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Something So Human

Being human is about more than the species you belong to.

Being human is about more than interpersonal connections and relationships.

Being human is about more than being human.


There’s just something so human about crying with your best friend because she

just got dumped.

There’s something so human about the feeling a new mother gets when holding

her newborn baby.

There’s something so human about the way one’s heart races when seeing

someone they like.

There’s something so human about blushing from embarrassment or even just

seeing someone you like.

There’s something so human about the way love targets unsuspecting victims

the most.

There’s something so human about tears racing down a beautiful face, their

beauty so unwavering.

There’s something so human about happiness that makes you smile so much

your face hurts.

There’s something so human about seeing the life in one’s eyes, faded or

There’s something so human about anger that compels you to dig your

fingernails into your palms and walk away.

There’s something so human about feeling so anchored to one place or person

that leaving seems… impossible.

There’s something so human about how we choose to define ourselves based on

what has happened, rather than what is happening.

There’s something so human about the tender way you hold someone close to

you when they’re hurting.

There’s something so human about how we look at life as a blessing and a


There’s something so painfully human about being human.

There’s something so wonderfully human about being human.

There’s something so terribly human about being human.

There’s something so human about being human.

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