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Abby Hughes

Common App Essay

7 October 2019

What Are Your Talents?

What makes people unique from one another? Some may say because of their hair color,

skin tone, or simply gender. However, 14 out of 10,000 people born may say they are unique

from others because of the amount of chromosomes they are born with. With that said, do these

qualities define a person for who they really are?

As children, we are told to not judge a person by how they look rather who they are on

the inside. This concept did not become apparent to me until my freshman year of high school.

My first year in high school, I was chosen to assist the Special Education class during my study

hall. After accepting the offer, I was introduced to six children. Every child was unique by their

needs and abilities, ranging from the inability to eat to needing assistance in reading. While

sitting in the classroom, I was quick to notice how calm and patient the teacher was and I

admired her ability to present herself in a soothing manner to the children. These characteristics

are a challenge to express in such an environment and I never thought of myself being able to

obtain such a tranquil attitude, but I quickly adjusted because I began to understand the

imperative personality needed to work with such students.

Each day was a new day filled with new challenges. Some days I would have to help feed

students or some days I would have to help them figure out how to complete a puzzle. Everyday

was full of surprises, but surprises I loved. The students would open up a little bit more everyday

and it was amazing to get to know them as people. Each student possessed a different

personality. Some displayed shyness while others were goofy and outgoing. The teacher
complimented my ability to be patient, but also teach the children what is right from wrong in

different situations. I not only taught the students how to grow and act, but they also taught me

how to grow and act. After spending a couple weeks with the class, my love for each student

began to expand and my outlook on life began to change. I started to be more appreciative for the

abilities I have and with those abilities I wanted to make a difference in other people’s lives. I

continued to display a positive attitude for each child. Without knowing, the students taught me

what it means to be compassionate, patient, and kind. The teacher’s instilled the ability to be

patient with those more in need and to always be kind to others. My talent in working with

Special Education students is very rare for a young adult which makes me a unique individual.

To be able to care for such students takes maturity and experience which are both characteristics

I now have and will have forever.

As Aaron Perlow said, “You are obligated to understand that you are unique in the world.

There has never been anyone like you because, if there were, there would be no need for you to

exist. You are an utterly new thing in creation. Your life goal is to realize this uniqueness.” So,

what makes you unique? Is it your ability athletically or your ability to draw? For me, I am

unique not only because of my hair color, skin tone, and gender, but because I have the ability to

love, respect, and teach other people. I have learned to be compassionate to everyone and to not

judge by the way one looks. I have learned to understand the lives of other people and adapt

according to their needs. I believed I was placed in the Special Education class for a reason. As a

freshman in high school I lacked appreciation, graciousness, and affectionate characteristics.

Now a senior in high school, I can say that those children made a huge impact on my life and in

my life. I am a better person because of them and I aspire to be the person I am today, forever.

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