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EURYTHMY ESOTERIC VOWELS MEDITATION Imagine yourself standing in the middle of an encircled 7-pointed star, facing forward. Your eyes can be open or closed. Let your arms be loose by your sides. The Sun, the only Star in the circle, is behind you. Venus is on your right-side wing, slightly diagonally behind you. Mercury is on your right-side arm, slightly diagonally in front of you. Moon, the planet Earth’s faithful companion, is in front of you on your right-foot side, and Mars on your left-foot side. Jupiter is on your left-arm side, slightly diagonally in front of you. Saturn is on your left-side wing, slightly diagonally behind you. Complete the first round of circle imagination by returning to the Sun behind you. Repeat the circle imagination, this time focusing on the colors. White shimmering of the Sun illuminates your back. The white turns green as it goes through Venus, and then yellow as it meets Mercury. When transiting through Moon in front of you, the color changes to violet, and then Mars gives it a red glow. Encounter with Jupiter makes the shine orange; Saturn transforms the passing color into indigo blue. All the hues dissolve into pure white when reunited with the Sun again. The third time around the imaginary circle, speak the vowels, consciously forming each one of them in your mouth, while the breath makes the larynx vibrate. Begin with AU (pronounced “ah-oo”), and feel the energy of the Sun at your back. Then let Venus sing A (pronounced “ah”) through you, followed by Mercury and I (pronounced “ee”). The Moon to caresses your vocals in AI (pronounced “ah-ee”), and Mars gently creates the protective boundary with E (pronounced “eh”). Jupiter will help you embrace the space with O (pronounced “oh”). Visit your inner chambers with Saturn and U (pronounced “oo”), before you expand into the AU (pronounced “ah-oo”) of the Sun anew. Continue the meditation by consciously walking the path of your vowels. Until you memorize the form, you can hold the drawing or mandala in your hands. Face forward so that your back is always open to the Sun when you move. Let your arms be loose at your side as you step through the form. When you return to the center, place the arms across your chest in reverence. Walk your name's path three times. You can focus on your first name only, or add your middle and last names as well. Come back to the center after each part of your full name. Finish the Eurythmy Esoteric Vowels Meditation with I-A-O once or three times. At the end, stand in quiet reverence for a minute. Afterwards, sit down with a journal, and write your experience and any insights that you may have observed during the meditation.

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