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It is without doubt that diet is one of the most important aspects in being healthy and living a better

life,but most of the times this aspect is overlooked.People don’t give so much attention to eating habits
and the consequences will start to appear and will have a dramatic impact on people’s lives.
Unfortunately there are some people that are more exposed to eating unhealthy and there is a need of
being more cautious in this regard.

It is often said that well-fed children work harder in school.This might sound generally true but it needs
to be considered the diet of those children.Some of the parents pack some food for the children to eat
at school which is generally healthy,but most of them give them some money to buy some food.In that
case children are more tented by advertisements placed on billboards or by local fast food restaurants
to eat more unhealthily.This will affect them longterm in the sense that if they continue eating in that
rithm, they will eventually become overweight.

With regard to students ,it can be said that they are more likely to test new things .Consequently,they
are more likely to try new kinds of foods or beverages.One notable example when students meet to
discuss new things while drinking a cup of coffee.If they enjoy too much coffee, they will eventually use
it to keep themselves awake with negative consequences in terms of sleeping and late-night eating
habits which will make them more likely to have insomnia,diabetes or even become obese.

On the balance the children will be more at risk of eating unhealthily due to the fact that they are easier
to be influenced.After all the children will be the future students and adults and prevention is easier
than treatment.Teaching healthy eating and lifestyle will improve the children’s life and the actions they
take will reflect in the future adult life.

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