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RQ1 What is the context does people use zoom application?

RQ2 What are the advantages of using zoom application?

RQ3 What are the disadvantages of using zoom application?

RQ4 What is likelihood to recommend the zoom application?

Review # 1

We are using Zoom all across UW Advancement and even had a 300-employee face-to-face meeting. I
use it at least once a day since Mar 6th when I began working remotely. I use the audio, video, chat and
screen share to continue working and it is not that much different from being in the office. I feel that I
am actually more productive since I have more control over distractions when working from home.

 Easy to set up.

 Easy to use.

 Great for collecting team feedback.

 Great for collaboration.

 In my personal life, we tried it for choir practice and it was an epic fail.

 Have the yes/no/raised hand more easily visible to whomever is speaking at the moment.

Very well suited when a single person is speaking at a time. Very well suited for when you need to
discuss something that requires visual feedback. Great for feeling connected to others when working
together remotely. Completely unusable for a choir with multiple people trying to sing from multiple
remote locations.

Review # 2

Zoom is used by individual teachers to participate in training sessions and webinars. We also use it to be
able to bring in speakers that normally would not be able to come into our classrooms.

 The controls for the Zoom while in the meeting are relatively easy to find and understand.

 It is nice to be able to control how you see other members of the meeting.
 The meeting invitation that is received before the meeting gives clear directions that are easy to

 As a school with limited budgets, we are currently using the free version so our recorded
meeting length is limited. It would be nice to see that limit increased or removed.

 I had one meeting where we joined through the invitation, but had no sound. We then had to
also call into the meeting to be able to hear. There was no clear direction on why we had to this
or what we could change.

I have had the opportunity to use Zoom both at work and in graduate school. Zoom was a great tool to
use to meet with my classmates when we were working on group projects. To be able to have those
conversations in real time was very beneficial. It has also proven very helpful to bring training into our
school district. It has allowed us to decrease expenses to bring in trainers to implement new programs.

Zoom Rooms

I have participated in Zoom Rooms through my graduate school courses. These were a nice feature to be
able to set-up class meeting times and to have a chance to meet with my professors in real time. It made
my online courses feel more interactive and allowed for more participation.

Review # 3

I believe a few of us are using Zoom currently. Zoom allows for me to set up meetings at the click of a
few buttons and allows for me to share screens back and forth with our partners and customers. I was
first introduced to Zoom by one of our customers and I've loved it. Zoom google calendar integration
scheduling cuts down on scheduling time!

 Zoom is a great way to share screen back and forth in a meeting. I've found that it's reliable and
doesn't have much lag.

 Great Google Calendar integration that makes inviting people to Zoom meetings seamless. This
is one of the coolest features for sure!

 The calling audio quality is great!

 I have had the app send out links that don't work before and needed to resend out invites.

 Sometimes the app needs to be restarted if you have it set to start app when the computer
starts up. Not sure if it's half starting up or what.

 I've had the app crash before during a meeting, but it's been a while. I'd like to see more
functionality on pushing the meeting to our TV.
Zoom is great for scheduling meetings through Google Chrome! Love the integration there. The app
screen shares well and I've had very little problems with using Zoom. Having the meeting link in the
Google Calendar app is a Godsend! I've had a few wires crossed while using the app in which I needed to
generate new meeting links.

Review # 4

Our entire sales organization uses Zoom for our meetings. There are approximately 60 salespeople, with
the bulk of them selling into the small/medium business sector. We conduct our meetings over the
telephone and are selling SaaS, so it's very important for our prospective buyers to be able to see the
product in use. Having Zoom Video helps create a personal touch. You can see if your meeting attendee
is engaged or bored.

 Widely used- if your clients haven't used a certain product, they have to download which can
slow down the meeting. I've found that most clients have already used Zoom.

 Ease of use - It's self explanatory on how to use it.

 Sometimes my Zoom plugin will get disconnected from my Outlook but that could be an Outlook

Zoom is very important for sales. Sales are personal, you have to gain trust from your prospect to be a
successful salesperson. Being able to see the person you are presenting to allows you to build
immediate rapport. You both become real people and there's now a human element to this
conversation over technology. You can also see if your prospect is engaged or bored- much easier to pick
up on buying signs by being able to see your connection.

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