Sri K M
Munshi, and Sri Swami Chinmayananda. Researchers studied theoretical frame work
of these prominent educational approaches and actual implementation of these
approaches in schools and their effectiveness. They selected one school from each of
these philosophical thoughts to conduct the study.

The study explains the theoretical frame work of all these thoughts in details.
Researchers collected data on practices of schools to provide EHV (Education for
Human Values) programmes in their institution. Study gives analysis of researchers’
Review of Related Literature 51

comparison of the theoretical frame work and actual practice. Assessment of the
practices of schools for implementing EHV has explained. They graded the schools
based on the analysis of data. The analysis revealed that the school that follows
Christianity practices EHV programme in high standard. The study also explains
merits and demerits, strength and weaknesses of each of the practice of the concerned

Aikaterini and Anastasia (1998) conducted a study entitled ‘The Influence of

Traditional Values of Education on Greek Students’ Real and Ideal Self-Concepts.’
The study mainly aimed to identify students’ real and ideal self-concepts with respect
to their acceptance or rejection of the traditional values of Greek education. Study
also aimed to examine the relationship between real and ideal components of self-
concept. The self-reported questionnaire was used to collect the data pertaining to


• The students’ internalization of traditional values influences their real self-

concepts and ideal self- concepts.
• The factor analysis for the dimensions of self-concepts revealed a disparity
between the components of real self-concept and ideal self-concept.

Vijayalaxmi (2002) conducted a study on teachers’ perception of values to be

developed among school children. The study also aimed to find significance of
difference in perception of values to be developed among school children between
teachers working in:

a. Telugu medium and English medium schools

b. Rural and Urban schools
c. Primary and secondary schools , and
d. Between male and female teachers.

Major findings were:

• Teachers have high level perception on values to be developed among school

Review of Related Literature 52

• Rural and Urban teachers differed significantly in their perception on values

that are to be developed among students.
• English medium school teachers are behind while comparing with Telugu
medium teachers in their perception on values to be developed among school
• Primary and secondary level school teachers have almost same level of
perception on values to be developed among students.
• Male teachers are having comparatively high level of perception than their
female counterparts on values that are to be developed among students

Kanwar (2004) conducted a comparative study among school teachers and

college teachers based on their values and attitude towards teaching profession. The
study titled ‘A Comparative Study of Values and Attitudes of School and College
Teachers towards Teaching Profession’.

Descriptive method of research has been employed for the study. Sample was
480 teachers from schools and colleges. Researcher considered the values in six
categories namely, theoretical, economic, aesthetic, social, political and religious
values to find out the relationship of each of them among school and college teachers
attitude towards teaching profession.

It is found out that:

• Certain values are positively correlated with attitude towards teaching

profession among both the college and school teachers. Aesthetic, economic,
political and religious values are positively correlated while social values
negatively correlated.
• The school teachers have been found higher in the theoretical value than the
college teachers.
• School and college teachers are found with equal state other than theoretical
• No significant difference in the theoretical value acquisition among male
teachers and female teachers either at college or at school.
Review of Related Literature 53

Saoji (2006) has conducted an analytical study to find the importance of value
education in the Gram Geeta of Tukodoji Maharaj. Title of the study was ‘Analytical
Study of Value Education in ‘Gram Geeta’ of Respected National Saint Tukdoji
Maharaj.’ A questionnaire based on the various values depicted by Gram Geeta was
constructed by the investigator. A combination of The Historical Research and Survey
Method has been well employed for the study. Data has collected from 500 preachers
of Gram Geeta through the questionnaire and from the 50 experts through Interviews.

The study proved that Gram Geeta of Tukodoji Maharaj is effective to transact
values. It is able to inculcate the values like Patriotism, Dignity of Labour,
Punctuality, Sensitivity towards Nature, Humbleness, Cleanliness, Respect for All
Religions, National Integrity and Scientific Attitude. Study persuaded effective
implementation of Gram Geeta for school students to promote their value sense.

