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Cornavirus and Homeopathy: Suggested medicines are:

 Chininum  Mur: Eye affections alongwith fever. Mostly  used in the first stage of vasodilation
and Central nervous affections.Fever that increases in the early afternoon resistant to common
Antipyretics. Dry and Irritated cough.Weakness more evident in the evening. They feel they fell ill
despite having done everything possible not to become infected and because of this they feel
was the fault of others who were not paying attention.
 Grindelia: Acts on Pneumo gastric nerve interfering with respiration producing profuse secretion
in bronchial tubes. Mostly used in the Consolidation phase with altered gas exchange. Asthma
with tenacious expectoration which relieves. Stops breathing when falling asleep,wakes with a
start and gasps for breath. Weakness in early hours of the morning.Throbbing occipital
headache. Dry paroxysms of cough.
 Camphora: Fever continues ,no change during the day. Lot of sweating with chill and
accompanied by sense of fatigue. Headache with feeling of pressure from inside or outside.
Dysponea with minimal exertion. Watery and persistent rhinorrhoea. Oliguria perceived with
alarm so used in later stages where there is multisystem involvement.
 Bryonia: Cough dry,painful,feels worse by any movement ,cough can hurt stomach,digestion
may be disturbed,dry mouth.
 Calc Carb: Bronchitis after a cold,cough may be troublesome or tickling  aggravated by lying
down,chilly,clammy hands and feet. Removes Calcification in lungs and imparts strength.
 Hepar Sulph: Hoarse rattling cough with yellow mucus,sensitive to cold,a minor draft sats off
jags of coughing. Cold  food or drink make things worse.

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