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Yoga Exercises For Tantric Training

The whole cycle, and economy of the energy in the human body-framework revolves around
the seven focuses of force. It is also known as the CHAKRAS – that administer over every one of
the types of energy that brings life to a person.
They are the controllers, and organizers of the progression of the various energies, and
simultaneously go about as certifiable reception apparatuses for the vitality trade among man
and the Universe, or between multiple people. The 7 CHAKRAS are put outside the physical
body, and subsequently might be seen distinctly by unique insight, or mostly by specific
sophisticated Hi-tech gadgets. The 7 CHAKRAS are, in their order:
1. MULADHARA, at the lowest tip of the spine, and in the region of the perineum; associated
with the smallest, and most thick (or "heavy," gross, slow-vibrating) types of energy,
symbolically called the Earth-energy. Related with the essentialness of the being, the vitality
battery of the human radio-set. Here are the premises of the baffling vitality KUNDALINI, the
potential of the cosmic fusion.
2. SVADHISHTHANA, three breadths of the finger over the foundation of the penis for men, and
clitoris for ladies; associated with the Water and Moon energies, and the impulses and they're
going with feelings. The mass-consciousness.
3. MANIPURA, at the degree of the navel, associated with the Fire, and solar energies, and
dynamism, aspiration, inner self, development, will.
4. ANAHATA, in the chest, relating to the Air energies, and to the full of feeling and aesthetic
5. VISHUDDHA, in the territory of the neck, associated with the vitality of the Ether (or AKASHA
TATTVA), and with the intellectual instinct, and purity.
6. AJNA, in the temple, also known as the"third eye"; associated with the Macrocosmic mental
energies, and the exceptional limits of the psyche: telepathy, unique insight, spellbinding, and
so on.
7. SAHASRARA, over the highest point of the head, permitting the opening towards the
Supreme Absolute, and allowing the state of wisdom, and enlightenment.

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