Anshu Narad (2007) has carried out a research entitled “A Study of Personal
Values of Senior Secondary School Students in Relation to School Environment and
Home Environment”. The study was conducted in three cultural regions of Punjab

Descriptive Survey method has been employed for the study. 900 senior
secondary school students, 300 from each cultural region of Punjab, namely, Doaba,
Majha and Malwa was drawn employing multi–stage random sampling technique.
Personal Value Questionnaire (Sherry and Verma, 1977) and School & Home
Environment Inventory (Misra, K.S) were the tools used.

Major findings of the Study:

• There is no significant cultural region difference among senior secondary

school students with respect to Religious, Social, Hedonistic and Power
values, but they differed significantly with respect to Democratic, Aesthetic,
Economic, Family Prestige and Health values.

• The senior secondary school students studying in Government and Private

schools of the selected cultural regions did not differ significantly with respect
to Religious, Social, Democratic, Aesthetic, Knowledge, Power and Family
Review of Related Literature 54

Prestige values but they differed significantly with respect to Economic,

Hedonistic and Health values.
• The School Environment of senior secondary schools as perceived by the
students of three cultural regions of Punjab, that is, Doaba, Majha and Malwa
did not differ significantly with respect to Permissiveness dimension of school
environment , but, it differed significantly with respect to creative stimulation,
cognitive encouragement, acceptance, rejection and control dimensions.
• The Home Environment of students of three cultural regions of Punjab did not
differ with respect to Permissiveness dimension, but it differed significantly
with respect to Control, Protectiveness, Punishment, Conformity and Social

Rajindar Toong (2007) did a research work on ‘Value Patterns of School

Teachers in Relation to Life Satisfaction and Personality Dimensions’. It was aimed
to study the value patterns, life satisfaction and personality dimensions of school
teachers. Sex, level of school, type of management of school, locale, experience of
teachers, subject of teaching and marital status of teachers were the criterion variables
considered for the study.

Exploratory Survey method has been employed in a sample of 600 school

teachers drawn from 46 selected schools. Other than the Personal Data Sheet
constructed by the investigator, Teacher Value Inventory by H.L. Singh & S.P.
Ahluwalia and Life Satisfaction Scale by Promila Singh & George Joseph were used
to collect data.

Findings of the study can be concluded thus:

• The score distributions for all the selected variables, namely measures of
values, life satisfaction, extra version and neuroticism dimensions of
personality tended to be normal or near normal in most of the cases.
• Significant positive relationship exists between values and personality
dimensions of school teachers.
• There is significant relationship between values and life satisfaction among
school teachers for the subsample with respect to sex, experience, subject of
Review of Related Literature 55

teaching and type of management of school, but the relationship between these
variables are not significant for the subsamples based on locale and marital

Rippenand Jaswal (2007) done a research effort titled ‘Impact of Parent’s

Education and Occupation on Children for Learning Values through Teaching Values
Programme’. Objective of the study focused to find out the effectiveness of teaching
values through value education programme.

The experimental research design was conducted with the sample 450 students
between the age group of 6-7 years from the urban area schools situated in Ludiana
city. A ‘Teaching Values’ Programme was designed to inculcate eleven universal
values in children by means of stories, songs, discussion, and arts. A self-structured
socio-demographic performance and ‘teaching values’ questionnaire was used to
collect data.

The results revealed that:

• Parents’ educational qualification is not significantly associated with

children’s learning of values through ‘teaching values’ programme in the
experimental group.
• Parent’s occupation was not found to be significantly associated with learning
of values.
• The Teaching Values Programme was effective to promote students learning
of values.

Amit (2008) made an attempt to study the practice of personal values among
rural and urban students of secondary schools. Study was titled ‘A Comparative Study
of Personal Values of Rural and Urban Students of Secondary School’.

The normative survey method was adopted for the conduct of the research.
240 students were chosen randomly from secondary schools. The personal value
questionnaire was used to collect data.

