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Create a file 'Employee' with fields 'Name', 'Age' 'Sal' and city then write a
program to read all records and display on console.
File should have at least 10 record. Use upddta to add record to file.
For example:

Console output:
Name = 'ABCD'
Age = 25
Sal = 25000
City = LKO

2. Wap to read above file and write all record to another file 'Student' with
fields'Name', 'Age' 'Sal' and 'city'. Without using corresponding verb.

3. Wap to read above file and write all record to another file 'Student' with
fields'Name', 'Age' 'Sal' and 'city'. By using corresponding verb.

4. Wap to read above file and write all record to another file 'Student' with
fields'SName', 'SAge' 'SSal' and 'Scity'. Without using corresponding verb.

4. Wap to move only those record from file 'Employee' to file 'Candt'whose age is
greater than 18 and lives in lucknow.

5. Wap to calculate total salary of file 'Employee'.

6. Wap to count how many records have name length less than 7.

For example file has three record.

Name = 'Abhishek'
Age = 23
Sal = 25000
City = LKO
Name = 'Ravi'
Age = 26
Sal = 300000
City = Kanpur
Name = 'Ashutosh'
Age = 22
Sal = 25000
City = Delhi

Output: Total number of records having name less than 7 is 1.

7. Wap to create a file 'Account' with field 'Name', 'Age' and Acount number(length
07) take input from console and write 5 record to file 'Account'.

8. Create a file 'Manager' with one field 'Name' and Age and write 5 record to it
through console then write another program to append few more records to it.

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