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IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-MAHDI (pbuh) - THE GUIDED ONE He was born on the 15" of Sha’ban 255 A.H. in Samarra. His father is Imam Hasan Al-Askery (pbuh) and his mother was Sayyida Nargis. Imam is still alive and in this year (1431 A.H.) he is 1,176 years old). He is OUR Imam. Every week he gets a report of what we do from the angels recording our deeds with Allah’s permission. He feels very sad when he sees if we have done something that is naughty or bad. Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (pbuh) is in ghayba. This means that although he is amongst us we do not recognise him when we see him. Whenever we need help we must ask Allah through Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (pbuh) Whenever we hear his name we should bow down, put our hand on our head and recite salawaat. When Allah orders, Imam will make himself known to us. We must pray to Allah to make this happen quickly and to keep Imam safe. When he makes himself known to the world, he will want us to be his soldiers so that the world can be a better place. A world of justice. We should prepare to be his soldiers by being the best of Muslims - Page 102 by having taqwa (keeping away from all haram acts and doing all the wajib acts). Page 103 IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-MAHDI (pbuh) - THE GUIDED ONE 545 GIS BUI Sb Ubu a5 4 ga ate “And Say: The truth has come and falsehood has vanished, Indeed falsehood is a vanishing (thing).” Suratu Bani Israil - 17:81 “One who dies without knowing his/her Imam of the period, dies the death of ignorance.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ell gd bead Gist le BU YL tlt pales 4 til plas 3 “And We intend to bestow our ‘avour upon those who were considered weak in the land and to make them the Aimma and to make them the heirs.” Suratul Qasas - 28:5 Imam's army will consist of 10.000 mu'mineen. He will fight Kufr and the forces of Sufyani and Dajjal and will gain victory. His objective will be the complete eradication of injustice. “Beware, it will be tomorrow and the morrow will come soon with things which you do not know. The Man in power i.e. Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (pbuh) not from this crowd will take to task all those who were formerly appointed i..e. leaders for their ill deeds The earth will pour forth its internal treasures and bring before him easily her keys. He will show you the just way of behaviour and Page 104 revive the Qur'an and Sunna which will have become lifeless (among people).” Imam Ali (pbuh) - Nahjul Balagha The conditions prevailing in this world before his dhuhur will be a decline in the human being’s moral life, when oppression and tyranny will be rampant and when mankind will have fallen into the abyss of crime and immorality. Humanity would be tired and fed up with the shape of things and would quite naturally look forward to a saviour for its liberation. “When the situation is like this, then the Head of the Religion (Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi A.S.) will rise and people will gather around him as pieces of rainless cloud during autumn.” —_ Imam Alii (pbuh) Having liberated humanity from its misery and curse, Imam will then bring about a transformation of life in which justice, peace, virtue and righteousness will abound. Thus will the Awaited Saviour accomplish his mission. “He will direct desires towards guidance while people will have turned to desires and he will turn their views to the direction of the Qur’an while the people will have turned the Qur’an to their views”.Imam Ali (pbuh) Imam will establish his government in Kufa and his treasury in Masjidus Sahla. Page 105 IMAM MUHAMMAD AL-MAHDI (pbuh) IS OUR GUIDE! One day, a good man called Syed Muhammad Amili was travelling through the desert with a group of people, when he got lost. Syed Amili searched and searched for his group but could not find them. It soon became dark. He was tired, hungry, frightened and alone in the hot desert. He was preparing to die when suddenly he saw some water. He went to the water, drank some and then did Wudhu and prayed his Salaat. After his Salaat he felt very weak, and just lay there. All of a sudden he saw a person riding a horse getting closer and closer to him. When the rider reached Syed Amili, he greeted him and asked him what the matter was. Syed Amili explained that he was lost and hungry. On hearing this, the rider asked why Syed Amili had not eaten the melons that were behind him. Syed Amili turned around, and was surprised to find some melons. Page 106 The rider then told him to eat one melon and take the rest with him and pointed out the direction he was to go in to find his group. Then the rider disappeared. Syed Amili then realised that it was our i 12th Imam, Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (pbuh), who had helped him. Syed Amili reached his group safely. Moral: Although we cannot see our 12" Imam, he can see us and he knows when we need his help, and he comes to help us. ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. What did Syed Amili do when he saw the water in the desert? 2. What advice did the rider give to Syed Amili? 3. Who was the rider? Page 107 Imam means Leader Imam Circle all the things you would do as a follower for your Imam - Imam Muhammad Al-Mahdi (pbuh) i Prepare to be a soldier for Imam (pbuh) Have bad akhlaq Pray on time Y Love Imam sy a Follow the way of Shaytan Seek Knowledge ©) Have a good akhlaq towards others Write to Imam regularly Make Imam sad by having a bad record sheet Page 108 I Know my Imam... My present Imam Full Name: Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Date of Birth: ... Place of Birth: .. One who guides even though we cannot see him Children and Names: Date of Death: ... Burial Site: One Hadith / Saying: Another Hadith / Saying: The Ma’sum who: (write one specific aspect of his life by which you can remember him). Page 109

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