Findings of the study were:

Review of Related Literature 56

• Secondary school boys are significantly higher than girls in retaining personal
• Students studying in rural schools are high in religious, economic, hedonistic,
power and family prestige values. Students studying in urban schools are
significantly higher than students studying in rural schools in social,
democratic, knowledge and health values.

Jesudoss (2008) studied the influence of personal values, well-being and

achievement motivation of the B. Ed trainees on their communicative behaviour.

Researcher reached on the following results regarding values:

• There is significant difference between the male and female trainees in their
religious, democratic, hedonistic and power values, but there is no significant
difference between male and female B. Ed trainees in their aesthetic,
economic, knowledge, family prestige and health values.
• There is no significant difference among Scheduled Caste (SC), Most
Backward Caste (MBC), Backward Caste (BC) and Other Backward Caste
(OBC) BEd trainees in their religious, social, democratic, aesthetic, economic,
knowledge, hedonistic, power, family prestige and health values.
• There is significant association between annual income and social and
democratic values of the B. Ed trainees but there is no significant association
between annual income and religious, aesthetic, economic, knowledge,
hedonistic, family prestige and health values of the B. Ed trainees.

Vengat Krishnan (2008) has adopted a longitudinal research design to find the
residential MBA program of Students’ values. Topic of the study was ‘The Impact of
MBA Education on Students Values: Two Longitudinal Studies’.

This study had adopted longitudinal research design and the data was collected
over 7 years from a business school in India. Values were measured when students
entered the program, and again when they graduated. Sample in the 1st study was 229
students chosen from three consecutive graduating classes. The 2ndstudy had the
sample of 138 students.
Review of Related Literature 57

Study reached on the following findings:

• self-oriented values like a comfortable life and pleasure become more

important and others-oriented values like being helpful and politeness become
less important over 2 years of course.
• The management education enhances self-monitoring and self-oriented values
and reduces the importance of others-oriented values.

Sabita (2009) conducted a study entitled ‘Perception of Values by Effective

and Ineffective Teachers in Relation to Sex, Age and Place of Habitation’. Method
employed was descriptive survey and the sample included 510 teachers. Teacher
Value Inventory by Singh & Ahluwalia and Scale for Judging Effective and
Ineffective Teachers developed by researcher were the tools used.

Major findings can be listed as follows:

• Male and female teachers differ significantly in economic, aesthetic, social

and political values.
• The young teachers were found to have high mean score in theoretical,
aesthetic, and social values, but the old teachers were found to have high mean
score in economic, political and religious values.
• Rural and Urban Teachers were found to have significant difference in
theoretical value.
• The effective teachers showed high mean score in theoretical and social
values, whereas, ineffective teachers showed high mean score in all other
• Significant differences were found among effective male and female teachers
in aesthetic and political values, but, ineffective male and female teachers
were found significantly different in economic, social, political and religious
• Effective and ineffective male teachers were found different in theoretical,
economic, aesthetic, social and political values, whereas effective and
ineffective female teachers showed significant difference in social and
religious values.
Review of Related Literature 58

• Effective young and old teachers did not differ in any kind of value, but,
ineffective young and old teachers differed in aesthetic value.

Veerpal (2010) conducted a research titled ‘Effectiveness of Jurisprudential

Inquiry Model of Teaching on Value Inclination of School Students’ that aimed to
highlight the effectiveness of jurisprudential inquiry model (JIM) on value inclination
of secondary school students belonging to different intelligence and socioeconomic
status (SES) groups. In order to see the effect of treatments on value inclination,
researcher used the four-way factorial nesting-cum-crossing experimental design.
Forty students were experimental group to treat with JIM and forty students were in
control group taught through conventional method. The treatment lasted for four
months. There were four parallel groups under each treatment, i.e. high intelligence
and high SES, high intelligence and low SES, low intelligence and high SES and low
intelligence and low SES. The study selected five values, namely, untouchability,
scientific outlook, citizenship, self-discipline and cooperation. Tool to measure these
values is value identification test. The results:

(i) JIM was significantly effective than conventional method in developing

ability to identify issues pertaining to four values, namely, untouchability,
scientific outlook, citizenship, self-discipline and cooperation among
(ii) High intelligent students attained significantly higher scores than low
intelligent group for the value of scientific outlook, and
(iii) Low SES students attained significantly higher scores in comparison to
high SES students in case of value of citizenship.

