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1 Why would Specter not want to go backwards in a time machine?

D Both B and C

2 According to Specter, why is America one of the only countries in the

world where the vaccine rate for measles is going down?

BA story was published that linked autism to the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella

3 What does Specter say is the reason we have lost faith in institutions, in
authority, and sometimes even science itself?

D All of the above

4 According to Specter, what happens when we go down the road to

where belief and magic replace evidence and science?

A Coffee enemas are replacing cancer treatment

5 How does Specter define science in simple terms?

B A process

6 What is your personal routine with taking vitamins or immune-building products

like echinacea? Do you believe it is really effective?

Yes i think vitamins and immune-building products are really effective and can help to prevent deaseas
and imporove our imine system

7 Do you think that there is a way that eastern medicine and western medical
science can find a balance to benefit society together? How?

An comparison of Eastern and Western approaches to medicine is necessary to evaluate the validity of
Oriental medical techniques such as acupuncture. The development of medicine in Western nations
follows the way of hypothetical deduction and the Eastern approach uses the inductive method. The
way the society can benefit is by using both techniques

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