Taylor (2011) gives a thorough overview of values education in some

countries. His study can be précised as follows:


The Australian Government provides fund for value education in schools

through publications, resource aids and direct funding to school forums. A conference
on “Moral Education and Australian Values” was held in 2007 at Melbon derived
certain values under the heads Democratic values, Interpretive values and necessary
Review of Related Literature 59

values. The conference suggested for implementation of value education based on

these values at all school levels. Education sector of the country follows these
suggestions and regular monitoring of the same is made off.


Promotion of moral education by a large number of teachers in Japanese

primary and junior high schools was reported in 1988. Government became more
cautious because of fears of degradation of the school moral education system. Moral
decline in education scenario has scrutinized seriously by concerned authorities of
education administration of Japan. Restructuring of schools with moral atmosphere is
suggested. Many schools made adequate changes according to the suggestions.
Government supported continues practice of value education and implementation of
value education programmes.


Teacher training institutions in Singapore have curricula to teach moral and

civics education programmes - but students do not take these as seriously as they
should due to lack of assessment. The moral education has experienced the lack of
innovative teaching approaches or pedagogy. Policy makers of education ministry of
Singapore have concentrated on innovative pedagogical and transactional approaches
for value education. Collateral learning, Realia, Theatre elements based transaction,
opportunities for social experiences, Socialized Simulation Techniques and Voice
Collage were suggested as strategies for value education. Common test on value
education is conducted in teacher training institutions to mark the curricula seriously.


Values education is a part of Swedish schools. In everyday school life the

value education teaching is a must. The education system focuses the practice of
personal and democratic values through functions and discipline implementation. But
it is observed that value education and school democracy often appeared to be
reduced to traditional disciplining with high focus on rules and regulations. This in
Review of Related Literature 60

turn evokes some critiques among students. On the light is of this relapse, government
machineries take steps to evoke value education more practical.


In Thailand, values have traditionally been taught within the context of

Buddhist religious education. Since 1982 there has been a revival of applied values as
an extracurricular activity suitable for Buddhist, Muslim and Christian students alike.
The value teaching is followed all schools. Secular outlook has given to values
education. Programmes of value education implementation made compulsory in the

United Kingdom

Since 1988 the British government, although not calling it values education,
has promoted and inspected values in the guise of spiritual, moral, social and cultural
development (SMSCD). Government leaves the initiative to individual schools to
decide how values education standards should be met. It is not clear whether these
attempts are called ‘values education’. It should be noted that the Government and
state school systems have never called it ‘values education’. Values education courses
in Britain may be implemented in the form of government supported campaigns such
as Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning (SEAL).

Koruklu and Hilal (2012) conducted a study to determine whether there have
any changes in the conceptualization of value preferences among prospective
teachers’ during their university studies. Sample included 208 prospective teachers.

Results show thus:

• In terms of gender there were significant differences in Aesthetic value

dimension in favor of the female prospective teachers.

• According to the level of the grade, all fourth grade prospective teachers’
Theoretical and Political values were higher than first grade prospective
Review of Related Literature 61

• First grade prospective teachers’ Economic and Religious values were

found higher than fourth grade prospective teachers’.

• There is significant relationship between prospective teachers’ studying

field and values.

Raudenbush and Marshall (2012) have done a research to find the self-
assessment of teachers on their values. Teachers of different school districts were
selected for the study. The self-assessments of teachers are varied personally. It is also
varied from educational district to educational district. As a follow up of the research
work, the researcher has given the scores of self-assessment of values to the
respondents. Teachers themselves want to compare their scores with those of others
and use them to improve their work.

Anilkumar (2013) conducted a study titled ‘Value Integrated Education and

Student Behaviour: A Constructive and Experimental Study’. The study mainly aimed
to test the effect of value integrated education on value based behavior and value
attainment of upper primary school students. It was a pretest- posttest quasi
experimental study. Sample was 42 upper primary school students in control group
and experimental group. Value Attainment Test and Value Based Behaviour Scale
developed by the researcher are the tools used for data collection.

The study found out that:

• Value integrated education modifies value based behavior of school


• Value integrated education is effective for improving value based behavior

in the school, family and other social contexts of upper primary school

• Value integrated education leads to value attainment of upper primary

school students.
Review of Related Literature 62

• Value integrated education is effective for the attainment of the core

human values by school students irrespective of their intelligence and
socio-economic status.

Tahir and Turhan (2013) conducted a study which aimed to define the
teaching of the value of ‘Paying Attention to Being Healthy’ in elementary Social
Sciences course and to determine the students’ attitude towards this value. An
experiment based on activities to teach the value of ‘paying attention to being healthy’
were prepared and conducted. A combination created by the use of qualitative and
quantitative research patterns was employed in the study. Tools used for data
collection was, ‘Attitude Scale of Being Healthy’ and ‘the Interview Form’.

The study revealed that:

• There exists significant difference among the control and experiment

groups in the ‘paying attention to being healthy’ value at post experimental

• The activities developed according to value teaching methods had a

positive effect on the students’ attitudes and behaviours towards being

Sampio and et al (2013), conducted a work on ‘focuses on students’

perception of values, trust and loyalty and how these constructs are connected in the
context of higher education in Brazil’. The researchers conducted a survey among
undergraduate students in Brazil.

The findings were:

• Trust in teaching faculty and trust in other staff positively affects students’
trust in management policies and practices

• Trust in management policies and practices and trust in faculty have

positive impact on perceived values; and, perceived values strongly affect
student loyalty.
Review of Related Literature 63

Erosy and Taner(2013) conducted a study to analyze the value education

programmes in primary education in Turkey. Researchers identified that some values
like assiduity, scientific temper, responsibility and respect to variety are essential
values for primary education. The target of this study was to examine the integration
of these essential values in the text books of social studies at 6th grade and 7th grade
in terms of approaches of values education.

Findings of the study:

• Approaches of value analysis and suggestions are given in 6th and 7th grade
text books

• Moral reasoning, explanation of values and observation/learning through

modeling are not given in text books.

• The given value contents are effectively transacted at the grade classes.

• The identified essential values are not directly discussed in the primary
education sector.


Many Indian and foreign research studies in the field of value education were
identified during the process of review. It can be seen that investigators studied many
aspects of value education and its implementation. Studies involved all levels of
education like schools, colleges, training colleges and other professional courses like
MBA, MBBS, and Engineering. Variables like value aspiration, value acquisition,
value pattern, and value content are studied by many. At the same time studies
specifically focused on value perception and value orientation are rare.

Most of the researchers developed tools by themselves for the data collection
of their study. Some of the popular tools used by researchers are Rokeach’s Human
Value Preference Schedule, Rokeach’s Value Survey, Allport - Vernon – Lindzey
scale of values, Teacher Values Inventory by Sing and Ahluwalia, School
Environment Inventory by Misra K S and Personal Values Inventory by Sharma and
Review of Related Literature 64

Different types of studies are reviewed. There have Analytical studies, Content
analysis, Historic research, Literary research, Experimental studies, Survey studies
and Longitudinal studies. Studies are done in Qualitative and Quantitative design and
also in a combination of both designs. Generalizations of the studies epitomize the
role of value education in the general education system. The review helped the
researcher to zero in on the extent of the research work carries out. The review
supported researcher to develop tools, design the method, frame objectives and frame
the research works in total.

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